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Sadly, My PC Is NOT Up To Par



  • ravengladeravenglade Member Posts: 48

    8500 is not that great.

    Game runs great on vista, dont listen to them.


    my specs:


    8gb ram (overkill for many users, 4gb is the vista sweet-spot)

    9600gt (performance here is almost a 8800gt with a cheaper price tag)


    during beta i got 35+fps on high settings.




  • EphimeroEphimero Member Posts: 1,860

    Your processor is quite good (even tho the game apparently isn't using 4 cores, you'd be better overclocking it :P) and thus I guess your mother board also is, but your gfx card is not a gaming one, it's made for small scale design work and movie playing, it might run 3dstudio max for example, but it won't run properly something requiring shaders and anti aliasing in real time.

    Your best buy would be a 9600 512 mb or a 8800 gts 512 mb, it wouldn't get expensive for you (around 200) and it's almost the best thing you can buy tu run this game, since SLI seems to be failing at the moment. Search for any of these brands: EVGA, XFX or Gainward, I added gainward to the "two elite" brands cause it has really sweet cooling system :P

  • ravengladeravenglade Member Posts: 48

    Originally posted by Ephimero

    Your processor is quite good (even tho the game apparently isn't using 4 cores, you'd be better overclocking it :P) and thus I guess your mother board also is, but your gfx card is not a gaming one, it's made for small scale design work and movie playing, it might run 3dstudio max for example, but it won't run properly something requiring shaders and anti aliasing in real time.
    Your best buy would be a 9600 512 mb or a 8800 gts 512 mb, it wouldn't get expensive for you (around 200) and it's almost the best thing you can buy tu run this game, since SLI seems to be failing at the moment. Search for any of these brands: EVGA, XFX or Gainward, I added gainward to the "two elite" brands cause it has really sweet cooling system :P

    Is it official info that it doesnt use 4 cores? It sure looked like it was stressing 3-4 at any given time on my machine.

  • SouldrainerSouldrainer Member Posts: 1,857

    @ the OP, when was the last time you tried to load up AoC?  You do realize that they overhauled performance on May 10th, right?

    Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.

  • HisButterflyHisButterfly Member Posts: 45

    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    @ the OP, when was the last time you tried to load up AoC?  You do realize that they overhauled performance on May 10th, right?
    Today I logged in briefly. I can honestly say that I did see improvements in the performance but not by much. With my settings on Medium and 2x AA I topped out at 11fps- the highest by far for me.

    I am not giving up on the game nor am I bashing it in any way, before anyone gets upset at me for that. I'm not even complaining about the game. I'm complaining about my less than month old computer not being able to play it properly and taking full responsibility for not asking around before buying a new video card.

    Truly, I appreciate everyone who has responded with their thoughts and opinions. New information coming in is what helps those of us who are new(er) to gaming make better decisions. So, kudos to all you kind souls!

  • SouldrainerSouldrainer Member Posts: 1,857
    Originally posted by HisButterfly

    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    @ the OP, when was the last time you tried to load up AoC?  You do realize that they overhauled performance on May 10th, right?
    Today I logged in briefly. I can honestly say that I did see improvements in the performance but not by much. With my settings on Medium and 2x AA I topped out at 11fps- the highest by far for me.


    I am not giving up on the game nor am I bashing it in any way, before anyone gets upset at me for that. I'm not even complaining about the game. I'm complaining about my less than month old computer not being able to play it properly and taking full responsibility for not asking around before buying a new video card.

    Truly, I appreciate everyone who has responded with their thoughts and opinions. New information coming in is what helps those of us who are new(er) to gaming make better decisions. So, kudos to all you kind souls!

    There are lots of settings you can tweak.  With a   Geforce 7 win XP system and 2GB of RAM, you should definitely be able to run the game, but you have to keep in mind that it is a massive power hog.  FSAA and shadows and bloom should be off, and you should be on low settings, for starters.  Before you start turning on FSAA, you would need a Geforce 8 card.  Do a search or ask on the forums for some Geforce 7 tweaks you can do.  I am sure your system can run it.

    The build between May 10th and 12th was similar to the release build.  If you missed that window, you missed a rare chance at something similar to retail quality.

    EDIT:  I just realized your computer is less than a month old.  You seem like a new computer gamer, because you are surprised that this Dell system cannot run the latest games.  Most of us who have been in the hobby for a while do not buy computers.  We buy about 10 boxes of separate parts with separate warranties and build our computers ourselves.  That is the only way you will get maximum power for a minimum price. Caveat Emptor.  Your system probably cost you more than mine cost me, and I can run AoC with the buggy version... high settings everything on except DX10 and get 45 FPS.  If you know any friends who build their own computer, my advice is to get help from them and ship the Dell back.  You will save lots of money and have a much better computer.

    Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.

  • xcaliburxcalibur Member Posts: 571

    Also, xp and vista are about on par for performance now.  It only took Nvidia like a year to get decent drivers.

  • xcaliburxcalibur Member Posts: 571

    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    Originally posted by HisButterfly

    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    @ the OP, when was the last time you tried to load up AoC?  You do realize that they overhauled performance on May 10th, right?
    Today I logged in briefly. I can honestly say that I did see improvements in the performance but not by much. With my settings on Medium and 2x AA I topped out at 11fps- the highest by far for me.


    I am not giving up on the game nor am I bashing it in any way, before anyone gets upset at me for that. I'm not even complaining about the game. I'm complaining about my less than month old computer not being able to play it properly and taking full responsibility for not asking around before buying a new video card.

    Truly, I appreciate everyone who has responded with their thoughts and opinions. New information coming in is what helps those of us who are new(er) to gaming make better decisions. So, kudos to all you kind souls!

    There are lots of settings you can tweak.  With a   Geforce 7 win XP system and 2GB of RAM, you should definitely be able to run the game, but you have to keep in mind that it is a massive power hog.  FSAA and shadows and bloom should be off, and you should be on low settings, for starters.  Before you start turning on FSAA, you would need a Geforce 8 card.  Do a search or ask on the forums for some Geforce 7 tweaks you can do.  I am sure your system can run it.

    The build between May 10th and 12th was similar to the release build.  If you missed that window, you missed a rare chance at something similar to retail quality.

    EDIT:  I just realized your computer is less than a month old.  You seem like a new computer gamer, because you are surprised that this Dell system cannot run the latest games.  Most of us who have been in the hobby for a while do not buy computers.  We buy about 10 boxes of separate parts with separate warranties and build our computers ourselves.  That is the only way you will get maximum power for a minimum price. Caveat Emptor.  Your system probably cost you more than mine cost me, and I can run AoC with the buggy version... high settings everything on except DX10 and get 45 FPS.  If you know any friends who build their own computer, my advice is to get help from them and ship the Dell back.  You will save lots of money and have a much better computer.

    Don't make him feel bad :)

    His system looks pretty darn good except for the video card IMO.

  • SouldrainerSouldrainer Member Posts: 1,857
    Originally posted by xcalibur

    Don't make him feel bad :)
    His system looks pretty darn good except for the video card IMO.

    Not trying to make her feel bad, just giving some insight that I never got when I first bought a computer.  If she bought it month ago, there is plenty of time on the warranty to take it back.  But yeah, if she gets a new vid card and installs it, she wil see a return in performance.

    Error: 37. Signature not found. Please connect to my server for signature access.

  • xcaliburxcalibur Member Posts: 571
    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    Originally posted by xcalibur

    Don't make him feel bad :)
    His system looks pretty darn good except for the video card IMO.

    Not trying to make her feel bad, just giving some insight that I never got when I first bought a computer.  If she bought it month ago, there is plenty of time on the warranty to take it back.  But yeah, if she gets a new vid card and installs it, she wil see a return in performance.

    Oops, her.  My bad :)

  • RasspRassp Member Posts: 1


    Originally posted by HisButterfly

    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    @ the OP, when was the last time you tried to load up AoC?  You do realize that they overhauled performance on May 10th, right?
    Today I logged in briefly. I can honestly say that I did see improvements in the performance but not by much. With my settings on Medium and 2x AA I topped out at 11fps- the highest by far for me.


    I am not giving up on the game nor am I bashing it in any way, before anyone gets upset at me for that. I'm not even complaining about the game. I'm complaining about my less than month old computer not being able to play it properly and taking full responsibility for not asking around before buying a new video card.

    Truly, I appreciate everyone who has responded with their thoughts and opinions. New information coming in is what helps those of us who are new(er) to gaming make better decisions. So, kudos to all you kind souls!



    Just curious, how can you log on when the servers aren't live yet?



  • mehhemmehhem Member Posts: 653
    Originally posted by HisButterfly

    Without going into details, let me just say that though my computer is new, it's not AoC ready by any stretch of the imagination.
    With 3gigs, new graphics card, etc. the game still will only run on medium settings without major issues such as lag, slow response time, etc. And don't even talk to me about FPS! The best I've had is 12, tops. It's so disappointing.
    Now I think I will cry, but if anyone wants to give advice, please feel free.

    What, you can't be serious.  I'm playing it on a 2 year old PC that I built myself.  I have a 4200+ X2 AMD, 3 gigs of ram, and a 8800GTS 700mb or something like that.  And the game runs fine for me on medium specs.  I'm even playing it at 1920x1200 resolution.  You must have something wrong with your PC or its not new, or if it is new you paid $500 bucks for it.

  • mehhemmehhem Member Posts: 653
    Originally posted by xcalibur

    Originally posted by HisButterfly

    Is this something worth purchasing?
    I don't mind paying a little extra if I'm going to get better performance.

    That is a decent card, but vastly overpriced.



    is your best best IMO


    I concur!  I mean the card, the 8800GT.  The OC card is way overpriced.  Not worth it.

  • HisButterflyHisButterfly Member Posts: 45


    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    Originally posted by HisButterfly

    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    @ the OP, when was the last time you tried to load up AoC?  You do realize that they overhauled performance on May 10th, right?
    Today I logged in briefly. I can honestly say that I did see improvements in the performance but not by much. With my settings on Medium and 2x AA I topped out at 11fps- the highest by far for me.


    I am not giving up on the game nor am I bashing it in any way, before anyone gets upset at me for that. I'm not even complaining about the game. I'm complaining about my less than month old computer not being able to play it properly and taking full responsibility for not asking around before buying a new video card.

    Truly, I appreciate everyone who has responded with their thoughts and opinions. New information coming in is what helps those of us who are new(er) to gaming make better decisions. So, kudos to all you kind souls!

    There are lots of settings you can tweak.  With a   Geforce 7 win XP system and 2GB of RAM, you should definitely be able to run the game, but you have to keep in mind that it is a massive power hog.  FSAA and shadows and bloom should be off, and you should be on low settings, for starters.  Before you start turning on FSAA, you would need a Geforce 8 card.  Do a search or ask on the forums for some Geforce 7 tweaks you can do.  I am sure your system can run it.

    The build between May 10th and 12th was similar to the release build.  If you missed that window, you missed a rare chance at something similar to retail quality.

    EDIT:  I just realized your computer is less than a month old.  You seem like a new computer gamer, because you are surprised that this Dell system cannot run the latest games.  Most of us who have been in the hobby for a while do not buy computers.  We buy about 10 boxes of separate parts with separate warranties and build our computers ourselves.  That is the only way you will get maximum power for a minimum price. Caveat Emptor.  Your system probably cost you more than mine cost me, and I can run AoC with the buggy version... high settings everything on except DX10 and get 45 FPS.  If you know any friends who build their own computer, my advice is to get help from them and ship the Dell back.  You will save lots of money and have a much better computer.

    Unfortunately, I don't have a friend who can build the machine. I believe at one time my husband built his from the ground up, but that was before I met him and the pc he recently bought was one straight off the shelf at Best Buy.


    All of that being said and all advice being taken into consideration....

    At some point I will look into building my own, even if I am a complete novice. It's interesting enough to me to give it a shot. Until then, however, I think I may end up eating the money spent on this one (plus the cost of an updated graphics card) and doing better research in the future.

    Just to clarify -

    World of Warcraft, Perfect World, DDO, and Lord of The Rings Online all run very well on the exact system I have today. No lag, no hiccups, no crashes so obviously the system isn't horrible. It just isn't what "hardcore gamers" would invest in. With the job I recently accepted (writing about games, reviewing them etc.) I just feel that I need a better machine to do a thorough job.

    Thanks, Souldrainer, for your time and advice. Like most of the others, it's been a great help.

  • mindspatmindspat Member Posts: 1,367
    Originally posted by Souldrainer

    There are lots of settings you can tweak.  With a   Geforce 7 win XP system and 2GB of RAM, you should definitely be able to run the game, but you have to keep in mind that it is a massive power hog.  FSAA and shadows and bloom should be off, and you should be on low settings, for starters.  Before you start turning on FSAA, you would need a Geforce 8 card.  Do a search or ask on the forums for some Geforce 7 tweaks you can do.  I am sure your system can run it.
    The build between May 10th and 12th was similar to the release build.  If you missed that window, you missed a rare chance at something similar to retail quality.
    EDIT:  I just realized your computer is less than a month old.  You seem like a new computer gamer, because you are surprised that this Dell system cannot run the latest games.  Most of us who have been in the hobby for a while do not buy computers.  We buy about 10 boxes of separate parts with separate warranties and build our computers ourselves.  That is the only way you will get maximum power for a minimum price. Caveat Emptor.  Your system probably cost you more than mine cost me, and I can run AoC with the buggy version... high settings everything on except DX10 and get 45 FPS.  If you know any friends who build their own computer, my advice is to get help from them and ship the Dell back.  You will save lots of money and have a much better computer.

    This is very good advice.  Putting together a PC from scratch isn't as hard as you'd think.  Doing so is as important to a gamer as knowing how to check the water and oil levels in your vehilce. 

    ATI makes some very good cards too.  I'm using an HIS x1950 pro 512mb AGP!  :)

  • KirijiKiriji Member Posts: 340


    Originally posted by HisButterfly

    Originally posted by Precusor

    Post ur system specs..
    CPU- Intel Core Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz


    3070MB RAM

    Graphics Card- Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT 1GB DDR 2 w/ 450mhz core clock

    OS- Windows Vista

    Display- 1680x1050

    (To confirm- It's a Dell XPS 420 that was purchased in April. Originally it came with an ATI card that was supposedly DirectX 10 something or other, but the video quality was terrible so I upgraded to a different ATI card that was a little better. Finally I settled on an ATI HD 3650 with 1GB DDR2 but it kept crashing my computer to the black screen of death with a "no signal" message. So, back to the store I went for the Nvidia card which you see above.)

    Hopefully this info is helpful/useful

    Hi, I thought I would give you some advice as I have a few years experience with building gaming rigs, and have had dealings with Dell systems before.


    I am pretty certain the cause of your slow frame rates is the 8500, that card is a low budget card and  was never meant for any serious gaming. The CPU though a budget quadcore, only really good for overclocking is still more than enough for AOC, I also assume they only put in 3 gig because the OS is 32 bit because it won't support anymore, but again still enougth. Though you didnt state the speed it runs at.

    I would advise upgrading to either a 8800GTS 512mb or 9600 depending on how much you want to spend you could go better. However  make sure you check what you Power supply is before you purchase a new graphic card alot of people ignore that they often have to upgrade there Power supply unit when upgrading there system. If Dell have put in a low powered cheap unit like they usually do, it can throttle or even damage a card that requires more power than it is been supplied. Also Dell have a habit of rigging there systems so you can't upgrade them yourself. I have seen RAM with grooves in a stange place so you cant put standard RAM in, strange motherboard configurations in reverse that require back to front components, stuff only Dell sells. So be warned before buying anything. Also make sure you don't invalidate your warranty by opening the system up and messing around.

    Hope that helps :)


  • sandgrownsandgrown Member Posts: 78

    sadly hisbutterfly your not alone . inspite of what i ve read in these forums everyone i know personally is having problems running the beta . now i dont know weather it is just because it is a beta , weather this game will only run on very high spec machines or if theres some real deep seated performance issues with the aoc . i would suggest anyone who has a mid range machine ( meaning an intel pentium dc 2.5ghz nividea 8500 8800 card and 2/4 gigs of ram ) to hold off buying conan at least untill you get to see what it runs like on a free trial .


  • Pandrax86Pandrax86 Member Posts: 59

    Originally posted by sandgrown

    sadly hisbutterfly your not alone . inspite of what i ve read in these forums everyone i know personally is having problems running the beta . now i dont know weather it is just because it is a beta , weather this game will only run on very high spec machines or if theres some real deep seated performance issues with the aoc . i would suggest anyone who has a mid range machine ( meaning an intel pentium dc 2.5ghz nividea 8500 8800 card and 2/4 gigs of ram ) to hold off buying conan at least untill you get to see what it runs like on a free trial .
    Thank you for your concern, but it is not warrented.


    As for her machine, as everyone else has said, it is 100% her video card. The system she has is more then enough to run even crysis on high settings as long as she has the correct video card.

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