Requiring a free trial of a new game just doesn't work for me. I voted no. I don't want a free trial of AoC, I want my preorder in the mail and my early access time. Level 80 here I come.
"Sometimes, things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. People are basically good. Honor, courage, virtue mean everything. Power and money, money and power mean nothing. Good always triumphs over evil. Love, True Love Never Dies." Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Yes - Im defently gonna need a trial to buy this one.
I love the concept of AOC. But the game has to run smooth to be worht playing for weeks or months. So far it has not proofed it can do so. It would have been a great single player RPG with multiplayer features. THats all it is atm. But with those game crashes it will never get any more than the hype and then the 100k players that have the high end spec to run it without problems.
And for those claiming that other MMO games have memory issues with vista. I havn't come across those yet. LOTRO trial runs smooth, Played WOW for 15 hours without having to relaunch the client. EQ2. Nope works fine.
Not to mention that those MMOs use 500 mb in memory compared to AOC 1.5 gb. If you go above 1,6 the game crashes.
Mid range machines? I have a mid-range machine 3gb RAM dual-core 2.2 ghz processor windows vista 8800 GT 512 mb...this is a midrange machine, I get 50 FPS in tortage, 40fps with 10 people around, and 30 or so during real big pvp/pve fights.
High end machine is a 8800x2 or more , with 4+ GB ram (vista 64bit), and quad core processor. Low end is a 8600 or lower graphics card, with 1-3gb of sir, are fail.
Excuse me but. Are you high or something? Your "mid range" is a top-range computer. And yeah, you posted a high end. Not a high-range computer spec.
I got a 8600 512mb, 2gig ram And wow. I ran the game on highest. Funcom's required settings are way below my computer. And oh, forgot to add that there is no game out at the moment which i cannot run.
Lowend machine my ass.
Anyhow. I will buy the game when i can afford it. I played the beta and i loved it. Even with the tremendous lags from the debugger before the patch that was released before the FFA pvp mayhem. I still loved it.
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
Perhaps it is because gaming is my hobby...but I don't require free trials for a game. I love gaming n when I catch a title that interests me, I buy it. I have a shelf full of MMOs that I have tried, played for a few months then left n went back to.
I enjoy gaming...and reguardless a free trial is not going to give you a true sence of the game. I am willing to bet that any free trial that AoC has, will be similar to the OB. You will have XXdays/lvl XX.
I know many who loved a free trial, went n bought the game, hated it after a month or so. N myself bought a game with no free trial n enjoyed it. So what does a free trial really do? Nothin...if you wanna play the game you will buy it, if not you prolly won't buy it. Free trial will get a few new customers. But those who have decided to hate this game already, the free trial will be nothing but a wasted accnt.
This game will release as every other game does. It will have its beginning issues that will prolly be cleared up in a month or so. Not much different than any other MMO. I am sure because the OP has cancelled his pre-order doesn't mean AoC will fail. I haven't cancelled my Pre-order cause the game in general ran very good for me in Beta n have no reason to cancell. undeniably making a lot of gamers think twice . does funcom need to offer a free trial sometime over the course of the summer ?
Not a chance.
At 75 votes it is a dead tie for Yes/No... guess what, most people that voted 'Yes' are likely people that I would prefer not to be in the game in the first place.
The yes'rs are likely people that -
A) Are little children that can't get legally in to the game anyhow.
Are Cheap and just want things handed to them while other people pay the bill.
C) Are people that can't afford to spend a mere $50 on a toy and therefore shouldn't be playing with toys anyhow!
D) etc.
Regardless your computer system it is only $50. If this is even a consideration in your budget you should NEVER be playing games.
If you can't afford to pay, don't want to pay or are just a beggar then please, stay far away from Age of Conan. The rest of the population will be far better off with you someplace else.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots." undeniably making a lot of gamers think twice . does funcom need to offer a free trial sometime over the course of the summer ?
Not a chance.
At 75 votes it is a dead tie for Yes/No... guess what, most people that voted 'Yes' are likely people that I would prefer not to be in the game in the first place.
The yes'rs are likely people that -
A) Are little children that can't get legally in to the game anyhow.
Are Cheap and just want things handed to them while other people pay the bill.
C) Are people that can't afford to spend a mere $50 on a toy and therefore shouldn't be playing with toys anyhow!
D) etc.
Regardless your computer system it is only $50. If this is even a consideration in your budget you should NEVER be playing games.
If you can't afford to pay, don't want to pay or are just a beggar then please, stay far away from Age of Conan. The rest of the population will be far better off with you someplace else.
Ok i would want to try the game first.
So . . .
A) Not a little child
Yes wow great point, maybe I , don't want to pay $50 for a game that maybe junk (oh and if $50 is not much to you gratz on being , a Rich ass. You know not all of us are. Or, gratz on having no concept of money).
C) It is not if a person CAN spend $50 but if it is worth spending $50 , See My answer B for things you can do to fix your faulty thought processes.
D) ETc. What If your not a AoC fanboi then F you? I mean really some of us are not AoC fanbois and its sad that all you want in your game is AOC fanbois, talk about being elitist.
"If you can't afford to pay, don't want to pay or are just a beggar then please, stay far away from Age of Conan. The rest of the population will be far better off with you someplace else. "
Thank for your words of unwisdom.
If i had a child that thought this way, I would have to spank them for being an ass.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
If this were 2005, maybe I would buy the game and find out for myself. However, having suffered through numerous horrific releases after promised "magic" patches, I will no longer do so. Some regrettable past purchases I made at launch include the following:
LOTRO (not buggy, but extremely boring imo)
There are probably others. For what it's worth, I play EQ2 now because they have dramatically changed the game since release. However, I will no longer be suckered into paying monthly for a beta test.
Yes wow great point, maybe I , don't want to pay $50 for a game that maybe junk (oh and if $50 is not much to you gratz on being , a Rich ass. You know not all of us are. Or, gratz on having no concept of money).
If i had a child that thought this way, I would have to spank them for being an ass.
I will give you kudos for quoting Paine, but seriously, care to explain to me how anyone that can't afford to spend $50 once or twice a year to try out a new toy game, should be playing them at all?
People are supposed to live within their means and if fifty dollars is a break point, tettering on the edge of a fiscal red line... why are they not getting a second job? Why are they not back in school retooling and leveling their real life characters?
I don't want to have to subsidize their mortgages, assist in their children's college tuition, pay for their healthcare, pay for their pharmaceuticals... because they want to play with toys hundreds and thousands of hours a year. $50? If being able to afford this is even a question in one's mind then the answer is a resounding NO.
{And bent over my man's knee getting a spanking happen to be one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. Besides, you would be rediculously happy to have your daughter go in to anesthesia. }
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
Yes wow great point, maybe I , don't want to pay $50 for a game that maybe junk (oh and if $50 is not much to you gratz on being , a Rich ass. You know not all of us are. Or, gratz on having no concept of money).
If i had a child that thought this way, I would have to spank them for being an ass.
I will give you kudos for quoting Paine, but seriously, care to explain to me how anyone that can't afford to spend $50 once or twice a year to try out a new toy game, should be playing them at all?
People are supposed to live within their means and if fifty dollars is a break point, tettering on the edge of a fiscal red line... why are they not getting a second job? Why are they not back in school retooling and leveling their real life characters?
I don't want to have to subsidize their mortgages, assist in their children's college tuition, pay for their healthcare, pay for their pharmaceuticals... because they want to play with toys hundreds and thousands of hours a year. $50? If being able to afford this is even a question in one's mind then the answer is a resounding NO.
{And bent over my man's knee getting a spanking happen to be one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. Besides, you would be rediculously happy to have your daughter go in to anesthesia. }
I endorse this post.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
I played in beta, I played in open beta and PVP weekend. I WILL be playing in pre-release. The game ran great for me. it was fun, and it was worth it to me. I had very few issues in Open beta. It ran well for me.
That being said, I will not be playing on a PVP server but will play on a good PVE server.
Requiring a free trial of a new game just doesn't work for me. I voted no. I don't want a free trial of AoC, I want my preorder in the mail and my early access time. Level 80 here I come.
"Sometimes, things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. People are basically good. Honor, courage, virtue mean everything. Power and money, money and power mean nothing. Good always triumphs over evil. Love, True Love Never Dies."

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Yes - Im defently gonna need a trial to buy this one.
I love the concept of AOC. But the game has to run smooth to be worht playing for weeks or months. So far it has not proofed it can do so. It would have been a great single player RPG with multiplayer features. THats all it is atm. But with those game crashes it will never get any more than the hype and then the 100k players that have the high end spec to run it without problems.
And for those claiming that other MMO games have memory issues with vista. I havn't come across those yet. LOTRO trial runs smooth, Played WOW for 15 hours without having to relaunch the client. EQ2. Nope works fine.
Not to mention that those MMOs use 500 mb in memory compared to AOC 1.5 gb. If you go above 1,6 the game crashes.
The game for me anyways just isn t that good and i wouldn t upgrade for it , don t need to but wouldn t encourage anyone i know anyways to.
You couldnt pay me to play this crap to be honest.
Excuse me but. Are you high or something? Your "mid range" is a top-range computer. And yeah, you posted a high end. Not a high-range computer spec.
I got a 8600 512mb, 2gig ram And wow. I ran the game on highest. Funcom's required settings are way below my computer. And oh, forgot to add that there is no game out at the moment which i cannot run.
Lowend machine my ass.
Anyhow. I will buy the game when i can afford it. I played the beta and i loved it. Even with the tremendous lags from the debugger before the patch that was released before the FFA pvp mayhem. I still loved it.
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
Perhaps it is because gaming is my hobby...but I don't require free trials for a game. I love gaming n when I catch a title that interests me, I buy it. I have a shelf full of MMOs that I have tried, played for a few months then left n went back to.
I enjoy gaming...and reguardless a free trial is not going to give you a true sence of the game. I am willing to bet that any free trial that AoC has, will be similar to the OB. You will have XXdays/lvl XX.
I know many who loved a free trial, went n bought the game, hated it after a month or so. N myself bought a game with no free trial n enjoyed it. So what does a free trial really do? Nothin...if you wanna play the game you will buy it, if not you prolly won't buy it. Free trial will get a few new customers. But those who have decided to hate this game already, the free trial will be nothing but a wasted accnt.
This game will release as every other game does. It will have its beginning issues that will prolly be cleared up in a month or so. Not much different than any other MMO. I am sure because the OP has cancelled his pre-order doesn't mean AoC will fail. I haven't cancelled my Pre-order cause the game in general ran very good for me in Beta n have no reason to cancell.
At 75 votes it is a dead tie for Yes/No... guess what, most people that voted 'Yes' are likely people that I would prefer not to be in the game in the first place.
The yes'rs are likely people that -
A) Are little children that can't get legally in to the game anyhow.
C) Are people that can't afford to spend a mere $50 on a toy and therefore shouldn't be playing with toys anyhow!
D) etc.
Regardless your computer system it is only $50. If this is even a consideration in your budget you should NEVER be playing games.
If you can't afford to pay, don't want to pay or are just a beggar then please, stay far away from Age of Conan. The rest of the population will be far better off with you someplace else.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
At 75 votes it is a dead tie for Yes/No... guess what, most people that voted 'Yes' are likely people that I would prefer not to be in the game in the first place.
The yes'rs are likely people that -
A) Are little children that can't get legally in to the game anyhow.
C) Are people that can't afford to spend a mere $50 on a toy and therefore shouldn't be playing with toys anyhow!
D) etc.
Regardless your computer system it is only $50. If this is even a consideration in your budget you should NEVER be playing games.
If you can't afford to pay, don't want to pay or are just a beggar then please, stay far away from Age of Conan. The rest of the population will be far better off with you someplace else.
Ok i would want to try the game first.
So . . .
A) Not a little child
C) It is not if a person CAN spend $50 but if it is worth spending $50 , See My answer B for things you can do to fix your faulty thought processes.
D) ETc. What If your not a AoC fanboi then F you? I mean really some of us are not AoC fanbois and its sad that all you want in your game is AOC fanbois, talk about being elitist.
"If you can't afford to pay, don't want to pay or are just a beggar then please, stay far away from Age of Conan. The rest of the population will be far better off with you someplace else. "
Thank for your words of unwisdom.
If i had a child that thought this way, I would have to spank them for being an ass.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
If this were 2005, maybe I would buy the game and find out for myself. However, having suffered through numerous horrific releases after promised "magic" patches, I will no longer do so. Some regrettable past purchases I made at launch include the following:
LOTRO (not buggy, but extremely boring imo)
There are probably others. For what it's worth, I play EQ2 now because they have dramatically changed the game since release. However, I will no longer be suckered into paying monthly for a beta test.
Yes. I've read both official and non-official (wink wink nod) reviews of the game and I'll definitely need a free trial.
Graphics alone (which only seem to look good on high settings) won't draw me into the game.
I live to fight, and fight to live.
I will give you kudos for quoting Paine, but seriously, care to explain to me how anyone that can't afford to spend $50 once or twice a year to try out a new toy game, should be playing them at all?
People are supposed to live within their means and if fifty dollars is a break point, tettering on the edge of a fiscal red line... why are they not getting a second job? Why are they not back in school retooling and leveling their real life characters?
I don't want to have to subsidize their mortgages, assist in their children's college tuition, pay for their healthcare, pay for their pharmaceuticals... because they want to play with toys hundreds and thousands of hours a year. $50? If being able to afford this is even a question in one's mind then the answer is a resounding NO.
{And bent over my man's knee getting a spanking happen to be one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. Besides, you would be rediculously happy to have your daughter go in to anesthesia.
"The reality of the poor in America isn't the difference between The Haves and The Have Nots, it is the difference between The Haves and The Have Lots."
I will give you kudos for quoting Paine, but seriously, care to explain to me how anyone that can't afford to spend $50 once or twice a year to try out a new toy game, should be playing them at all?
People are supposed to live within their means and if fifty dollars is a break point, tettering on the edge of a fiscal red line... why are they not getting a second job? Why are they not back in school retooling and leveling their real life characters?
I don't want to have to subsidize their mortgages, assist in their children's college tuition, pay for their healthcare, pay for their pharmaceuticals... because they want to play with toys hundreds and thousands of hours a year. $50? If being able to afford this is even a question in one's mind then the answer is a resounding NO.
{And bent over my man's knee getting a spanking happen to be one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. Besides, you would be rediculously happy to have your daughter go in to anesthesia.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
AoC is not going to be the same as beta, Infact the only reason people were Hardcore Pvping on and on was because the PvP event at the end.
I played in beta, I played in open beta and PVP weekend. I WILL be playing in pre-release. The game ran great for me. it was fun, and it was worth it to me. I had very few issues in Open beta. It ran well for me.
That being said, I will not be playing on a PVP server but will play on a good PVE server.