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What's up with the colonist's disappearing?

I noticed that I am loseing some of my colonist's. Do they not know how to reproduce, or are we a galaxy of test tube babies?
<pun intended>

Morganhate, and His big Brother Loon.
Loon Inc.


  • TempunautTempunaut Member Posts: 34

    The reproduction rate of your colonists depends on what kind of planet they inhabit. An Earth type or Oceanic world will reproduce at a steady rate, arctic and rocky will remain about constant, desert and mountainous see a slow decrease over time, and volcanic and greenhouse worlds decrease fairly rapidly. You will have to transport colonists from Earth in Sol or from neighbouring starports to keep the population up.

    The colony morale also has a (smaller) effect on reproduction rate. High morale such as Jubilant or Unity is enough to counteract the residual decrease of the desert and mountainous worlds so that the population does not dwindle away.

    Hope this helps!

  • morganhatemorganhate Member Posts: 2

    Yes it helps alot ty VM. i hhad read the starpedia but i didnt realize how much of it really depended on the world type.... but god i need spice!


  • CarancarakCarancarak Member Posts: 8
    Darn.... So my desert colony will lose ppl... Thats not good

  • spiceantspiceant Member Posts: 44
    content morale, non-prison government and atleast 10 medicine per 100 colonists on the planet should be enough to keep the people count steady or growing on any planet.

    Me, Myself and no-one else

    everyone is stupid but we considder that normal, a turn base'd space game

  • CarancarakCarancarak Member Posts: 8
    I didn't figure out how to leave resources in my Colony yet lol i THINK i need a refiniery so thats what i was building

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