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Yes, the Mayan calander says something will happen on that day, now, what do you think will happen? I've heard stuff like
Aliens will come back and make a new calander
The world will blow up
Aliens will come and make us their slaves
A plague will happen and wipe out half the population
Technology will turn evil and kill us all unless we destory it
Armageddon will happen
The universe will enter the 'Big Rip' where since the universe is constantly expanding, it will eventually rip in the middle and everything will be ripped to shreads
Time will go back to the start
So, what do you all think will happen?
nothing life will go on normally is what i believe
on a purely entertainment point of view (im not stocking food), there are other civilizations that points out that Dec 21, 2012 is the last day.
The Oracleof Delphi in Ancient Greece stated that Dec 21 2012 is the last days. Also, the ancient chinese book, I Ching states Dec 21 2012 is the last day as well.
Nasa also reports in the later year of 2012, we will experience heightened solar flares and a complete eclipse of all planets in a solar system line up.
eh, who knows
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
It's the 21st of December.
Well the calendar doesn't say anything will happen that day. The calendar just stops. As do other calendars give or take a few days. It coincides with the winter solstice. Nothing is going to happen.
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Oh, the world is going to end. Like in 1983, 1997, 1999, 2000 and 2007.
I think that nothing will happen this day .
Obama will be elected and the world will end! lol!
... Obama is probably gonna be the president this year, too many democrats, and too many supporters from the primeries, plus, I think he would actually be a good president, it's just he won't do much about gangs.
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I will be buying myself a cake for my birthday, which is Dec 22nd. Let's see... At around 7AM the following morning, I'll officially be uh... 44?
Holy shit. I don't want to think about 2012 anymore. :P
I predict snow.
I kinda doubt anything will happen, maybe the mayans were just lazy. I AM however planning on having a cake party at my house that day, everyone will be bringing a cake. maybe for fun we'll go caroling "It's the end of the world as we know it" by REM.
I'm more likely to believe Isaac Newton who predicted that the end of the world would not come before the year 2060. I mean, c'mon, the guy figured out the laws of motion.
Did he? DID HE?!? Or was that staged just like the moon landing?! Just kidding, anyway when did he say this? I've read a few books on him but have never run across this, sounds kinda neat as he was such a bright man, I'd love to look into it.
... Obama is probably gonna be the president this year, too many democrats, and too many supporters from the primeries, plus, I think he would actually be a good president, it's just he won't do much about gangs.
I hope for the sake of this country that you're wrong. Then again, McCain isn't any better either. To me, I never voted on the whole "lesser of two evils" trip that most voters delude themselves into believing, it just never phased me.
Did he? DID HE?!? Or was that staged just like the moon landing?! Just kidding, anyway when did he say this? I've read a few books on him but have never run across this, sounds kinda neat as he was such a bright man, I'd love to look into it.
Thanks, interesting stuff.
Duke Nukem Forever will be released.
My god, you should suggest doing that to a millionaire so he can make a huge party in D.C. or something like that. IT WOULD BE AWESOME! Plus, the millionaire would get even richer from sponsers and the things they would sell.
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Nothing particularly out of the ordinary. Understand that the Mayan Long Count works on the assumption of two old ideas the Maya believed in: a cycle of creation/destruction of the universe and that the center of the known galaxy was the heart of it. The former is well known from the mythologies that have been translated from the Mayan ruins. The latter came as a logical consequence of properly understanding the myths, thus taking the objects in the sky in the myths, namely the rotation of the galaxy around its center. What's interesting is that the Maya had all the time in the world to just simply stare up at the sky and make the observations necessary to make the logical conclusions that the planet wasn't stationary (nor that our Sun was either), and that we were orbiting the galactic core. The Long Count in this case computes segments of the rotation, and probably can be mapped to actual degrees that the galactic arm we reside in how much it rotates. There's not much else to it than that.
-- Brede
Godzilla will come alive and wreak havoc among the world.
2012 will come and someone will ask what will happen in 2013 etc etc.....