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Without going into details, let me just say that though my computer is new, it's not AoC ready by any stretch of the imagination.
With 3gigs, new graphics card, etc. the game still will only run on medium settings without major issues such as lag, slow response time, etc. And don't even talk to me about FPS! The best I've had is 12, tops. It's so disappointing.
Now I think I will cry, but if anyone wants to give advice, please feel free.
Post ur system specs..
I do not believe your computer is new. 3gb of old RAM wont help either in some cases.
Look like you bought a brand name computer like Dell, HP. These computers arent designed for hardcore gaming. Most of them are using an onboard graphic card, which generally gives very poor performance in games.
I bought an HP computer because it was at a bargain price, but i had to upgrade the power supply from 300 to 500w just to be able to put a descent graphic card on it, but that was a year ago, my 7600gt today would barely allow me to play AOC.
How do I do that? I've never posted specs before.
I just bought a Dell XPS 420
Now I feel like a fool.
The XPS 420 is pretty good.. post your specs
Wich one is it?
If you bought it with the ATI Radeon 4200 that's the problem, you should try to change that to a 8800 GT video card, it would allow you to play AOC with very good performance.
CPU: 3.2ghz Pentium D Dual Core Processor
GPU: 256mb 7800GTX NVidia
Mem: 2 gigs DDR2 533mhz RAM
OS: Win XP
Game runs perfectly on medium with a steady 25-30 fps and looks brilliant. Before the awesome performance patch I was running smoothly on low at about 25fps, now after the patch as you can see ive been able to bump the graphics up a whole setting and still get an fps boost!
I also have 4x Anti Aliasing enabled, and Shadows completely disabled.
Im sure performance of the retail version will be better if not equal.
I imagine it's because of the 2400
Nice to know that as that is the same specs as my system, anyways all patched up and waiting for Saturday evening.
If I can get it to work fine on a 2 year old laptop Im pretty damn sure you can get it to work on whatever you have.....
3070MB RAM
Graphics Card- Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT 1GB DDR 2 w/ 450mhz core clock
OS- Windows Vista
Display- 1680x1050
(To confirm- It's a Dell XPS 420 that was purchased in April. Originally it came with an ATI card that was supposedly DirectX 10 something or other, but the video quality was terrible so I upgraded to a different ATI card that was a little better. Finally I settled on an ATI HD 3650 with 1GB DDR2 but it kept crashing my computer to the black screen of death with a "no signal" message. So, back to the store I went for the Nvidia card which you see above.)
Hopefully this info is helpful/useful
Always do some research before you buy a vid card..
Is this something worth purchasing?
I don't mind paying a little extra if I'm going to get better performance.
ditch that videocard RIGHT away, anything under x600 for nividia is NOT for gaming.
its a really bad videocard, i have had it also as a mestake, same as yours, and it did 50% of my 6800GT is had.
go to the shop, buy a 8800 or 9600 and you will be more then fine!
That is a decent card, but vastly overpriced.
is your best best IMO
Well if you could get over the shame of running the game in low settings, I'm sure you could play it at a higher frame rate. I know its a terrible thing to ask of someone... especially after purchasing a brand new computer recently.
I have a MONSTER computer with 2 Geforce 8800GTs SLI and I still won't set my graphics higher than medium simply because my fps goes too low in certain areas... it sucks, but I still intend to play.
You never know... Funcom might release a patch that improves the performance even more than their last miracle beta patch. It could happen!
Please understand that it's not about shame or being a "graphics snob" at all. It's about writing fair reviews and giving this game a fair shot and in doing so I would like to see it and play it as it was meant to be.
By the way, with both World of Warcraft and Lord of The Rings I have had nothing but wonderful graphics with the card upgrade. I see the differences in both quality and performance.
Trying to be fair all the way around
I don't understand how people are lagging.. I'm running everything on high except i reduced view distance because it had higher chance of memory leak.
single 8800GT WILL run this game on high, in a city with high settings at a respectable 35fps +
I dont get why people think then need a high end system to run this game.
My GF is using my old computer and has to play on low settings but the game looks good and runs at a good 20-25 FPS. See spec below.
AMD64 3200+
ATI X850 PE (AGP!!!)
Windows XP Pro
I was in the 20's in the open beta where all the people were gathered with my single 8800gt but it seemed ok. Of course, I also have shadows and stuff on.
I have a feeling its the Windows Vista that is slowing your gaming down. If you installed windows Xp you would more then likely be able to play with no performance issues.
XP will have a noticeable boost in performance vs Vista on almost all system. I can see a avverage of 5 FPS difference when I play on Vista. I normally get 43 average in cities on XP and with Vista I can see a drop down to 35 sometimes but averaging about 4-5. Now when you are running a game at such FPS, 4-5 is a lot
hey how about you get off ur single core with 512 mb and stop bitching about vista.. geez.. for fuck sake guys.. he got quad.. put 4gb ddr.. if he have less and there is no difference if its wista or win 95...
if i were you in yours spot. well im kinda are.. got my new pc... which is what i could call high end.. but its with nvidia motherboard which have video corruption for a lot of ppl. and as i work in computer selling business i can just abuse my powers. which i didnt
using this pc till new 4870 comes out, and getting new pc after all that.. upgrade each 2 months ftw ^^
so as i said wait 2-3 weeks when 4870-4850 comes out.. it will boost superior performance and superior price compared to nvidia..
8500 gt is piece of shit.. i had one ariving yesterday with 1gb too.. i was like wtf.. ppl cant be that stupid..
8500 probably doesnt even use whole 256 ram not to mention 1gb..