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from my experience you get at most 8K credits for every hop you make, and i do taxi people around but thats just so i find a good trade (70%+ spice/uran/equip back and forth), wear it off and go on taxing for the next trade route, when having found a nice trade route (doesnt take me to long) i usually make 12K+ for each hop (and about 25xp/hop for the hagglin), and thats just because im saving for the whale freighter.
Me, Myself and no-one else
everyone is stupid but we considder that normal, a turn base'd space game
You have a good point. It's also true. While my own gameing experiances since taxi routes went in are limited, I too found that they just weren't worth it on a warp fuel/credit basis....Which is honestly all that counts in this game where played time is limited by warp fuel.
Something you should consider is going evil. They make much more money per warp fuel unit than "Good guys". They can steal from the same starport over and over and they don't have to waste time finding a trade route. Once you hit about 50K exp that's 25,000 credits for 1 warp fuel as many times as you like.
Me, Myself and no-one else
everyone is stupid but we considder that normal, a turn base'd space game
May The Force Be With You.
May The Force Be With You.
I don't know what 21 hop trip you made, but you certainly didn't make 600k.
One of the times I have found taxi missions usefull: my ship was blown up and I was pretty much broke, being new in the game, so I ran around the galaxy for a little bit making money on taxi rides giving me enough to buy a CEO flagship and a fusion cannon. I would never have made that much money otherwise in an escape pod.
It might be costly, but if you can weigh the pro's and con's properly it can prove useful even though it may not be efficient.
i dont know where the people claim they get $40-100K per trade run because everytime i do a Uranium/Spice trade run for 2-3 hops even with 15% haggling i only make $20K or less. I guess it is possible on the standard server or any other server but on either Pax server you're doing good making $20K per hop or even per run trading. You look at a 20hop taxi run making $150K, thats 134 fuel and $7.5K per hop (this at 6.7 fuel per hop). Versus a trade run making $20K per sale at 15% haggling on a 3 hop, thats 20.1 fuel and $6.6K per hop... Taxiing is more profitable.
Now try this:
Pick up passenger, pick up load of Spice or Uranium, take passenger to his destination and try to sell Uranium. That equals $170K at 134 fuel using above numbers, thats $8.5K per hop profit.
i seriously make 50K a hop it slowly reduce's then but i have more trading route's revealed to refrain to, they are all one hop back and forth either spice/uranium or spice/oil or spice/equipment its making good money due to the % suply/demand (wich is generally high in far systems.
i need to find some way of efficiently getting 500 of everything to 8 planet's for level 2 bio dome upgrade :S
Me, Myself and no-one else
everyone is stupid but we considder that normal, a turn base'd space game
i go taxi people untill i have enough for the upgraded merchant then i go taxi on untill i have 80 cargo then i do trading runs (after searching for them) untill i have a whale then i go make a litle profit and colonize planet's. then i basicly go trade trading for more and more money for eh... well.. turret's and im upgrading my intelect on how to place them as im still learning after about a week of experience on this game.
i now get 10 charisma and 5 wis for this and im not sure how well im doing because my colony's are still not going to leave un protection.
Me, Myself and no-one else
everyone is stupid but we considder that normal, a turn base'd space game
someone told me the other day, the people donate $10 at the beginning of each game and get the ship and loads of fuel then just do a few long taxi runs and cargo runs and they have their Million, gte better weapons and kill npcs for more money and within 3 days they are #1 on half the servers. I wish there was a way to differentiate between those who have paid for advancement and those of us that cant afford it but enjoy the game anyways.
Maybe add to the medals:
NP Player placed in top 5 (NP = Non-paying, places 3,4 or 5)
NP Player placed 1st or 2nd
Paying player places last but still donates within last day or two of game...
Maybe add a small area to the left or right of the players name in all stats and WhosOnline and placement something like P for paid and N for non-paying player, also add a number next to each corp as to how many of its members are Paying or non-paying...
I would liekt o see how many people actually donate and pay just to ensure they place in the top 10 or to win. I placed 14th personal and 12th corp (consisted of myself and a friend) on my first game ever in the Pax Andromeda server. I am seeing now after a few days that there are people in the new Pax Andromeda game that have 40K xp already and its been what 3-4 days?
garbabe whale w/160 holds
two hop spice/oil run no haggle
in 5 minutes, 500000
is random
burns fuel
more than three passenger and you get head-fucked trying to plan a good route
you can be side tracked by pirates, NPC's, game freezes, leaving the room for a piss break and getting stuck in between two planets,
on a 30-hop taxi i made 150000, @7 per hop, thats more than 10% of your starting fuel
but if you make more money runing people, run people
if you make more money running spice/oil/uranium/equipment, run shit
the latter is more profitable for me
Some litlle advice from a veteran taxi-driver. Always carry max. one passanger with you. Just go for the being quick bonus. And check your ships carefully! There are only a few good for taxi-mission! And one of the best is: THE ESCAPE POD
! Really! It's very fast in inner-system travel. And on the first place naturally the Speedstar. But NOT the scout, way to slow in inner-system travel. So very dangerous. Another tip: carry a biodome with you so you can colonize around the galaxy.
And taxi-missions ARE lucrative especially when u have some fuel saved up. One time i was on holiday and when i came back i had about 5000 warp fuel. So i asked a taxi-mission and i got one of 60 hops! I took very long but i managed to pull out about 1200K
. Great isn't it?
Oh yea just visit !
May The Force Be With You.
May The Force Be With You.
T'answer the original question o' the thread, taxiing ain't better than trade routes far as ol' Stump's concerned. Ol' Stump's not done the math on it, but if we assume the 8k per hop figure be correct, then that's pretty poor bang fer buck. Fer all ye young'un players out there, the secret t'tradin be havin' a ship with a goodly 'mount o' cargo holds. Usually, ol' Stump'll trade away with the starter ship til I gets enough cash t'buy a Dreamsower. Aye, the Dreamsower handles like trash, and is a fuel glutton... but actually fer doin' strictly tradin' she's comparable t'most others. Say yer using a Speedstar, and ye have 10 Wisdom. That be 4 gallons per warp. So to do a round trip trade run, ye go thru two warps, and make two dockings fer the total of 10 gallons burnt, transportin' 100 tons each way. The Dreamsower will burn 9 gallons per warp plus 1 gallon per dock, but she's got double the holds. So a round trip costing 20 gallons o' fuel, be the same as the Speedstar movin' 200 tons, and ye saved yerself a small amount o' time not havin' t'make twice the trips. The downside of course, be the Dreamsowers terrible speed and handlin', along with the danger that ye could pretty easily get blown up iff'n ye cross a bunch o' NPCs with only 2000 shield capacity. But, ol' Stump will generally fer a small time run a Dreamsower, just long enough t'get the ol' pocketbook filled up a little. It don't take too long to make a Million credits with a 200 hold Sower, and even with a worn out trade run, ye should still average out (mininum)$30000+ per hop tradin' in Spice/Equipment/Uranium... which makes tradin' better than taxiing.
Well put Stump, I find that it's especially safe if you can locate a good run inside UN space, that way you don't have to worry about being shot down.
guess what, the profit of tradin just went down about 50%
with patch 160, with new games all starports start out with around 44-60% demand rather than 100%... this means alot lower bargaining and sales/buying prices for everyone...
Thank you for using Screwballl's Taxi Service, I used to be a trader back in the day but now theres no money in it.
I remember that happening before the latest patch Screwball dude. Besides, it's fairer on people who don't start the game the minute it is re-banged this way don't you think?
I find that taxiing is alright if you are wanting to earn some cash if you are on your way somewhere else of are exploring or you just wanna be chatting or something whilst you're flying, because there isn't much you have to do whilst the auto pilot is on. Trading in the way Ol' Stump suggests in my opinion is the most profitable, but it requires alot more input.
I hope that they introduce some more 'missions' from the bar soon, such as NPC bounties or something?
I agree that trading along the way of a taxi route is quite profitable, it's just a question of if you want to use up warp fuel and travel far off to do it. What I'll usually do is get a long taxi run (30+ hops) and trade goods in every system that has a port. If I know what certain systems trade, I'll buy/sell accordingly to make the most money. Otherwise, I'll just buy the most expensive resource available and sell it when I find a starport that buys it. I also like doing this because I usually run across quite a few NPCs to kill on a long taxi run, thus gaining more experience and money.
I do realize that if you stop in every sytem to trade, you won't make much money from taxiing, but the taxiing doesn't really matter. It's more about the trading and the possibility of finding NPCs. I just do the taxi run at the end to make just a little bit more money. And if you're evil you can both rob and trade along the way.