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Subscription to AoC Cancelled - This is why.



  • GoldknyghtGoldknyght Member UncommonPosts: 1,519
    Originally posted by quaiky

    travelling and constantly running through grey zones is probably the most annyoing part for me too. once you get to ~ lvl 40 you end up running through connel's valley every time you want to get to fields of the dead (why could there be no direct way through this zone, why do i have to follow the stupid ways) so often that you soon cannot stand it anymore.
    and zone connection maps look like the running will only get worse with higher levels as the dungeons and adventure zones are all very split up. i really think this game needs a griffin like transport system, i guess griffins don't fit lore, but they could make it horsestations instead between which you can automatically travell for a small fee.

    its called die and port to Cascade falls. Death penalty aint worth a damn. But i wanna know what game you dont have to run through at least one zone to get to another higher level zone. EQ ran everywhere till POK but then you still run everywhere just got ports to cites. WoW didnt play long enough to find out haha sorry ass EQ carbon copy with DAoC features. Asherons call yeah your running everywhere. Vanguard OMG yeah just put your hiking boots on because your running or at least gonna be on a horse that runs a little bit faster. well list goes on im sure so your complaining is your own failures to think that a new game should have all these features that dont even exist in other games. get over it.

  • SharkypalSharkypal Member Posts: 1,137

    Originally posted by Wiltsfk

    Originally posted by Zakor



    First of all, did I ever mention WoW in my posts here? So don't bring this up in here. I never compared AoC to WoW so go troll away... I didn't even compare the game to ANY other game...


    If you don't like what you read because you are in denial, go play and don't come here and trolls people because they don't see things the way you do. You like the game? Great!! I'm sooo happy for you, now go away and have fun.


    You must compare or you just whine how bad it is. And u may troll here and I cant.. why?

    first I watched Youtube, read all this crap how bad it is before I played it.. and it doesn´t change my opinion? In fact u can´t find anythin but whining in forums, u scare away ppl.

    If u make new thread "this game sucks"

     then you must tell other people who come here and read u post WHY it or WHAT sucks MORE than some XXX MMO.

    THEN they can decide is it worse then other MMO´s what they have played.

    "they don´t see things way you do"


    And WTF my mother concerns u little punk?

    Take your meds Freak. He didnt title the post "This game sucks" and he did explain his reasons. Learn how to read.


  • WiltsfkWiltsfk Member Posts: 6

    In wow has missions where u must run/fly one continent to another and back... quite long road.

  • TalinTalin Member UncommonPosts: 927

    I appreciate the OP's reasoning, even if "Good Bye" threads are never well-received on forums.

    At the end of the day, AoC looks good, has a "different" (I'm now leaning away from innovative) combat system for Melee and Ranged combat, but otherwise fails in many ways to learn from its MMO predecessors.

    As the devs have stated before, they HAD to use instancing due to the textures used; trying to stream out the amount of graphical data in a seamless world would have been too much for the client and even high-end machines to handle. There's something to be said about graphics overtaking fun in my mind.

    In my mind, the way to handle instancing is as such: The world should always be a single instance. All of the cities, overworld areas, etc. This keeps the feeling of a "world" and shows population, keeping things social. Does this mean fighting over resources/spawns/etc? Of course! However, dungeons should come in two flavors: standard and instanced. Keep the standard dungeon as a free-for-all (a la EQ1 and DAOC initial dungeons), but also allow people to "spawn" an instanced version for their own group. Raid-class dungeons should always be instanced - for sanity's sake.

  • GoldknyghtGoldknyght Member UncommonPosts: 1,519
    Originally posted by Talin

    I appreciate the OP's reasoning, even if "Good Bye" threads are never well-received on forums.
    At the end of the day, AoC looks good, has a "different" (I'm now leaning away from innovative) combat system for Melee and Ranged combat, but otherwise fails in many ways to learn from its MMO predecessors.
    As the devs have stated before, they HAD to use instancing due to the textures used; trying to stream out the amount of graphical data in a seamless world would have been too much for the client and even high-end machines to handle. There's something to be said about graphics overtaking fun in my mind.
    In my mind, the way to handle instancing is as such: The world should always be a single instance. All of the cities, overworld areas, etc. This keeps the feeling of a "world" and shows population, keeping things social. Does this mean fighting over resources/spawns/etc? Of course! However, dungeons should come in two flavors: standard and instanced. Keep the standard dungeon as a free-for-all (a la EQ1 and DAOC initial dungeons), but also allow people to "spawn" an instanced version for their own group. Raid-class dungeons should always be instanced - for sanity's sake.

    the leaning away from the combat system is because laziness is starting to sink in. The combat system is what makes AoC better then the rest. Till now only casters had the pleasure of this. As for instances omg is this all the haterz have against this game. Leave seriously the game doesnt need peasants crying every five seconds cause of 100 cap instances. The instances are a cheap way to get what items you want but in the end they help performance. If they had everybody in the same zones the game would collapse and would be another EPIC FAILURE like VANGUARD.

  • StydusStydus Member Posts: 50

    Ya know you can turn off the indicators or somethin, I don't know it gives you the freedom to quest how you'd like but if you like prolonging the experience by having to search for the location of the quest in general, thats your thing, but a few of your issues involve giving the devs time to finish the game, its only been out 2 weeks not even and you expect it to be 100 percent complete, i'm sure instancing will become less frequent, they probably have them therre so servers don't crash, and also my guild scrimmaged with another guild and there was massive amounts of lag, so until they work out some performance issues and server issues instancing will probably be pretty bad, but eventually I'm sure they're going make it less frequent or change the player limit per instance.

    Also have you tried pvping or do you just quest?

  • DekronDekron Member UncommonPosts: 7,360

    Originally posted by Zakor

    The game isn't balanced at all in PvP. Healer class isn't good at all.
    That is a carebear statement.

    All classes should not be balanced. You should expect a healer to get completely devastated by a warrior. It's complaints like this that lead to nerfs and then everyone hating the game.

  • kaishi00kaishi00 Member Posts: 299
    Originally posted by Dekron

    Originally posted by Zakor

    The game isn't balanced at all in PvP. Healer class isn't good at all.
    That is a carebear statement.


    All classes should not be balanced. You should expect a healer to get completely devastated by a warrior. It's complaints like this that lead to nerfs and then everyone hating the game.

    Orrrr.... you have no one being healer and everyone sit around with a thumb up their ass?

  • oakthornnoakthornn Member UncommonPosts: 863

    Originally posted by Zakor

    I liked Age of Conan at first but after many many hours of play, a lvl 50 PoM, 42 DT and a few others, I am already bored... Here's what I gaved as reason to Funcom when I cancelled my subscription and is how I feel about the game. This ain't a troll post, just my thoughts, cuz I think it might help some people to determine if this game is for them.
    Reasons given to funcom :
    I've had a petition going on for days and I still ain't got no anwser. It seems like there is only one GM per servers working on. The game isn't balanced at all in PvP. Healer class isn't good at all. I feel like the game is not finished and polished. The world is bland. There's too many zoning. The quests are always : run around for hours from point A to B. There's way too many instances and therefor, the world seem alot smaller! The zones aren't connected, you got to talk to a npc to get around, wich doesn't give a feeling of exploration... etc.... I could go on like that forever. So basicly, the game is a huge down for someone who's looking for an immersive and huge world. Good try though.
    I felt like this MMORPG was meant alot more to a console user, wich I know, is what they are doing BUT I still think the world is bland and without life.
    Just some thoughts. Don't get angry with me, I'm by no mean a troll.

    I said this before AoC was released while I participated in beta from winter to release,,, "the game plays more like a single player RPG than a traditional MMORPG"  Eventually most people will cancel their accounts after the first month because the game would become to stale and boring.

    I suggest you go try Vanguard if you want to explore an immersive huge world. It's pretty much the last traditional MMORPG left and is much better than it was at release.

    Rallithon Oakthornn
    (Retired Heirophant of the 60th season)

  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66

    I also gave the game a shot in retail after a miserable beta experiance. I basically treated it like a single player Rpg, kind of like a giant oblivion.

    Unfortunately I wont be continuing past my 30 days, as its getting rather boring now, even at 44 with my first char. Too many bugs in the game and now I've just been reading that there is another bug with female chars attacking slower than male chars. I dont know if its true as I've not bothered to log back in to check, but if it is that is one almighty bug.

  • ZakorZakor Member UncommonPosts: 214

    The game would be awesome if it wasn't of all the instancing. That's really what hurt the most. Some will always try to denfend a game no matter what, because they're in denial OR fanboi.

    I think that splitting up a world in a MMORPG is somewhat st*pid because this is a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE ROLE PLAYING GAME, not a multiplayer game like a FPS... a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER, so it's perfectly normal that people expect to play with ALOT (MASSIVELY) of people and have some feel of competitions or something.

    But so far, Funcom fail (at least for me, doesn't mean it fail for you) to give me a MMORPG by developping a MMORPG with tons of instances with only 50 people max per zones, how massive is that?

    Just my thoughts about it. Yes EQ 2 was instanced, but I can remember seeing alot more than only 40-50 people per zones. It was a long time ago, but I think I can remember by the hundreads per zones. So that was helping to get a feel of immersion. Too in EQ 2, you had connected zones, wich we don't have in AoC. Why you have to talk to a NPC to get transported around? IF in the lore, there would be an explanation for that, it might be different (maybe not?) but the NPCs act like a doorway. Why not just add a door, and when you get close to it, promp a window and ask us if we want to zone in? This would gave me a better feeling than a NPC.

    Now playing : FFXIV
    Waiting on : TBD
    Best MMORPGs played : EQ, FFXI

  • ZakorZakor Member UncommonPosts: 214

    Originally posted by Dekron

    Originally posted by Zakor

    The game isn't balanced at all in PvP. Healer class isn't good at all.
    That is a carebear statement.


    All classes should not be balanced. You should expect a healer to get completely devastated by a warrior. It's complaints like this that lead to nerfs and then everyone hating the game.

    I disagree with you. A healer should be able to stand tall and defend itself by taking a beating. At least, not die in 2 shots because they can't heal properly like in AoC with their small heal over time and with 1 direct heal that can be cast once every 60 secs. I think a healer should be able to stand UNTIL they're out of mana, not because their heals are too weak. (I was a PoM btw)

    Now playing : FFXIV
    Waiting on : TBD
    Best MMORPGs played : EQ, FFXI

  • HanseiHansei Member Posts: 8

    I'm with you guys. The quests after a while get so boring making the gameplay so singleplayer. I just don't get the feeling of a mmo. Its like Im playing by myself most of the time. The places also seem so dead when you get to other cities. The "go to A then go to B" is not really my thing. I know some people say "oh you dont have to do the quests". Oh well but thats the easy way to lvl.. Nobody wants to stay behind. I really enjoy mmos where you have areas full of people. Going after mobs, questing or partying.. its really fun. One more thing   someone already pointed out is the gear. Really it doesn't look good. When you get to higher lvls it really should get better.. but it doesn't. You could lvl up let's say 20 lvls and still look the same. Even the higher lvl ones don't look good. Well I respect the people who like it. Good for them. I'm not saying the game sucks, it doesn't. But it's nothing revolutionary. Just my opinion  =]

  • Mentor73Mentor73 Member Posts: 107

    Yes Zakor, every one of professional reviewers from this sight is either in denial or fanboi.

  • bmac6817bmac6817 Member Posts: 14

    Even though I disagree with most of your post, I respect your opinion.   Unfortunately, you didn't make it through the healers weak beginning.  The priest classes, well, the priest of mitra and tempest of set anyway, are the most powerful classes in AoC endgame.  After lvl 60 they just become so uber they can AoE grind mobs of 8-10 creatures up to 15 levels higher than them.  It's really quite ridiculous.

  • ghostinfinitghostinfinit Member UncommonPosts: 552

    I think it's funny that the OP complained the world wasn't "immersive" as he ripped through the game content in a blur. 

  • AltairsAltairs Member UncommonPosts: 47

    Just want to say AoC delivers as promised.

    its NOT the world i would love to be, immense and not -instanced but, alas, the Vanguard Experiment (a beautifull not instanced vast world which scales perfectly the player character in the enviroment) showed the industry is not ready to deliver such a product without gliches :(

  • fyerwallfyerwall Member UncommonPosts: 3,240

    Originally posted by Altairs

    Just want to say AoC delivers as promised.
    its NOT the world i would love to be, immense and not -instanced but, alas, the Vanguard Experiment (a beautifull not instanced vast world which scales perfectly the player character in the enviroment) showed the industry is not ready to deliver such a product without gliches :(
    Nah, all Vanguard really needed was a team that knew what was going on, a bank roll that wasn't gonna back out on them and someone other than Brad McQuaid to be incharge. Sure he has good ideas, but apparently he has the management skills of a walnut tree.

    Sadly the industry could pull off a game thats even more ambitious, its just investors will tend to freak out after a while. If they see MMOs starting up and then suddenly closing up, they panic. Or if they see a game like WoW release and capture a huge chunk of gamers, they suddenly start questioning "Well, why can't we do what they did?" causing the game in production to have to pull a 180, which leads to either a horrible release product (most games that came out post WoW), an entire game and its community getting kicked in the nads (yall know who felt this one) or the project ending before it even gets off the ground (Think every MMO Microsoft has attempted to make after publishing AC).

    There are 3 types of people in the world.
    1.) Those who make things happen
    2.) Those who watch things happen
    3.) And those who wonder "What the %#*& just happened?!"

  • FalconoffuryFalconoffury Member Posts: 555

    Asheron's Call had a smooth launch, and a huge non-instanced world. It came out in 1999.

    Lord of the Rings Online has limited instances, and it had one of the smoothest launches in mmorpg history. Vanguard had problems having nothing to do with instancing.

  • BuccaneerBuccaneer Member UncommonPosts: 654

    Originally posted by Altairs

    Just want to say AoC delivers as promised.
    its NOT the world i would love to be, immense and not -instanced but, alas, the Vanguard Experiment (a beautifull not instanced vast world which scales perfectly the player character in the enviroment) showed the industry is not ready to deliver such a product without gliches :(
    Vanguard is a different beast compared to launch. Performance has increased 10 fold and most of the bugs have been squashed.

    If you are looking for a MMO, with a seamless non instance world I would recommend VG.  It's not a true sandbox world being level base but it's the closest you can get out of the recent MMO's. No pressure to level, loads to do, loads of non instance (the only instance like AoC is APW raid zone) massive dungeons to explore. Non instance player built housing and guild halls and boats, flying mounts etc.  Also everything you can see on your monitor you can reach if you have the means.

    In the last update we got new anti hitching measures in place, which has decreased the hitching crossing chunk lines.

    AoC is a good game, just wanted to post this for the people with the dislike for instances.

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