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LIVE events are being reported

There have been a number of live in-game events reported on the official forums. From orcs attacking trestlebridge to attacks on Ost Guruth.


One was on my server Brandywine...wish I was there.

Brandywine Global LFF chan "/joinchannel glff"


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    "Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin

  • towanitowani Member Posts: 114

    That would be true.  I was on either Fri or Sat night (EST) when I got a message saying Orcs were attacking Thestlebridge.  I made my way over there, along with about 30-40 others, and we fought about4 or 5 waves of 20 or so Orcs. 

    Being I'm lvl 46, they were all grey to me, but it was a neat idea that brought a bunch of people together!

    LotRO: Meneldor: Riders of the Riddermark

  • Jaxom92Jaxom92 Member Posts: 267

    There's been a few other times where similar invasions have taken place. I love the idea of live events and hope that such things continue in more variety and frequency.

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  • HisButterflyHisButterfly Member Posts: 45

    Turbine has done things like this in another game of theirs, DDO. It went over very well in that game, so hopefully they keep doing it in LoTRO as well.

    Glad to see people like it!

  • Player_420Player_420 Member Posts: 686

    yeah I remember in Shadowbanes early days the devs would use strange named super hardcore boss mobs and run around and roleplay....sometimes slaying your entire grp if you couldnt take em on.

    that was sweeet

    I play all ghame

  • miagisanmiagisan Member Posts: 5,156

    damn work....i think i missed it :(


  • purplemothpurplemoth Member Posts: 4

    They certainly ran a couple of invasion-of-trestlebridge events on the European servers last week (saturday as well as sunday).

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