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complaint about the update!

I know its a daft complaint, but I have just installed this and now have to wait hours for the thing to update. Stupid thing, why so many files (14000+)?! I guess that can be only a good thing on turbines part for adding a lot of free content. But still annoying, especially when the downloader does not show how long it will take to download.


Cannot imagine how long EQ2 takes these days.... (took me about 3 hours last year, not tried since)


The quickest was WoW, about 2 hours, maybe not even that.


  • Redline65Redline65 Member Posts: 486

    Not sure if you installed it off the disc or what, but the downloadable client should be somewhat recent and shouldn't take as long to patch.

  • fl3wkfl3wk Member Posts: 20

    Its from the launch disc. I have estimated that it will take at least about 170 minutes. Now I know how long it will take rather than just staring at how many files have been downloaded it does not seem as bad. In the past when I played EQ2 I had to go through something like this. Still annoying as hell,

  • ThradarThradar Member Posts: 949

    ProTip:  If an mmo has been out for a year, always start fresh installs right before bed.

    No, I'm serious.

  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    Dude... OP.. DO NOT Even complain about "2 hr" WoW DL's or 3 hr EQ 2 shizz....


    My internet...For EQ 2, longer then a day.. Re DLing LoTRO atm, after 29 hours, I still have 400 files left, with my gay ass 36kb AT MOST internet.

    These posts just make me wonder how spoiled the OP's are.

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • fl3wkfl3wk Member Posts: 20

    Originally posted by iMMORPG

    Dude... OP.. DO NOT Even complain about "2 hr" WoW DL's or 3 hr EQ 2 shizz....
    My internet...For EQ 2, longer then a day.. Re DLing LoTRO atm, after 29 hours, I still have 400 files left, with my gay ass 36kb AT MOST internet.
    These posts just make me wonder how spoiled the OP's are.

    Get a better connection, that way instead of downcasting others on the forum you will be playing instead. I suggest Plusnet if you are from the UK.


    I am STILL Downloading. I left it on last night, but found out I needed to start the downloader in order to download a seperate segment. I wonder how many of these there are...


    ...I hope the game is worth it.

  • KhrymsonKhrymson Member UncommonPosts: 3,090

    Just think though, its only gonna get worse in the coming years!  MMOs are becoming extremely huge and patches will get larger and larger!  Unfortunately if you don't have access to a good connection its gonna be rough!



  • GaylenGaylen Member Posts: 113

    Every 2-3 months since the launch last April, there have been large, free content patches. We just saw the 5th one fo live in April. I much prefer free addons rather than getting a game home and realizing I need to go back to the store to buy 2 or 3 expansion packs for $10-$20 a pop. 

    And to be honest, it's really boggling that anyone would complain about free content. Even more so if you've played MMOs before. It's pretty standard fare to spend hours patching during the first install. 

    In defense of the guy upthread, you did pretty much acknowledge your gripe is petty. You have to know it comes off as whiny. You have the wherewithal to point out there's a justified reason for it and that other games are as bad or worse, but you went on and whined anyway. As far as flames on the interwebnets go, his was pretty tame.

    Previous played: SWG (pre-NGE), DAoC, CoH, Anarchy Online, DDO, Champions Online Beta, LOTRO, GW2, SWTOR

  • fl3wkfl3wk Member Posts: 20

    Originally posted by Gaylen

    Every 2-3 months since the launch last April, there have been large, free content patches. We just saw the 5th one fo live in April. I much prefer free addons rather than getting a game home and realizing I need to go back to the store to buy 2 or 3 expansion packs for $10-$20 a pop. 
    And to be honest, it's really boggling that anyone would complain about free content. Even more so if you've played MMOs before. It's pretty standard fare to spend hours patching during the first install. 
    In defense of the guy upthread, you did pretty much acknowledge your gripe is petty. You have to know it comes off as whiny. You have the wherewithal to point out there's a justified reason for it and that other games are as bad or worse, but you went on and whined anyway. As far as flames on the interwebnets go, his was pretty tame.

    I have a right to whine, I gained that right when I bought the product.


    As for being petty, the downloader has just checked what has been downloaded and says it is corrupt. Now I am wondering whether I should fill up my monthly usage on this downloader and find out it gets corrupt again, or just quit and play a game where I do not have to pay monthly. I might go pick up GW or something.


    Fuck this shit, if the Downloader cannot download the proper files I wonder what there other products (the game) are like!

  • SovrathSovrath Member LegendaryPosts: 33,140

    Originally posted by fl3wk

    Originally posted by Gaylen

    Every 2-3 months since the launch last April, there have been large, free content patches. We just saw the 5th one fo live in April. I much prefer free addons rather than getting a game home and realizing I need to go back to the store to buy 2 or 3 expansion packs for $10-$20 a pop. 
    And to be honest, it's really boggling that anyone would complain about free content. Even more so if you've played MMOs before. It's pretty standard fare to spend hours patching during the first install. 
    In defense of the guy upthread, you did pretty much acknowledge your gripe is petty. You have to know it comes off as whiny. You have the wherewithal to point out there's a justified reason for it and that other games are as bad or worse, but you went on and whined anyway. As far as flames on the interwebnets go, his was pretty tame.


    I have a right to whine, I gained that right when I bought the product.


    As for being petty, the downloader has just checked what has been downloaded and says it is corrupt. Now I am wondering whether I should fill up my monthly usage on this downloader and find out it gets corrupt again, or just quit and play a game where I do not have to pay monthly. I might go pick up GW or something.


    Fuck this shit, if the Downloader cannot download the proper files I wonder what there other products (the game) are like!

    Monthly usage?

    Well, besides that issue, I've updated this game several times (reinstalled it twice) and never had an issue.  However, you will find large downloads with mmo's. That's how it is. Go buy a regular disk of Lineage 2 and then update it and then see how long you will be waiting.

    It's a pain in the neck, true, but with mmo's (especially mmo's that add a lot of content after launch) you will have to deal with downloads. It is what it is.

    So either do the downloads while you are at work or sleeping or just do other things. I can't speak to why you have a corrupt download.

    Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb." 

    Godfred's Tomb Trailer:

    Original Skyrim:

    Try the "Special Edition." 'Cause it's "Special."

    Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through. 
  • fl3wkfl3wk Member Posts: 20

    I  am giving the downloader another chance to download the correct files. My XBOX360 just died on me after 2 years and I need my gaming fix with something.


    As for the complaint about the download, I have played many MMO's, just not recently. I think the anticipation of wanting to play and the -pretty low usage alowance I am allowed just peeved me off a little. Its not bad really, just not the best downloader for giving the user information on how long it will take. I love free content, no complaints ever about that.

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