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Better then WoW ?...someone had to ask



  • Cway214Cway214 Member UncommonPosts: 92

    Originally posted by Psiho246

    Originally posted by Cway214

    haha just watch this youtube video!!
    enough said.



    enough said.

    Hilarious, isn't it??? 

    By the way nice comeback, you must be another of the little WoW kiddies.

  • XasapisXasapis Member RarePosts: 6,337

    That video is not really a good basis for a comparison, if such a thing was meaningful in the first place.

  • Psiho246Psiho246 Member Posts: 482

    Originally posted by Cway214

    Originally posted by Psiho246

    Originally posted by Cway214

    haha just watch this youtube video!!
    enough said.



    enough said.


    Hilarious, isn't it??? 

    By the way nice comeback, you must be another of the little WoW kiddies.

    You obviusely never played WoW and don't know how the WoW player behaves so please don't make comments like that.

    WoW player =


    enough said.


  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,228

    Alright. If you like WoW, play WoW. If you like AoC, play AoC. If you like HKIA-O (Hello Kitty Island Adventures Online), play HKIA-O.

    I don't understand why it matters if someone prefers another game than you do. I played WoW for year, peaked, got bored and quit. Went through all sorts of MMOs that are already out and didn't really get too involved with any of them, although EQ2 was pretty fun. AoC came around, I gave it a shot and now I call Hyboria home.

    Does this make WoW players suck? Nope.

    Does this make me better? Nope.

    For everyone complaining about the issues, I'm going to try to give some FACTUAL information based on my experiences so that the people debating on trying the game will have something to go on.

    Load times: Yes, you have a loading screen between any instances and going in/out of a building. On my computer, it's only a few seconds. I would assume on a lower end PC it could take 30sec-1min. If this will bother you, you may not be happy playing. If you can deal with it for the graphics, you should be okay.

    Performance: You need a decent computer to run at low settings (which don't look too bad to me). Yes, you do need an uber computer, but only if you want the uber graphics settings. With shadows and AA off and the view distance turned down on low settings, you will be alright on a mid range machine.

    Combat: Press a lot of buttons instead of spamming one or two over and over. It adds a level of skill, but nothing earth shattering. I enjoy it because I actually have to do a little more than I would in other MMOs. I always hated running instances in WoW on my hunter because on only ever had to push 2 or 3 buttons, got boring quick. With this system combined with shields you can't go in with a set rotation and it makes you pay attention.

    All the bug/glitch/problem issues: It is a brand new game. I'd say they're doing good for a game this early in the game. We'll see what happens

    PvP Camping: They've added a big damage shield that will pretty much one shot anyone who hits you while you're still loading.

    Again. To each their own. If you still love WoW, go raid Kara/Gruuls/BT/TK or whatever you want to do and have fun. If you like AoC, I'll see you in Hyboria. If you're not sure, come give it a shot when buddy keys come back, hell I 'll hand out my 5 if you want. After you try it, if you like it, stay, if not, well good luck finding your spot.

    If anyone has questions about AoC, I can try to help you out from what I've seen so far.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • BetaguyBetaguy Member UncommonPosts: 2,629
    Originally posted by skeaser

    Alright. If you like WoW, play WoW. If you like AoC, play AoC. If you like HKIA-O (Hello Kitty Island Adventures Online), play HKIA-O.
    I don't understand why it matters if someone prefers another game than you do. I played WoW for year, peaked, got bored and quit. Went through all sorts of MMOs that are already out and didn't really get too involved with any of them, although EQ2 was pretty fun. AoC came around, I gave it a shot and now I call Hyboria home.
    Does this make WoW players suck? Nope.
    Does this make me better? Nope.
    For everyone complaining about the issues, I'm going to try to give some FACTUAL information based on my experiences so that the people debating on trying the game will have something to go on.
    Load times: Yes, you have a loading screen between any instances and going in/out of a building. On my computer, it's only a few seconds. I would assume on a lower end PC it could take 30sec-1min. If this will bother you, you may not be happy playing. If you can deal with it for the graphics, you should be okay.
    Performance: You need a decent computer to run at low settings (which don't look too bad to me). Yes, you do need an uber computer, but only if you want the uber graphics settings. With shadows and AA off and the view distance turned down on low settings, you will be alright on a mid range machine.
    Combat: Press a lot of buttons instead of spamming one or two over and over. It adds a level of skill, but nothing earth shattering. I enjoy it because I actually have to do a little more than I would in other MMOs. I always hated running instances in WoW on my hunter because on only ever had to push 2 or 3 buttons, got boring quick. With this system combined with shields you can't go in with a set rotation and it makes you pay attention.
    All the bug/glitch/problem issues: It is a brand new game. I'd say they're doing good for a game this early in the game. We'll see what happens
    PvP Camping: They've added a big damage shield that will pretty much one shot anyone who hits you while you're still loading.
    Again. To each their own. If you still love WoW, go raid Kara/Gruuls/BT/TK or whatever you want to do and have fun. If you like AoC, I'll see you in Hyboria. If you're not sure, come give it a shot when buddy keys come back, hell I 'll hand out my 5 if you want. After you try it, if you like it, stay, if not, well good luck finding your spot.
    If anyone has questions about AoC, I can try to help you out from what I've seen so far.

    Well written

    "The King and the Pawn return to the same box at the end of the game"

  • BetaguyBetaguy Member UncommonPosts: 2,629
    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by ZtwoD

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    Originally posted by sinjin

    I have three WoW Accounts and played since release.   I cancelled all of my account's which I left behind years of raiding work.  That is all I got to say.
    After playing conan then looking at wow again it blows in comparison.  WoW seems like it is for candy ass faggots now that I see both side by side. 
    I love AoC it feels like DAoC, UO, and SWG all in one it is just simply amazing.
    What's one person doing with 3 (paying) subscription accounts ?


    Oh I see it sounds heavier if you say 3 instead of one.

    See you in WotLK.

    Maybe he's actually telling the truth. Maybe take a leaf out of his book and come back.

    Because his earlier posts, even up to a full year ago; he says exactly the same things...


    ....the problem is you can only leave a game once (with or without 3 subscriptions). :)))

    The only difference from this post and a  year ago it was : ....Tabula Rasa he would be leaving for.

    The next BIGGEST thing that would kill. Yep

    I see ....what's  next? Warhammer, if he continues like that ...

    ... that would mean he already left 9(!) subscription behind.

    Wow,.... :))

    PRE-NGE I had 12 SWG subscriptions active and playing them all on one super computer.  I wouldn't dare to count all my subscriptions in total for every mmo, i'd puke.

    "The King and the Pawn return to the same box at the end of the game"

  • Saito^Saito^ Member UncommonPosts: 25

    I haven't played the game yet but all this discussion about a few seconds of loading screens...

    When I started Lineage 2 a few years back I was on a p4 2.2ghz and 512mb ram and a mid range video card for that time. Moving from one area to the other even though it was supposed to seamless it usually took several seconds to up to a minute in very crowed area's. Now that I have an 3.2ghz intel quadcore 8 gigs of ram and two 8800gt's in sli I don't even notice anything at all anymore when changing areas.

    I'm pretty sure the loading screens in AoC will go from "pretty long" to near instant as hardware advances and people average PC specs go up. Maybe even to the point they decide to completely remove the loading screens and make it a seamless world instead since the hardware can easily cope with the new areas to do so.

    Try not to worry too much about the loading screens especially if you haven't even played the game yet and theres always the option that patches will improve game performance and lower the time it takes to load.

    And most of all.. If the game is fun to play and you have good people to play with you the few seconds loading really doesn't matter...


    @ skeaser


    I totally agree with your post would you mind sharing your computer spects and with "a few seconds" this could be considered less then 5 seconds? Maybe that will give us a better idea what hardware is needed to play the game properly.

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    The amount of ignorance and complete idiocy in this thread is astounding:

    WoW can run on a machine with >= half a gig of ram, >= 1 ghz cpu  and almost any abomination of a graphics card(@ the person that claimed it required a good machine AT RELEASE).

    WoW, despite being called a kiddy game by most of the fake elitest shills on this site and being rated lower than FFXI (FFS.. who rates WoW lower than FFXI?!?), has more "depth" and gameplay complexity than nearly anything rated above it in the list; the only thing that Conan has on it in terms of complexity is the directional (combo) combat system.

    The problem is that smaller game companies have their people on this website given that some of them depend almost exclusively on for advertising.

    These forums are very unreliable: You should try going to tentonhammer, or another outside source that doesn't function as much as a promotion tool as this site does.

    I've preordered AoC and am currently waiting for it to ship, so that I'm really hoping it is better than WoW myself, but asking on this site is really the wrong way to go about it...



    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • HorniakHorniak Member Posts: 77

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    At last someone who posts in MMORPGCOM without bashing Wow players.
    Think noone is bashing anyone just because they play wow. Think it's more the other way around. Some people who hasn't even tried the game come to these forums telling lies or exaggerating small bugs making them sound huge. Sadly most of these persons are WoW players. Ofcourse they will not be handled lightly, afterall this is the AoC forums and most people here like it.

    Great post there skeaser :)

  • HorniakHorniak Member Posts: 77


    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    The amount of ignorance and complete idiocy in this thread is astounding:
    WoW can run on a machine with >= half a gig of ram, >= 1 ghz cpu  and almost any abomination of a graphics card(@ the person that claimed it required a good machine AT RELEASE). 


    I'm sorry to say but I think you misread, I wrote that it needed a quite good machine at the time to run at GOOD quality. Nothing else. If it was my post you were refering to.

    Ignorance goes many ways

  • AOCtesterAOCtester Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 431

    AOC becomes very repetitive at lvl 30+.  No variations.  Same basic spells that just get new ranks.  Basicly the game is lacking the final touch to be enjoyable.  All effort from Funcom has been put into lvl 1-20 and very little to higher lvls and characters abilites.

    Basicly the game could have 20 lvl charas instead of 80.  You get new abilites every 5 lvls instead of WOWs every other lvl so it really doesn't matter.  


    There is a reason for Funcom having no class abilites shown on official forums.  They simply are not finalised at all.

  • GreenChaosGreenChaos Member Posts: 2,268

    Originally posted by WhiteknightI

    The pvp sounds better, is it?
    The graphics are obviously better.
    What else do you like and not like about?

    Well for me it is about 10 times better.  I love the story, graphics, pvp, atmosphere, combat, boobs, and community. 

    I am playing on a RP-PvP server and I think that’s makes a big difference.  This game is great for RP and for PvP. 

    I’m having a great time.  I played WoW for two years and liked it, but never loved it.   And there is some very interesting RP guild activity going on too. 

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    Originally posted by Horniak

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    The amount of ignorance and complete idiocy in this thread is astounding:
    WoW can run on a machine with >= half a gig of ram, >= 1 ghz cpu  and almost any abomination of a graphics card(@ the person that claimed it required a good machine AT RELEASE). 


    I'm sorry to say but I think you misread, I wrote that it needed a quite good machine at the time to run at GOOD quality. Nothing else. If it was my post you were refering to.

    Ignorance goes many ways

      Quite a good machine being 1 gig ram, 1.2 ghz processor, NVidia 5000+ ?



    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • VengerVenger Member UncommonPosts: 1,309

    Better then wow in every aspect.  Falls short in some aspects compared to other mmos.

  • JerriescidsJerriescids Member Posts: 54


    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    In every respect Wow beats Conan hands down.
    From open seamless worlds with no loading graphical screens  to the CHOICE of playing styles.
    Already know many MMORPG's that have a fully fledged e-sport championship ? Only one has it.
    Conan is the next hyped kid in town, but a very small minority will PAY to play it, because it is an offline design (with loading graphics screen and all) tied to a server for having (not too many) play it in the same zone at once. And of course you need a whopping 8800 GTS to enjoy it.
    Cities are "blocked" when too many are in it. Entry zones are being camped by gankers because of fixed entry points, "hopping" to escape into zones, people getting killed when they have a loading graphics screen.
    And MINUTES long waiting times for everything  you do IF you follow the boring cut scenes for the 12563th time.
    Seriously: having a loading screen for 10 seconds to even enter an inn ??? And AGAIN a loading screen to exit the same inn ???? in 2008 ???


    I disagree, AoC has WoW in overall PVP only because WoW doesn't have much "real PvP" to begin with.. but besides that I'll agree with the every aspect part.

  • RainWindRainWind Member Posts: 3


    Originally posted by Horniak

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    At last someone who posts in MMORPGCOM without bashing Wow players.
    Think noone is bashing anyone just because they play wow. Think it's more the other way around. Some people who hasn't even tried the game come to these forums telling lies or exaggerating small bugs making them sound huge. Sadly most of these persons are WoW players. Ofcourse they will not be handled lightly, afterall this is the AoC forums and most people here like it.


    Great post there skeaser :)


    So after reading this thread, I've noticed everyone keeps bashing Zorndorf... yet you, same as the others, have failed to really explain how his complaints aren't valid.  Its usually just WoW sucks you're wrong whatever you have no taste.

    I don't agree with all Zorn's points regarding AoC, especially his claims that you can't have "off-line" graphics in an MMO.  IMO that's rubbish.  Any good developer will include the option to tone down graphics and crank it up depending on your system.  Whether or not they could get it right in AoC is another matter.  But its perfectly possible to design a game with excellent graphics that can be toned down to be playable on any PC.

    In fact, more than the engine its the artist that makes a game look good.  Take WoW for example.  AoC is tehcnically superior, but there's nothing wrong with WoW either.  Much of it is personal preference anyway.  I prefer WoW's graphics.  Not everyone prefers the realistic style of graphics offered by games like AoC, or Oblivion.  I think Blizzard did an awesome job with WoW.    They took lower tech engine approach and did the graphics in a style that made it work, and it works very well.  I love the way the game looks.  The art style appeals to me, and if I had to pick between which graphics I prefer I would say WoW.  The graphics in AoC seem a little more on the gritty side, which makes sense because it fits the world.  Altho I would have preferred a more assassin's creed style.

    @Zorn: Speaking of graphics power...  Have you seen crowds in assassin's creed?  Now there's an example of a sexy game with a LOT going on.  The future of MMO's IS what you term "off-line graphics".  Technology progresses.  It won't be long before we see that level of graphcis in an MMO.  I can play that game flawlessly with my 8800GT, and 8800GT's are no longer cutting edge.  They can be had for $140... PC's progress at a VERY fast rate, and MMO's need to keep pace.  The technological progression seen in AoC is something all MMO's need to follow.  Crysis may be a bit laggy on my machine at times, but I can run it at 1920X1200 and my God does it look beautiful.  In 5 years we'll be seeing MMO's with Crysis' level of graphcis if technology continues its current level of progression.  You could go buy a dell PC with a Quad Core processor and 3 gigs of RAM for around $500.  Another $130 for a new graphics card and you've got a PC that can play AoC at max settings.

    He was proven wrong on auction houses, or whatever they want to call them in AoC.  From what I've heard they're offline due to a "bug".. which also happens to be a pretty nasty one.

    However, his complaints of loading screens are valid ones.  I won't deny that I haven't yet got my hands on retail, so I can't test it.  But nobody here has yet denied the existence of an overabundance of loading screens.  This is an MMO.  Its supposed to have immersion.  In WoW you get a loading screen between instanced dungeons and azeroth/outlands.  AoC has far far more loading screens.  Short as they may be, its going to be as annoying (or more so) than EQ's zoning.  WoW did get this part right with their huge landscapes that can be navigated without the need to see a loading screen.

    Not only is the loading an issue, but the instancing (or as Zorn called it being locked out) is seriously annoying.  IMO WoW has it right with choosing your server and no inner-server instancing (except dungeons, but that's a different matter).  If I go into a city in WoW I see anyone in that city on my server.  AoC is different, and its different in a way that I strongly dislike.  Hopefully in the future they eliminate the need to instance public areas.  I don't want to have to jump through hoops to meet a friend in a city.  If someone cries "help, I'm being ganked at (location)" I don't want to travel there and then try to get into the right instance of that location.  Its not an issue for the solo player, but for social players its a huge issue.

  • grues0megrues0me Member Posts: 23

    Let me tell you a few things about WoW and PvP.

    I played since the beta WoW, and i kinda liked it, especially since they promised something like siege PvP and other never given features.

    In the beginning you would do PvP for fun. Be ganked, gank back (Tarren Mill anyone?). It was pointless but it HAPPENED in the world. Now when they introduced honor peoplke started farming battlegrounds and world PvP pretty much disappeared. Then came the wrath - the arena and WoW died for me.

    People just level chars to make arena/battleground twinks. Thats what the world is good for, a grind for max level. WoW is E-Sports now  and if people could create 70 chars and play arena right away, noone would care to level in the game enviroment anymore. Arena became WoW. The world is just grindfeast for bots.

    Its like playing guild wars now.

    I hope AoC siege PvP will do great. I really do.

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    Originally posted by grues0me

    Let me tell you a few things about WoW and PvP.
    I played since the beta WoW, and i kinda liked it, especially since they promised something like siege PvP and other never given features.
    In the beginning you would do PvP for fun. Be ganked, gank back (Tarren Mill anyone?). It was pointless but it HAPPENED in the world. Now when they introduced honor peoplke started farming battlegrounds and world PvP pretty much disappeared. Then came the wrath - the arena and WoW died for me.
    People just level chars to make arena/battleground twinks. Thats what the world is good for, a grind for max level. WoW is E-Sports now  and if people could create 70 chars and play arena right away, noone would care to level in the game enviroment anymore. Arena became WoW. The world is just grindfeast for bots.
    Its like playing guild wars now.
    I hope AoC siege PvP will do great. I really do.

    An arena twink?  Rated arena isn't until 70 and considering that BG gear usually is better (s1 and soon s2) than PvE unless you're dps (i.e. rogue), I really don't think you've ever played WoW + TBC.



    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

  • GnazonGnazon Member Posts: 442

    Originally posted by puma713
    Originally posted by winric I really enjoyed playing WoW and atm I'm having a blast playing AoC, cant really tell which one is better and frankly I don't care. I just wanna have fun!
    Holy crap. A gamer that actually gets it. image



  • HisButterflyHisButterfly Member Posts: 45

    I agree with the poster that said to each his own. I love World of Warcraft and I have now fallen in MMO love with Age of Conan. I'm a woman torn between two

    Age of Conan will probably never be a World of Warcraft killer but after logging into the Sentinels server for World of Warcraft not even ten minutes ago, I can say this....

    It's a thumb of slow down and people heading for other pastures.

    Stormwind was dead. I mean, there were three people in the AH and the only chat rolling by were from the trade channels. In my almost three years of playing I have NEVER seen it like that. NEVER!

    Now let's all hope that the "kidiots" stay where they are and leave the good stuff for the adults :)


  • ZtwoDZtwoD Member Posts: 37

    Originally posted by RainWind

    Originally posted by Horniak

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    At last someone who posts in MMORPGCOM without bashing Wow players.
    Think noone is bashing anyone just because they play wow. Think it's more the other way around. Some people who hasn't even tried the game come to these forums telling lies or exaggerating small bugs making them sound huge. Sadly most of these persons are WoW players. Ofcourse they will not be handled lightly, afterall this is the AoC forums and most people here like it.


    Great post there skeaser :)



    He was proven wrong on auction houses, or whatever they want to call them in AoC.  From what I've heard they're offline due to a "bug".. which also happens to be a pretty nasty one.


    However, his complaints of loading screens are valid ones.  I won't deny that I haven't yet got my hands on retail, so I can't test it.  But nobody here has yet denied the existence of an overabundance of loading screens. 

    It wasn't the case that he was proven wrong on auction houses - by the way is this a sockpuppet account? I'm sure it's a huge coincidence you've registered today and set about trying to defend him.

    Anyway, as I said it isn't about being wrong. It's about repeatedly spouting the same wrong thing wherever possible, and in the manner in which it's done. I'm sure someone could post on here that they were sat on the toilet reading the game manual to pass the time and el zorn would be straight in there saying' yes but where's the auction house - that's right there isn't one in this game etc etc '.

    It seems the loading times for zones are for some people an immersion breaking feature of Conan. That is opinion and we all have one. It is also an opinion based on fact because that really is the case. I could counter and say that the by todays standards poor graphics of WOW are immersion breaking for me and that it looks like a cartoon. But that is but my opinion. Nothing more.

    However, is it immersion breaking for everyone? From the replies here then no it is not. Also when seeking to undermine something within a game, it has to be factually otherwise it holds no merit or credibility. Using examples from the open beta to try and bolster a cause is folly. Also trying t5o preach to people that know exactly what the score is , well is daft. Are you trying to convince me that the loading times are 30 seconds into an inn or 5 minutes into a zone, when the fact remains that even in open beta at the end of it, the loading times were nothing close to those figures and were significantly less ( 5 secs into an inn - 20 odd secs into a zone for me on med/low hardware )


    The message is: By all means criticise something, but do it factually. If you feel the need to post the same unfactual points all over the shop then you really need help and there's clearly somer undisclosed and  underlying reason for all the negativity.


  • HorniakHorniak Member Posts: 77

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by Horniak

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    The amount of ignorance and complete idiocy in this thread is astounding:
    WoW can run on a machine with >= half a gig of ram, >= 1 ghz cpu  and almost any abomination of a graphics card(@ the person that claimed it required a good machine AT RELEASE). 


    I'm sorry to say but I think you misread, I wrote that it needed a quite good machine at the time to run at GOOD quality. Nothing else. If it was my post you were refering to.

    Ignorance goes many ways

      Quite a good machine being 1 gig ram, 1.2 ghz processor, NVidia 5000+ ?




    MOO: In the beginning I ran the game on my AMD XP1800+, 1gig ram and a ATI 9800pro. And it didn't look good at all, and were running quite choppy in raids. But it's obvious that we got different standards so I wont argue what good is for me and good is for you.

    RainWind: What have we failed to prove? That he exaggerate? Repeat the same issue over and over? It's instanced, some like it some dont. But it's not that harsh as he want it to sound. (and some people are getting tired of seeing the same posts by the same person over and over) It's less zoning than in EQ2, but EQ2 has quite alot of them. And about wow, yes it's a great game, hasn't said anything else. But it also had it's fair share of issues when it was released and I played it a looong time.

    If you really want something to talk about, then talk about the idiotic maintenace time. 20.00GMT and 5 hours long... that's 10pm for europe on a wednesday evening. THAT is a real issue.

  • neonakaneonaka Member UncommonPosts: 779

    Originally posted by Horniak

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    Originally posted by Horniak

    Originally posted by //\//\oo

    The amount of ignorance and complete idiocy in this thread is astounding:
    WoW can run on a machine with >= half a gig of ram, >= 1 ghz cpu  and almost any abomination of a graphics card(@ the person that claimed it required a good machine AT RELEASE). 


    I'm sorry to say but I think you misread, I wrote that it needed a quite good machine at the time to run at GOOD quality. Nothing else. If it was my post you were refering to.

    Ignorance goes many ways

      Quite a good machine being 1 gig ram, 1.2 ghz processor, NVidia 5000+ ?




    MOO: In the beginning I ran the game on my AMD XP1800+, 1gig ram and a ATI 9800pro. And it didn't look good at all, and were running quite choppy in raids. But it's obvious that we got different standards so I wont argue what good is for me and good is for you.


    RainWind: What have we failed to prove? That he exaggerate? Repeat the same issue over and over? It's instanced, some like it some dont. But it's not that harsh as he want it to sound. (and some people are getting tired of seeing the same posts by the same person over and over) It's less zoning than in EQ2, but EQ2 has quite alot of them. And about wow, yes it's a great game, hasn't said anything else. But it also had it's fair share of issues when it was released and I played it a looong time.

    If you really want something to talk about, then talk about the idiotic maintenace time. 20.00GMT and 5 hours long... that's 10pm for europe on a wednesday evening. THAT is a real issue.

    Doing maintenance on over 100+ servers in a 5hr timespan is pretty amazing to me, I don't know about you. To think they service 10 million players in around 5 hours.... what is so idiotic about that, makes them seem pretty smart and hard working to me?

  • DlordsminionDlordsminion Member Posts: 16

    Hisbutterfly....Would you be my butterfly?!?!?!?

  • AcesplayedAcesplayed Member Posts: 182
    Originally posted by Horniak

    Originally posted by Zorndorf

    In every respect Wow beats Conan hands down.
    From open seamless worlds with no loading graphical screens  to the CHOICE of playing styles.
    Already know many MMORPG's that have a fully fledged e-sport championship ? Only one has it.
    Conan is the next hyped kid in town, but a very small minority will PAY to play it, because it is an offline design (with loading graphics screen and all) tied to a server for having (not too many) play it in the same zone at once. And of course you need a whopping 8800 GTS to enjoy it.
    Cities are "blocked" when too many are in it. Entry zones are being camped by gankers because of fixed entry points, "hopping" to escape into zones, people getting killed when they have a loading graphics screen.
    And MINUTES long waiting times for everything  you do IF you follow the boring cut scenes for the 12563th time.
    Seriously: having a loading screen for 10 seconds to even enter an inn ??? And AGAIN a loading screen to exit the same inn ???? in 2008 ???


    This is just another bullshit hater post by Zorndorf, as all the other posts he has posted in this forum. Please go back to your wow forum and stay there, you obvious hasn't played EA AoC. If you are to young to remember (you seems very young) when WoW was new, there were alot of spawn camping, ganking, and you needed a quite good computer "FOR THAT TIME" to play at good quality. I like wow alot, but got quite bored and needed something new.

    YOU DO NOT need an 8800gts to play, maybe if you want to play it in the HIGHEST detail. Gah, I'm tired of idiots like you.

    edit: Zorndorf how the heck can you know all WOW's salesnumbers and salesstatistics (so exact as they are)? To do that you obvious work for blizzard or you are the biggest fanboy there is.

    Wow could be run by any computer as long as you had 15-30fps it was playable  unless you had a laptop from the 80s(scarcasm) you could play WoW,  spawn camping wasnt to bad especially if you were a stealth class, same with ganking,if you went to a Pvp server sure you get camped alot by the  5 yr old alliance, but if  you usually  they wont stay  for your  spawn for atleast 2mins after your dead  usually theyd be gone looking for new blood only certain zones like ganksbrad were bad ganking zones  and you could always enjoy the time you had until you were ganked it would waste a few mins of your life and youd be back to playing,  If I read all these posts about ganking It seems much worse then what WoW had atleast when getting camped in WoW you could easily go on an alt or lvl a new class have fun doing it (if you were a newbie anyway) and come back get a high lvl to save you or your main with ease ,  WoW doesnt have entire guilds camping lowbies,  people being able to escape into other zones may be annoying to for both the ganker and the gankee Im bored of wow for the 4th time and quit for the 4th time I wana try AoC because its different is there a PvE server? without all the open world ganking?

    No such thing as luck, just believing in it is what makes it real to you and really...thats all you need.

    Im on nobodies' side but my own.

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