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If you want to learn about this guild, best thing to do is check the site first.
We list our CoC there, our charter and have a forums-live chat, and a team speak server.
The quick down low on the guild however, is that we're currently a beta guild, horde side and have been going in WoW for almost a month now. Silent Reign itself has been around for a while, we got started back in DAOC. So we have non-beta members as well as beta members.
As for our member selection, we only want to recruit people with good attitudes who arn't "annoying" or power hungery. Basicaly people who expect to be power leveled, or want free gear and items all the time without giving anything in return are not welcome. We help each other out, we respect each other and if you're annoying people in the guild, odds are you're annoying someone out of the guild, and we DO NOT appreciate members giving our guild a bad name. We're all pretty easy going, prefer to PvP, but we cater to the more casual of play styles. We don't force our members to do raids or anything they don't have time to do.
The site has recieved a lot of updates lately, and with the release of hunters we've got a bit more info on the game floating around on our forums.
For anyone interested in joining who's not in beta, just post on our boards and let us know you're interested.
Also we are NOT a pick up guild, we do not recruit all applicants, only people who fit in with the rest of the members. We're also not as strict as it may seem, we just like to be careful not to let in bad apples who'll ruin things for the other members.
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.
"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
You guys sound like a very well formed guild.
I too have come from DAOC, and i also played Uo for 5 years. Played DAOC for about a year and a half. I am interested in your guild. And it sounds very nice.
"and we appreciate members giving our guild a bad name" Think you ment we dont
But i will definitly be postin on your forums
SR is on the Faction Vs. Faction server atm, and that's where we'll be at release.
I know we sound hardcore, but most of us are just cool ppl that like to hang out.
-Inner Council
If there is a way...I'll find it.
Heh, fixed the typo. Amazing how leaving out 2 little words can yield the exact opposite of the intended statement.
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.


"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius