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Brief Introduction of Each State

Chu State


Covering a vast area, rich in agricultural produce and military forces, the Chu State is always a powerful leader in the south. Duke Dao used Wu Qi to reform the official system and put much importance in encouraging talented people to rise high in the military. He defeated the Chen and Cai States and occupied the powerful Yue State in a bid to extend its territory to the East Sea. Later, Chu armies marched south to occupy Yunnan.




Lying in the south of China, with a warm climate, Chu State has an abundance of farms, beautiful scenery and rich culture. The people there are passionate and free, fond of poems and dancing.


  • yoroshiyayoroshiya Member Posts: 4

    Chi State:


    Located on the peninsula to the east, encircled by the ocean, reaching Mount Tai in the south and bordered by the Yan and Zhao States to the North, the Chi State is the richest of the seven primary states, possessing vast tracts of fertile land and a thriving fishing industry.




    They advocate the theory of Confucianism and promote strict personal virtue amongst themselves and toward others. The King does not stand too far above the heads of the common folk, taking their pastimes and hobbies as his own. As a result, their cultural rites spread far and wide, regardless of social standing in the imperial hierarchy, making the people of Chi the most genteel of all the nation-states.

  • yoroshiyayoroshiya Member Posts: 4

     Qin State:



    Lying in the highlands to the west of China, the Qin State is superior in military might and sheer geography. It overlooks the six other States, and utilizes the Hangu Pass, Wu Pass and the Xiao Pass as natural barriers. Duke Mu of the Qin State recruited many talented warriors while Duke Xiao used Shang Yang to institute reforms. Furthermore, Duke Hui Wen had Zhang Yi persuade the other States to unite with the Qin in order to fight against the six States to the east. The Duke also occupied Bashu, becoming their de facto chieftain.




    Knowing that success never comes easy, the Qin State advocates the philosophy of Legalism in order to make life less stressful. At home, the Qin people greatly emphasized the agrarian lifestyle while discouraging the venial one. The State treasury overflowed, and the people prospered. The Qin, with all their alliances and prosperity, are the most powerful of the seven States.

  • yoroshiyayoroshiya Member Posts: 4

    Zhao State:



    Fighting and living together with the Huns and Turks west and north China, the Zhao people share the similar ideals with them. Their cultures grew closer after King Wuling implemented a cavalry within his own army. Zhao people are a generous lot. They are also known for the unswerving bravery. The Zhao take the Art of War to a whole new level with their enthusiasm for strategic planning and tactics. In time their cavalries have became the best in the world, often using them to launch surprise attacks against their enemies.




    Zhao State is widely admired for its plethora of famous generals, such as Zhao Xiangzi, the King of Wuling who founded the State and extended its borders, Zhao She, General Ryee and General Lee who was ruthless against the State's enemies and held innumerable foreign cities for ransom. For this reason, the Zhao are the pre-eminent military might amongst the seven States. 

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