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This, my friends is a rant about runescape.
i knew runescape was going downhill when they decided to allow f2p's to fight in the duel arena.
now, when i was a noob, i used to look at that duel arena ALL the time and i would wish like nothing else that i could go in there. of course, i became a member then and saw how crummy it was. i bet there are a load of noobs who used to look into that duel arena and become a member just to take a look, so they have lost a lot of cash as well. then pking was banned. .............
then i thought, wow these guys are ruining their OWN game. usually people quit because they were hacked or pked to a point were they lost EVERYTHING. i used to love going into the wildy and completely screwing someones day, its what made runescape unique, then they got rid of trading over 3k for f2p's. i thought that was sooooo stupid, i quit. i researched into a runescape website just before i quit, but they had scrapped the website because 18,000 of their users had quit! 18,000 on 1 runescape fansite. there are HUNDREDS of those all over the place, i bet runescape has lost 30,000+
well done've screwed the 3rd most popular game in the world
Well i wouldnt say it was the 3rd most popular game in the world,hell its not even close to 3rd,but you are correct about the duel arena,i became a member once and i HATED the duel arena...i quitted when i got to the level 80s when i got DSL and i said to myself "I dont need this boring game anymore,i'm gonna play WoW,CoH,CoV,Warrock,and a hell of a lot of other games that are actually worth the time"
You have two choices,Die quick or Live tortured...choose wisely...I'll make you regret either choice
First you say that Jagex messed up by making Duel Arena F2P.
Then you criticized Jagex for getting rid of the wilderness.
The two things listed above are intertwined; the first is the cause and the second is the effect. I hope you realize that.
I also hope you realize that they did these changes because of the problem with Real-World Trading, and for the most part it's been quite effective. RWT would have 'screwed' the game a lot more than these updates have if something hadn't been done.
And RuneScape's either the second, third, or fourth most popular MMO in the world (damn the unreliable statistics).
Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.
The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.
I quit Runescape when they did those updates too.
On the forums there were at least 100 forum posts with large numbers of people on them that quit all because of the
on pking(that ban shouldn't be with a question mark).
Anyway, Jagex ruined a awsome game.
P.S. The grand exchange and summoning stink too.
Spoiler: Runescape was already ruined.
RWTer's aren't gone. Instead they will sell accounts that are high leveled with cash on thwem and make more cash then before. Not only thsat, but they also go on your account and make the money for you.
You really thought an update that Jagex made would get rid of these companis for good? Come on, they make too much money to be stopped in their tracks. All these updates were only a little speed bump in the rosd for hese people
There are still the same number of people on Runescape as there were last year. There was no mass- quitting.
But I'm glad you're moving on, this game is depressingly boring.
Trump 2016
this is incorrect the number of paying members has significantly dropped .. People may still play in non but they aren;t going to pay for that junk L0L. Anyhow if you think that it is the same amount of people paying for that game you are mistaken. I personally know 350 people quit and if i know that many then there had to be alot more since alot of them told me that their entire clans cancelled their memberships.
Real world traders exist in every game, I mean did they really have to ruin the game (which is around 3rd most popular in the world due to the fact of their being millions of activated free accounts) because of problems that exist in EVERY SINGLE FUCKIN GAME. What they really need to invest their time into is creating a less crappy game engine and actually have a game that doesnt look like it was drawn by a third grader. Unfair trades didnt solve anything. Just stopped people from making pures because its pointless if you cant trade to your main. And, with the wildy all crapped out its not even worth it to get scared when you run through there wearing a santa hat or just trying to get to the mage/ agility areas. Overall, the past months have severely fucked runescape and jagex needs to get rid of their changes or lose everything they have worked for.
Just to give you guys an idea of how widespread the anger is about the changes made, a notice was put out to the game's moderators (of which my wife was one, until recently) which stated that, if I remember correctly, well over 1,500 moderators had been removed from the game. (There are only like 5,800 mods total.) They stated various reasons for this, but basically it was because of the changes to trading and PvP. Instead of trying to explain, or make everything okay again, they just ignored everyone and hoped it would go away.
She and I had unsubscribed immediately the day the changes went live, and she even emailed them to get her money back because she had just renewed the week before.
Here is the actual quote from the aforementioned newsletter:
Nearly 1/3 of their volunteer staff quit as a result of the changes. I'd be interested in finding out how many of them are clinging to their titles, but no longer play due to the changes.
yea rs sucks. They were just greedy for more money. They had 5 million dollars from their 1 million members, but they still didnt think that was enough. They shouldn't have let f2p get duel arena. Members was pretty fun for a while. They totally ruined the wild tho. And that was the best part about runescape. But has anyone tried that new skill? I wanna know if its good or not
No, if they were greedy for money they would have let the gold farmers take over their game and not have done anything.
I just unsubscribed. Even though RWT was ruining the game, these updates did far worse than RWT ever did. I agree RWT needed a solution, but this "solution" was done too impulsively without any thought of how players would feel.
If they really cared about how players would feel they would have attempted to develop other ways to stop RWT such as improving their Game engine to better detect RWT instead of ruining the game for legitimate players.
Overall, its not so much the updates themselves but the way they implemented them and their lack of appreciation for their players, that i decided to cancel my membership.
Yea, they don't seem to care to hear about any real solutions to the problems, instead they are determined to try to make the public believe they had no other choices. They do not want real solutions, they just think that Brainwashing people to believe that this was a good thing was a better solution. Too bad that failed.. terribly.
Don't really see how it failed, most of the players still play it and only a minority left
I disagree, the majority of the long time players DID leave. Everyone I have talked to that still plays says their friends lists are barren now with people that actually coming on to play anymore. Considering all of my friends were in the largest, strongest clans in the game with hundreds of players in each clan that left, that adds up to quite a number. Why do you think Jagex has been hiding the counters telling you how many players are online now? I was told just before they started doing that players were saying that it 3was showing around 50,000 players online. There has been a continous stream of players quitting that game since the fall updates over the updates. Many have tried to stcik it out and give them a chance but in the end give up fighting Jagex like everyone else. If you haven't noticed the number of recent posts from upset players still comming here looking for new games, you should pay more attention, because they have been greatly increasing again within the last month. Jagex reported that they had 60,000 members leave over the updates, that number was no where near correct, I think that was the number from within the first few days of releasing the updates the thousands that have left since were not even discussed. The players I know that still go on there tell me they aren't even really playing the game anymore, they go on to talk a friend and that is it, some check in periodically to see if they have fixed things, then are greatly disappointed and leave. The worlds these days seem barren in comparison to the old days, and they are getting emptier by the day.
People still play this game? My only complaint is that it still exists!
The ONLY people that should have to go through this torture of a game, are people still stuck with their pentium 3's >.>
The press release was form February [I believe] so you're right. I more recent fix of the subs would be nice.
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Yeah, the majority of players that quit were long time players. I still play occasionally for free in my spare time but i am rarely on. I only go on occasionally to check my friend's list for anybody on. But the majority of my friend's list has been offline for some time. But yeah Runescape is pretty much dead now. I think it may last another year before it's gone completely. Maybe two years.
A friend I talked to told me that there was another riot about the wilderness a few days ago. I heard that several veteran players showed up, including zezima and a few others.
I still enjoy the game.
I don't think the first release was anywhere near correct in the first place. I do not think they had an accuracte number because they did not have an option in the reason for cancelling memberships when I left for " because of our stupid updates" as a choice so I think they majorly tried to downplay it. How did they come up with that number when they had no option for players to choose from? They lost way more than 60,000 memberships during that time and they only said they lost 60,000 due to the updates, which I think is way off. They made sure that counter was hidden before the summer rush though so that players commin in wouldn't see how bad it had gotten. LOL!
I don't think the first release was anywhere near correct in the first place. I do not think they had an accuracte number because they did not have an option in the reason for cancelling memberships when I left for " because of our stupid updates" as a choice so I think they majorly tried to downplay it. How did they come up with that number when they had no option for players to choose from? They lost way more than 60,000 memberships during that time and they only said they lost 60,000 due to the updates, which I think is way off. They made sure that counter was hidden before the summer rush though so that players commin in wouldn't see how bad it had gotten. LOL!
hehe...Counting the server numbers wouldn't do anything either, since they could easily be fixed..
So I guess we POES with our tinfoil hats will just have to trust them lol
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
I was never a pker or dueler, so I didnt quit because of those updates. Now thats got me is the Graphic update..When I first heard this was going to happen, I thought it would be nice. But after seeing the most recent screenshots..I feel its my time to quit very soon too =/
"i bet there are a load of noobs who used to look into that duel arena and become a member just to take a look, so they have lost a lot of cash as well."-Liner60
A lot of cash? $5? And you act like all they're getting is a "crummy" duel arena...You only get what? 14 more skills? Members is Runescape F2P times 2!
"i used to love going into the wildy and completely screwing someones day, its what made runescape unique, then they got rid of trading over 3k for f2p's."-Liner60
Oh wow, I bet Jagex is really sad to have lost you.
"well done've screwed the 3rd most popular game in the world"-Liner60
Just taking a quick glance...hmm... It seems they have over 190K people playing this very moment. Yep. Their game is completely "screwed". They knew what they were doing. Runescape only goes uphill from here.
the counter saying that there is 190k players online does not mean there is 190k players online since many people have already posted here that they have witnessed it saying there was 100k players online with EVERY world offline. I thought when I saw that before it was a glitch, but when more and more people have said they have seen the same thing, I think that all is not what it seems with the counters. The worlds seem way too empty when on them for that to be the case when it would say 1138 players in your world a few years ago it would feel like there was actually that many players in the world, that is not so these days, the worlds feel empty in comparison. Yes in members you get f2p x2, you get twice as much mindless repetition! twice as much waiting for everything to happen! twice as much useless poorly drawn pixel junk! twice as much boredom! woot! what a deal for only what is now going to be $72 a year! Aren't you excited about that?
That just makes me want to jump up and down with excitement.