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What RTS games do you recommend? Starcraft? Warhammer? X-Com UFO series?

EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964

I just installed Starcraft, but havent played it yet. I was a big RTS in the late 90's and X-Com UFO defense had to be my favorite next to Wasteland on my C64.. LOL

Anyways I am just looking for that old magic once again that RTS had on many of us. I wouldnt mind doing fantasy in a RTS, but recommend more of a Sci-Fi Setting.

Before I sink my teeth into Starcraft, is there any other recommendations? I even tried looking for X-Com UFO series (depsite the graphics), I assume it still is a addicting game to me, but was unable to find a direct link to that old game.

Anyways, just curious on you folks and what you have played... New or Old RTS, it doesnt matter to me.


  • modjoe86modjoe86 Member UncommonPosts: 4,050

    Supreme Commander looks orgasmic, though I haven't played it.

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  • therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039

    X-com is actually a turn based tactical squad game, not real-time strategy.  That said, X-com is a brilliant game that still holds up well.  A compilation (X-com Collector's Edition) was released to make it compatible with windows way 99 -- I own it and still play it.  The second game in the series, Terror from the Deep, is now available on Steam.

  • Hades_WarpigHades_Warpig Member Posts: 265
    Originally posted by modjoe86

    Supreme Commander looks orgasmic, though I haven't played it.


    It is, just got it yesterday, cant stop playing it, amazing. Good strategy, epic units, big explosions, giant maps. Its a great RTS.

    Make sure you have a decent comp if you want to play it on max, later in a game at my main base i'll get 15-20fps. I have 2.8ghz dual core 512cache, 2gigs 800mhz ddr2 ram and 8800GTX. Thats on maxed gfx and no AA.


    Overall its one of the best RTS games i've played in a while and i'd say you couldnt really go wrong with it.


  • JrodJrod Member Posts: 234

    Age of Mythology. My favorite game ever.

  • ElapsedElapsed Member UncommonPosts: 2,329

    Command & Conquer 3, Supreme Commander, and Age of Empires 3 are all really good. I personally like C&C3 the most it doesn't try to throw a bunch of new mechanics in. It's just a well made, old style RTS.

    Company of Heroes is supposed to be good too but I don't like WWI or WII games.

    A new good game doesn't appear to be coming until atleast October, which is when Red Alert 3 is scheduled. Dawn of War 2 and Starcraft 2 are coming sometime later.

    I wish a major studio would make another RTS using sprite graphics. I went back and played the original AOE and the sprite graphics hold up very well.

  • Ryder22Ryder22 Member Posts: 132

    If your looking for a Scfi-fi, with a tad of fantasy, i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend "Rise of Nations"

    And I own supreme commander, great game, but you cant just jump right in.

    "The definition of over doesn't have to be, "The End"


  • heartlessheartless Member UncommonPosts: 4,993

    Company of Heroes is a great RTS game. I love how the troops move as a squad and take cover. Great game in my opinion.


  • Ryder22Ryder22 Member Posts: 132
    Originally posted by heartless

    Company of Heroes is a great RTS game. I love how the troops move as a squad and take cover. Great game in my opinion.


    I've ALWAYS wanted to try CoH, But i've always wondered how the skirmish mode is.

    "The definition of over doesn't have to be, "The End"


  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    In no particular order:

    • Age of Mythology
    • Age of Empires 1 2, and 3
    • C&C Red Alert
    • Dune
    • Sins of the Solar Empire
    • Star Craft
    • Warcraft

    loved all of em

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • heartlessheartless Member UncommonPosts: 4,993
    Originally posted by Ryder22

    Originally posted by heartless

    Company of Heroes is a great RTS game. I love how the troops move as a squad and take cover. Great game in my opinion.


    I've ALWAYS wanted to try CoH, But i've always wondered how the skirmish mode is.


    I like it. There are two types of games, one where you have to destroy the opposing team and one where you have to hold a victory objective. I haven't played the expansion yet, so maybe there are more.

    I think it's one of the better RTS games out there right now. The story line campaign is great. Each mission has main objectives and secondary objectives which, sometimes are known from the start and sometimes you find out about them if you explore the map. You also get experience as you progress through the mission and as you rise in level, you get command points which you can invest into various abilities like paratroopers, faster production, bomber or scout runs or better tanks.

    The cover system, is great in my opinion. Your units will attempt to take cover when they engage the enemy which adds to their defense and makes it look more realistic. Besides that, your units gain experience as well and become stronger. You can pin down enemies soldiers with machine gun fire and make them pretty much useless and make them retreat. Different units also have certain skills which you can manually activate. Like grenades or barbed wire cutters. You can also pick up dropped enemy weapons like machine guns, grenade launchers, mortars, etc. Or man artillery guns left behind by the enemies. You can also send your units into buildings to provide them with more cover. Snipers are especially good for this. Tank and vehicle combat is all about positioning as tanks have stronger armor in the front, you do bonus damage if you attack the enemy vehicles from behind. Also, regular infantry units can't really do any damage to tanks and need to be upgraded with anti-tank weapons.

    The AI will also utilize cover and will retreat if they are overwhelmed.

    All-in-all, it's a great game and I strongly urge any RTS fan to pick it up, if you haven't already.


  • Pappy13Pappy13 Member Posts: 2,138

    Personally I'd go with Dawn of War over Starcraft, but that's just my personal opinion.  It's gonna be interesting when Dawn of War II and Starcraft II comes out.


  • WolfenprideWolfenpride Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,988

    Homeworld and Homeworld 2

    My faviorate two RTS'S

    Bit old, but the graphics are still good id say, and the storyline and gameplay are solid

    Not to mention the game is hard, if you asked me anyways

  • ElapsedElapsed Member UncommonPosts: 2,329

    Originally posted by Ryder22
    If your looking for a Scfi-fi, with a tad of fantasy, i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend "Rise of Nations"
    And I own supreme commander, great game, but you cant just jump right in.

    You mean Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends, for short just Rise of Legends. The first Rise of Nations was a historical RTS. Sadly Rise of Legends or Rise of Nations never became popualr. No one plays them online. They are both good games and Rise of Legends is a nice change from the standard sci-fi and historical settings.

    I also forgot Universe at War and World in Conflict. I liked the UAW demo, but I doubt anyone would be playing it online so I didn't but it. I bought WOC because it was so well reviewed, but it is a weak RTS. It's like WOW of RTSs. I also hate being forced to team. I like the chance to win one on one.

  • PureChaosPureChaos Member Posts: 839

    Supreme Commander was Good, i would give it a 4/5

    But personaly but biggest RTS squeez was Dawn of WAr, its a great series keeping the classic game play mechanics but improving alot, biggest thing is , its not a game to turtle in, you are ment to fight, the more you expand the more mulah you get . I suggest giving it a try.


  • Jimmy_ScytheJimmy_Scythe Member CommonPosts: 3,586

    If you have a lot of machine and plenty of spare time then go with Supreme Commander. Be warned: This game will bring a mid-level PC to it's knees in short order. Also be warned: a full game can take upwards of three hours, I shit one not.

    I'm also partial to the 40K Dawn of War series. I'm sure Starcraft 2 will be awesome, but Dawn of war does it's own thing and does it very well. Just make sure you buy all the expansions as well or you'll be missing out on a lot of what makes the game so replayable now. Namely the campaign modes and multiplayer campaigns.

    I've only played the demo of Sins of A Solar Empire thus far. It's a nice game, but I have a lot of trouble keeping track of everything that's going on. The developers tried to design the maps so that players would only have to focus on a few choke points, but the logistical situation can be truly daunting. I'm sure I'd get the swing of it with a couple of days of playing, but the presentation is kinda dry and doesn't really compel me to play it. Still, It's getting a lot of love for a game that has no marketing so to speak.

  • firefly2003firefly2003 Member UncommonPosts: 2,527

    X-COM Series for the win and btw I really think this would make a interesting MMO if turned into one......

  • windstrike1windstrike1 Member Posts: 553

    Rise of nations is cool, but late game is always the same...  Wave after wave of troops into the meatgrinder and its quite possible to never finish a game, it just goes in circles.  But the early game strategy was fun.  Multiplay would be fun... But when it was new there was less than 10 people playing lol.  By the time you could get a game going I was so bored I'd just build V2 rockets, destroy all the wonders and log off. 


  • JackcoltJackcolt Member UncommonPosts: 2,170

    Command and Conquer Series

    Red Alert Series

    Warcraft Series


    Homeworld Series

    Cossacks Series

    Total War Series

    World in Conflict

    Sins of a Solar Empire(It's a mixture of 4X and RTS - might be of interest)

    Company of Heroes

    W40K: Dawn of War

    Earth Series

    Rise of Nations

    Empire at War

    Universe at War


    Dig in :D



  • EvelknievelEvelknievel Member UncommonPosts: 2,964


    Going to give a few a try, thanks for all the tips on choosing a right RTS to get into.

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