Can you actually go off the beaten track in this game and roam for miles and miles ? or do you go off the track hit the trees and cant go any further after a meter or two ?
Can you actually go off the beaten track in this game and roam for miles and miles ? or do you go off the track hit the trees and cant go any further after a meter or two ?
Posted a pic...where I had climbed up top a hill to overlook the landscape. I had to work my way up...but, just like any game with hills...
And some areas were not traversable, but, I did not find this is not to say there is NONE..but, it sure is not linear or totally setup with invisible walls as everyone though..
I was in the closed beta and I have to agree with the author of this post. There are too many instances in game. The invisible walls preventing you from exploring and forcing you to keep to the highways totally destroyed the game for me.
It doesn't appear the game has advanced that much from the closed beta. I agree that it appears the game is being released as uncompleted and is nothing more than an open beta game gone retail.
I wish well to anyone trying to play this game as I think the game has potential, but just isn't ready for release as people will find once they try to play it..
Can you actually go off the beaten track in this game and roam for miles and miles ? or do you go off the track hit the trees and cant go any further after a meter or two ?
Posted a pic...where I had climbed up top a hill to overlook the landscape. I had to work my way up...but, just like any game with hills...
And some areas were not traversable, but, I did not find this is not to say there is NONE..but, it sure is not linear or totally setup with invisible walls as everyone though..
Later is bit unpolished, cuz devs facing ROI timebomb, but game will be OK in 2 or 3 moths from the start.
SitH happens
I was in the closed beta and I have to agree with the author of this post. There are too many instances in game. The invisible walls preventing you from exploring and forcing you to keep to the highways totally destroyed the game for me.
It doesn't appear the game has advanced that much from the closed beta. I agree that it appears the game is being released as uncompleted and is nothing more than an open beta game gone retail.
I wish well to anyone trying to play this game as I think the game has potential, but just isn't ready for release as people will find once they try to play it..