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So.....Are you happy with your purchase of AoC?



  • therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039
    Originally posted by HiGHPLaiNS

    I sure am happy with my purchase of AoC.
    AoC to me is refreshing and didnt mind dishing out the cash for this game. I didnt have high expectations like most and played CB for about 3 months prior to launch. I kind of figured it would have at least 250K active subscribers. But I am having more fun now then I did in CB, maybe cause there is more interraction.
    So AoC will keep me busy till Warhammer Online and Stargate Worlds arrive.

    And I see nothing wrong with that, playing AoC until another game comes along.  It's a new adventure and if it gives you 6 months of good times, that sounds great.  I also find it interesting how you've been playing for so long and still have an eye towards the longevity of the game as opposed to some people that are level 40 after a week and looking elsewhere.  You may or may not be an "achiever" type but it's good to see some people are looking beyond just beating the game (not that there's anything wrong with that either : ' )

  • aithieelaithieel Member Posts: 232

    I'am still waiting for reviews....


  • therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039

    Originally posted by aithieel

    I'am still waiting for reviews....

    Same here, although hearing about the player city getting destroyed was pretty cool ( ' :

  • therain93therain93 Member UncommonPosts: 2,039

    Another week has gone by, I'm curious if anyone else wants to weigh in.  2 more weeks and someone, if not me, can post the "did you really subscribe after the free 30 days" poll ( ' :

  • UmbroodUmbrood Member UncommonPosts: 1,809

    I am unhappy with my CE buy, wich gave me nothing really, the art book is nice and all but not worth the extra cash.

    Allthough I always buy CE, and probably will continue to do so, but this rates very low on the "fluff" scale.

    I am not unhappy with AOC though.

    I figure the standard edition is worth it for the tortage storyline, wich is about 20-30 hours if you drag it out.

    Wich is what many offline RPG's offer today.

    But, however much fun I found Tortage the first time around, ( well the first time in beta and the first time in final ), the 5th or 6th and beyond is pure fucking Torture, so the city is well named at least.

    Originally posted by Jerek_

    I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.

  • bachanambachanam Member Posts: 335

    i'm happily playing this game and i plan to let the subscription continue

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  • armengararmengar Member UncommonPosts: 51

    not really, no

    Its just not my cup of tea so to say, very pretty game, just I prefer the traditional method of fighting to this.

    This is in no way a slam to the game, yea for those who like it and are sticking around, I guess I'll wait on WAR or Hero's Journey


  • Miner-2049erMiner-2049er Member Posts: 435

    The game's not perfect but I'm very happy. IMO the best lauch since WoW.

  • KyleranKyleran Member LegendaryPosts: 44,263

    Not enough choices really, I went with the second one, but the reality is I'll subscribe for at least a month or two, or at least until I get deeper into the game content.

    Am I 'very happy'?

    No, not really, but it has it moments, so I am willing to give it a good solid trial before making up my mind.

    Besides, WAR doesn't come out until sometime in the fall.


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  • ThomasN7ThomasN7 CommonPosts: 6,690

    I posted some nice things about the game which there are some but for the long term I don't think I'll be playing. It's not the bugs that bug me but more of the replay value after you reach 80.  Think I will wait and see if Funcom adds more to the game later on in the year before trying it again if I do.

  • PyukPyuk Member UncommonPosts: 762

    Yes, very pleased, even though I'm running the game on a dinosaur of a system (AMD FX-55, AGP graphics bus with a GeForce 7600GS, 2 gigs ram). My performance expectations were low considering my system, and to be honest, performance has exceeded my expectations. I managed to set the visuals to Medium, but turned off shadows, set High Quality NPC Draw Distance to 100 meters, set texture filtering to bilinear and turned off water reflections. I get 15-20 FPS on average on ol' Bessie, which is about 10 FPS more than I thought I could get on a (customized) medium setting. Who knew?

    Plus I can't get enough of the combat - decapitations ftw!

    I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play.

  • LuckyCurseLuckyCurse Member Posts: 394

    I quit, and canceled my subscription, after only a couple weeks of play.  I'm not sure it was a waste of money so much as just a learning experience.  The lesson? There might never be an MMO out there that I will enjoy playing. 

    The problems I had with this game:

    1.  It is not a PVP game.  It is a PVE game with PVP.  If I could have, from level 1, gained xp only from PVP, then it would have been a PVP game.  Instead, I'm forced to go out and kill stupid mobs over and over, and complete ridiculous quests, in order to level up and gain equipment.  Even if xp through PVP were limited to certain zones and the mini-games, that would have been fine (err, better). 

    2.  Tortage.  Screw Tortage.  Once was too much. 

    3.  Cinematic talky talk with gankers ready to kill you as you pick up or turn in a quest.  Yeah...

    4.  Instancing.  I want to find and kill someone who ganked me earlier.  Oh wait, I'm in the right area but what instance are they in?  Pfft.  I love a good grudge, but this game makes it impossible to find your enemy. I mean, I was in Under Halls and was ganked by a level 25 when I was 17.  He killed me, I killed him, then he killed me a few more times.  I would LOVE to find that guy again and go a few rounds.  But no.  Funcom will make it nearly impossible for that to happen.

    5.  Bag space.  I could have been as rich as a King by now if I only could have picked up half of the loot I leave behind.

    6.  Distance.  It is your enemy.  Even on the highest settings (I have a rock'n system that handles the game great), you often have people ghost into view just a bit too late.  Also, if in a group, you have a hard time keeping tabs on where people are if they go just a bit too far. 

    7.  Miscellaneous glitches that will be fixed with time. 

    Over all, the first reason is the big one for me.  I want to PVP my way from level 1 to level 80.   I guess I'll never find a game that allows for that.  Bah.

    - LC

  • Home15Home15 Member Posts: 203

    Game is not bad, like it, but it isnt realy special either.

    WoW im sick of it not returning ever, even with there Wrath of the Repgrind expansion.

    I think il just play the initial 30 days and see what il do then, im also way to busy playing guitar hero, gta and assasin greed taking so much of my time :)

  • ReklawReklaw Member UncommonPosts: 6,495

    Yes i am going to continue me subscription pass the 30 day's, reason is that i want to see what the communityt is like and not one MMORPG has shown me this in it's first weeks or even months, and now we even have these 30 day's free so i'm personaly fully unable to judge if the community in AoC is the community i want or am willing to start spending time with or build relationships ingame at this point.

    Also want to see what the economy can do in and to the game, again i need to wait till the 30 day's are passed as like with any MMORPG it takes months for a economy to settle in. And i doubt people will start building up a economy when they already know they gonna cancel, and those who stick will become the buildingblocks of the economy all i need to have is alittle patients for a game like this to mature within these aspects, and after a few months i will be able to tell myself if this game works or not for ME, not just now, it is just far to soon for a game in this genre to be judge this quick......


  • drbaltazardrbaltazar Member UncommonPosts: 7,856

    nope reached lvl 11 and got bored.quited it. i think ill go back either to wow or (f2p store) online game.

  • JupstoJupsto Member UncommonPosts: 2,075

    my decent PC broke the day my game arrived. i'm not going to fix it until my exams are over. however I did play beta, loved it. I think the game still needs alot of love from FC, so I chose option 2. plus I never got to a very high level so who knows I might suddenly hate it.


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  • asupermaneasupermane Member Posts: 682
    Not really happy with AOC, wasn't all I'd hoped it would be. I lved to 33 and just got plain bored grinding and doing boring quests. Granted, the graphics are beautiful and the combat system is interesting, but at a certain point it grows on you. Wish I would have waited a while and seen more reviews and what people said instead of spending 50bucks on it. Oh well.


  • RamistrovRamistrov Member Posts: 25

    Yep I enjoy the game and will be least for a while!


  • klokwurkklokwurk Member UncommonPosts: 35

    Yeah, I am happy with my purchase of AoC.  Of course it needs some work but I knew that was going to be the case when I bought an MMO right at launch.

  • GetsomeGetsome Member Posts: 52

    Collector's edition owner. I like it but will probably cancel. Let me go over the many positives before I go over my deal breakers.

    The Conan lore is simply awesome and well executed in AoC (why I bought collector's edition). The world is simply beautiful. The many choices in classes is excellent, I play lvl 42 Tempest of Set. As explained previously the combat system is awesome. I'm also very familiar with Funcom since I played Anarchy Online for close to 2 years and liked how I was treated.

    Three main reasons I'm going to cancel:

    I'm over the minimum requirements 3.4 dual core, 4gig or ram, Vista Ultimate (32bit), 500gig HD almost empty, & running Nvidia 8800GTX w/768mb of ram (not exact on ram). Running the game in windowed mode on 20" monitor. The game is quite flacky I'm anywhere from 12fps-78fps. I could deal if it was consistent.  Yes I have gone through forums and streamlined my system as best as possible.

    Most of my friends aren' t even playing yet due to having to upgrade. Survival on a PVP server depends on traveling in groups otherwise you are fresh meet for the taking, unless you dump excess points into hiding.

    Ganking! Now before you blast me on this, I'm all about pvp and sucking it up. I will never play in a PVE server, what's the point. I started an alt who is now lvl 12 still in Tortage and I have several quests in white island or whatever it's called. Being ganked for over 40 minutes by two lvl 18 rangers who incidently felt to run around naked was a little to much. I leveled shadow priest in wow so i've had my ass handed to me hundreds of times while leveling (Horde FTW). Now I'm the guy who waits for you to kill the npc before I proceed to pwn you and I don't get pleasure or need to gank someone 5 levels or more below me. Yes I have also experienced such gankings with my ToS.

    I hope to return in a couple of months after things have settled down so I'll be enjoying my summer outside.



  • RailgunnerRailgunner Member Posts: 31

    No.  The stats on gear (dex, str, wisd, int) don't even have any effect.  The game is just horribly broken.

  • Yes, but I think that there are a lot of things that need to be worked out. Though I think it will be a very good mmo once they are all worked out and more content is added. So yes, i'm happy to be here in the beginning of a masterpiece.

  • DubelDubel Member Posts: 138

    Nope, thought  AoC was the next best thing and it turns out to be a bunch of kids running around community, crappy interface, boring combat, pretty graphics.  Thats all this game has to offer.

  • LuckyCurseLuckyCurse Member Posts: 394

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    - Cut up game copies of zones/ instances with 40 people maximum. Bye bye world.
    Actually, there is video proof of at least 75 people in one area.  But yeah, still limited.
    - Useless in video footage for NPC's in the first 20 levels: nobody listens to them the second time around.
    Not to mention, close up talking to NPCs while in PVP areas where you can be ganked at any moment.  Thus, forcing you to just hit 1 over and over until goodbye appears and hope that got you a quest.
    - meaningless PvP, both in "world" and in the instances.
    Give me XP and Drops or give me death! Err... a canceled subscription!
    - waiting time between 30 minutes and even one hour to be accepted in a PvP scenario.
    I gave up trying.  Good to know in case I lose my mind and try the game again.
    - FIXED respawn points which permit camping of gankers (no choice whatsoever to respawn somewhere else)
    Actually, if you've gone around to other spawn points on a map, you can select those instead.  But it requires a bit of travel sometimes.

    All of your other points are completely valid.  As are most of these, with minor corrections.  Can I borrow a few million from someone to create my own game? I have some great ideas.  You won't be disappointed.  Please?

    - LC

  • eindinblocheindinbloch Member Posts: 60

    I might re-subscribe if the siege warfare is good enough.


    From 1 - 20, AoC was the best MMO I had ever played hands down.  I felt like I was playing an mmo version of KotOR.  Voice acting was great, animations were pretty good.  I had fun playing any of the classes.

    Once I passed 20 and left the starting Island, the game immersion fell apart for me.  The sounds were still good as well as the zones (although seemless would have been much more preferred), but without voice acting and the fact that most of the NPCs felt like they hadn't been uniquely created (many seemed duplicated) as well as being choppily textured, I was disappointed.  I know that most MMOs don't have voice acting at all, but with the hint at the beginning, I really wanted the whole game to contain it.  I'm now level 34 and just recently finished my level 30 character quest hoping for another 10 levels or so of KotOR action but was let down.  The quest lasted about 10 minutes.

    Class-wise, I really would have liked to be some sort of snake shaman following Set on a roleplaying server.  The Tempest of Set had a few snake animations but that was it, the class did not fulfill my expectations.  The bear shaman class looked neat but I hate playing a healer class unless it's in the form of life-drains (I have yet to try the dark templar past 10).  My current character is a Herald of Xotli which is fun mechanically, I just can't get into the character now that there's no roleplayable content.

    I will probably suspend my account for now and renew it later if the end-game siege warfare is similar to DAoC.


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