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I put together a walkthroughs for levels 1-80, a guide for gathering resources, and a guide to PvP and Siege. Although its a small part of the game, it seems to be where a lot of people decide if they like this game or not. I know the grief on the PvP servers are an issue and because of that I wrote these walkthroughs focusing as much as possible on the Solo-play. The gathering guide focuses on how to level up harvesting, gather resources for your crafting, guild or just to make money in the auction houses. The PvP guide will give you insight into tactics to use by each class, PvP feats to take, weaknesses of each class, and what to expect in a Battlekeep Siege.
Age of Conan Leveling guide: 1-20 "Tortage, its not just for breakfast anymore"
Age of Conan Leveling guide: 20-40 "Life as a Hyborian Tween"
Age of Conan Leveling guide: 40-60 "Mommy, are we there yet?...No!"
Age of Conan Leveling guide: 60-80 "And your journey to the Dark Side will be complete! "
Age of Conan Crafting guide: Harvesting for the Decapitated
Age of Conan PvP and Siege Guide: "Mama Said Knock You Out!"
Please take a look and let me know what you think and any changes you would like to see. Comment here and I'll quickly incorporate it into the article
Thanks all, I hope you find it useful
You know, all that did was make me want the game more. My rig still hasn't arrived...
Very cool, thanks for the review. How long does it take from lev 15 - 20?
MMORPG Characters immortalized!
LLyncu: Star Wars Galaxies (Chimaera)
Xiode: Age of Conan (Mannanan)
Bump for nice walkthrough.
Thanks for the Bump. Anyone have suggestions as to things I can add to make it better. Any suggestions as to how someone can level 17-20 without going on multiplayer mode?
And now a Sticky?!?! I am Honored!
Thanks all
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Nice walkthrough Czzare
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Nice guide. Thanks for making this it was very helpful.
Thumbs up
Good to se that some ppl want to spend their time on helping others..
Looking forward to the lvl 20+ walkthrough.
Thank you link nice walkthrough.
For me, I couldn't get past the volcano instance (at lvl 8) because I could find the slavemaster. I searched for him for an hour before I went to the forums and realized there is a bug in the game where he is not there sometimes. I tried restarting the level, went through killing everyone again (and getting killed and respawning too many times) and he still was not there. I didn't really have any fun up to lvl 8 anyway so I figure why the hell am I playing this? I thought about selecting a different class (I was stygian assassin) and trying again but nah, I don't like games where I force myself to play in hopes that it gets better. Reading the forums here and there, I can see it doesn't get any better even after the fabled "world-opens-up-after-lvl-20".
small part of the game??
only way that could be is if its too damned easy to level.
mmo stands for "massive multiplayer online"
not.. "small singleplayer online"
Nice guide, wished i'd had read it before playing, lol
Very helpful, indeed!
Small remark: You mention that to get 17-19, you pick up all quests for your level for White Sands. But as there is no penalty for handing in Gray quests, they can be picked up just as well, and done quickly while there anyway for some easy xp.
True enough Nerg, Ill make the changes. Thanks for the comments all
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Rofl, why did you make a guide? The first levels are so easy. It basically leads you around like a parent leading around a child. This is like making a guide for the first 5 levels of world of warcraft.
P.S "
You did do one good thing by making this guide. I had a very good laugh!
Always happy to bring a smile to others.
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Great Harvesting guide there. Pointed me to a great waypoint website..
"What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!"
~Best. Movie. Ever.
Great guides. Thanks!
About your walkthrough... No offense but it wasnt that great, it focused alot of the night time quests, which are a done deal and no one really needs help, if they do... then they should just not play. you also stated that it was to help people in PVP servers... well iam in a pvp server and i havent been attacked once but instead have been in parties. Also you said you have to grind to get to lvl 15 and to get to lvl 19... not true dude, there are so many quests in this game its ridicoulus. I have hit lvl 19 quicker than WoW and i still have quests to do before i do the final quest, its so simple and easy. hopefully you will learn from this "walkthrough" and perhaps make better ones in the future or none at all.
Put up the Lev 40-60 guide now. Very close to the end, I hope to get a 60-80 guide up and ready soon. Keep watching
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
I looked all over for some decent guides to AoC, and the best i've found so far are on, i found it especially useful for my demonologist. hopefully it can help some of you guys as well
Added the final installment of the Age of Conan Leveling guide. Its a very fun read. I hope Conan doesnt take offense. IN this guide look for Special guest appearances by Patrick Stewart (Capt Jean Luc Picard), Lurch from the Adams family, and of course Arnold.
Read it at
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Thanks for the guide dude
Nice of you to put the effort into this, but I have a question, and a serious one - why in heaven's name would you need a GUIDE for levelling in Age of Conan?