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.. that this game is going to be EPIC! I won't go into details of the game since it's still under NDA. The developers actually listen to a lot of our feedback and implement some of it. If you think about it, it is a lot like how open source projects are done (Linux, etc.). Hundreds of people coming up with ideas as opposed to just 10 or so. The game is coming along nicely (that's all I'll say), so I have no doubt that this game is going to really kick some ass when it's finally released!
I know that there are those who think that AoC (with its eye candy) will be the better game, but I seriously doubt it. It will be yet another example of how the Tortoise beat the Rabbit. Just because you're faster and first out the gate, doesn't mean you'll win the race. To WoW: Fear the WAR!
I think your right, Warhammer will be it, I've been asking on the AoC forums as to what their is to do besides simple quest and ganking, and can't get any answer, everyone likes to give devs bull crap as none of it is in the game, Warhammer is will be full of intrusting stuff to do from the beginning.
Aoc can keed their eye candy, it will get old fast, and I hope fans can learn a lesson as for devs content bull.
From what Ive heard the pvp is really fun so far!
As long as I get MORE ELVES and DWARFS... I'm there dude!
Ya Im a beta tester as well. I won't talk about the game so much as the OP did, but from what has been publically released the game is looking more and more marvelous every time we get an update. I do not see any reason to compare this game to other games or say it will be better than xxxxxxxxxx game. Plus we dont need to go over to their forums and troll (I am not accusing anyone).
We should want every MMO that releases to prosper and do well so that more companies (and hence more money) gets put in the industry to fund and develop more games in the future. I understand that people don't like how some games implement features, but to be honest I do not see variety as a bad thing.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
Meh, I'm an "eye candy" person.
I didnt spend thousands on a PC setup just to play cartoon games.
AoC doesnt even have eyecandy anyway from what I can see. So there isnt that much going for it out of the starting gate.
God.. I'm so glad AoC is releasing soon... At least we'll finally have some peace here.
There's no better troll pacifier than DX10 boobs.
God.. I'm so glad AoC is releasing soon... At least we'll finally have some peace here.
There's no better troll pacifier than DX10 boobs.
yeah at least something is getting released. everyone has waited so long for either of these 2 games to come out.
Oh really? name another MMO where the female models can run around with their tits out?
No eye candy?... lol,
Oh really? name another MMO where the female models can run around with their tits out?
No eye candy?... lol,
Horizons. Have not played the game since about a month or two after it release (Was a great game, just too easy) but it did have a toggle option in the game then to turn off the "Undergarments" worn by avatars with no actual armor on. Thus, there were breasts exposed. AoC is not the first to do it. They are the only ones to be hyping their game and building a fan base because of it.
Okay, well, if you can say, "Hey, I'm in beta and this game is AWESOME!" then why can't I say, "Hey, so am I and no it's not" without getting the message erased?
Well might as well take a shot for it. Hello, I'm in beta and WAR (currently and probably in the future also) is not EPIC. Disappointing at the most. I had more fun in the AoC closed beta (which also wasn't that great).
"Ya Im a beta tester as well. I won't talk about the game so much as the OP did"
I've just been BUSTED, folks!
Ok, I've edited out some of the details from my op. ;P~
Oh really? name another MMO where the female models can run around with their tits out?
No eye candy?... lol,
Horizons. Have not played the game since about a month or two after it release (Was a great game, just too easy) but it did have a toggle option in the game then to turn off the "Undergarments" worn by avatars with no actual armor on. Thus, there were breasts exposed. AoC is not the first to do it. They are the only ones to be hyping their game and building a fan base because of it.
Loved Horizons till it went to crap...My dragon looked cool too
Deviant Art:
MMOs Played: EverQuest 1 and 2, Ryzom, Horizons/Istaria, Planetside (BFRs ruined it), WoW, GuildWars, CoH/CoV, Lineage 2, FFXI, Random free MMOs
Heh, yeah... Horizons had some of the best concepts I have seen in a game. Too many never made it to production, and those that did were left feeling only half complete because of what was left behind. Too much "Behind the scenes" politics ruined that game. It is still among my favorite MMO's I have played, but it was a disappointment that my level 30's ould kill the "End game" level 100 mobs without a hitch. Other than that, great game and awesome community! And when I got bored, I could always toggle off clothing and go have a streaking party through a local pub!
Oh really? name another MMO where the female models can run around with their tits out?
No eye candy?... lol,
Kinda sad when the answer to the question of "eye candy" for your fav MMO is boobs.
The problem is that WoW beat WaR to the punch; they (Blizzard) snagged the lore, put a twist to it and called it World of Warcraft. This game should have come out YEARS ago. Now it follows a very successful IP and is trying to reinvent the wheel so to speak. I'm not hater, or fanboi of either game, just giving my opinion.
IPs that I would like to see become MMOs: RIFTS (by Palladium Books), Exalted (White-Wolf publishing), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. All of these have sci-fantasy theme to them. This is where I think the industry should head. But please, please, not another fantasy MMO.
WoW = lame instances and arena battles
WAR = Epic open world pvp warfare.
You see the difference? Anybody who thinks WAR will be a clone of WoW is either ignorant or just plain stupid, imho.
The game mechanics is 100 times more important than the lore, as far as I'm concerned. It's the meat and potatoes of the game. If they get that part right, they're already 90% there.
If the battles in WAR are going to be as epic as the battles in the Begining of Planetside this will be awesome. Spending 2 hours trying to hold onto a base was fun as hell, even if you lost it in the end. Now those battles were Epic!
Deviant Art:
MMOs Played: EverQuest 1 and 2, Ryzom, Horizons/Istaria, Planetside (BFRs ruined it), WoW, GuildWars, CoH/CoV, Lineage 2, FFXI, Random free MMOs
This sounds more like a War-Fanboy dissing AoC, without any real information
. Plus I doubt its going to have huge opening day sales seeing as its coming out around the time of WotLK
WoW = lame instances and arena battles
WAR = Epic open world pvp warfare.
You see the difference? Anybody who thinks WAR will be a clone of WoW is either ignorant or just plain stupid, imho.
The game mechanics is 100 times more important than the lore, as far as I'm concerned. It's the meat and potatoes of the game. If they get that part right, they're already 90% there.
And here we have a classic example of a fanboi; he calls anyone who has a different opinion than his a stupid / ignorant...
My friend, as I said this game should have come out YEARS ago. What's so epic about elves, dwarves, PvP, questing, and dungeons? You mean to tell me that you've never seen these specific examples of gameplay before? To be quite honest I see nothing in this game that has not been done before. Like I mentioned before I'm not a hater of the game; in fact I'm a huge fan of Games Workshop. They make quality games that include a rich history that's easy for the player to delve deep into.
Other games that were said to be epic by fanbois on this forum:
RF Online
Tabula Rasa
Need I say more? So go ahead and tout your epic game, it's what your paid to do. Meanwhile I'll temper my enthusiasm until I acutaly see the finished product.
Waiting for: The Chronicles of Spellborn
Yeah thats really going to hurt initial sales. Even with the 60k CE preorders already sold it will be less than if they released it in the summer before WotLK.
Deviant Art:
MMOs Played: EverQuest 1 and 2, Ryzom, Horizons/Istaria, Planetside (BFRs ruined it), WoW, GuildWars, CoH/CoV, Lineage 2, FFXI, Random free MMOs
As much as I hate acknowledging the AoC vs WAR fanboy war, the games I think are turning out different enough that it really shouldn't matter at this point. The main consensus I've been struggling with has been this.
- More mature theme (no I don't mean boobs -_-) I mean the world on the whole deals with more serious subject matter and has a grittier feel to it.
- More of a dynamic world feel. The ability to own, maintain, and siege player cities is a big part of this. You can own more than just the "phat lewts" on your character.
-For me personally(apparently not popular here) pet classes/better class spread over racial selection.(being pigeonholed into a goblin archer to play a pet class is not a "solution to pet classes.")
- PvP appears lacking. Granted it's there, and I'm sure its ok, but it seems to be focused on more of a Guild Wars style PvP. PvP minigames like capture the flag and team arena deathmatch just don't seem like they fall into place with an MMO game world. The sieges that i've seen give the impression that everyone just charges up and kills whatever, there is no incentive to work as a group.
- Not as racially/tribally diverse. Granted, those three selections can be majorly customized, but you're still looking at half the selection, and they're still technically all human.
- RvR appears top notch. I would expect nothing less from Mythic in this respect. The mechanics behind the standard bearers, the class mechanics that don't penalize you for going solo but give a great benefit and encourage working together in RvR, it's all rather robust. I would imagine the battlegrounds and sieges are absolutely amazing as well.
-Interesting customization options, plenty of racial choices, and all classes and races are very distinct. The trophy decorations will probably be interesting and let them do some cool things as well.
- The game seems as though it will have a very static and scripted world in comparison. Ownership is limited to what you have on your character as there are no cities to build or houses to own, and warfare events while cool the first time, will always be the same every time they are completed. Granted, guilds can capture keeps, but they grant little more than bragging rights and having the guilds little banner floating about it. It is unlikely that there are any upkeep requirements, benefits, or resource requirements other than saying "mine!".
- The world is decidedly less serious. Granted, this is WAR, which is designed on being over the top and with everything taken to comical extremes. However, that being said, I'm concerned it might go too far with it and delve into the realm of "cartoony" or "kiddy" and make it feel like an especially bloody episode of tiny toons.
-(once again personally) Where the hell are my pet classes! -_-.
Really, there are many more pros and cons for both, but what I'm trying to get at here is that the games are seemingly designed in two completely different directions. Arguing that one is better than the other is really not needed, but then again fanboys are less than logical /=.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
To the OP its good to hear. As an old daoc player I was getting worried about the rumors about it not being good. I do believe what is said about the developers listening to their testers. Mythic learned the hard way that they key to success is to listening to the people playing their games with DaoC and they really did go and attack the issues that annoyed players in the later days of that game.
Btw if there is one thing I have learned in AoC beta then its how silly rumors can be. . .
Thumps up WaR from an AoC fanboi!
"You are the hero our legends have foretold will save our tribe, therefore please go kill 10 pigs."
Sorry but need to correct you here mate. Guilds that capture keeps can rank them up and customize them. This has been publically stated by the devs. And the fact that the game is based around factions warring with one another to me seems like pretty serious and mature context. I don't know too many kids that go and fight in wars.
Edit: But I do agree that they target different audiences and I have always preferred people stop bashing one game just to try and make another game look better. Its just silly.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S