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Hi mates! Something I dont understand about Hunters - On the hunter page it says: "The Hunter has very few melee abilities, and is more effective at ranged combat" - I can understand this but still...
Hunter still got more melee abillities than a Priest, Druid and all does other it seems..
And look how many weapons that hunter cau use: "Axes, Daggers, Guns or Bows, Crossbows (with training), Fist Weapons (with training), Spears (with training), Staves (with training), Swords (with training), Thrown (with training), Two-Handed Axes (with training), Two-Handed Swords (with training)"
And armor: "Cloth, Leather, Shields, Mail (at level 40, with training)"
It made me wonder - with all does skills a hunter has to be a good melee character.. if he gets good equipment or would he?
on the hunter page it seems that Hunters are good ranged foes who can hold target back through use of pets! I can see that Hunters dont have the DPS of the Rogue, or the tank'ness of the warrior or the heals of the paladin, but do you think that Hunter will be a good melee class also?
Better than a druid, priest, warlock and shaman?
When looking at all these things it seems that it is a very decent melee character and has better armor than rogues, who can not use shields or maiL(?)!
I would love to mix my fighting styles, but i heard that druid was a crap crap crap melee guy, and they do so low DPS that its not even funny, but what do i know?
whaty role will the hunter have in the party do you think? ranged only, or both melee and ranged?
I could imagine many people who wanted to be Elf Legolas alikes with Bows and dual dagger which hunters also have??
What do u guys think?
Problem is people think they can go melee and be as good as a warrior or rogue when fighting.... WRONG! Hunters dont have any melee specials they are all ranged (From what I see) so even if you did go melee all youd do is just hack and slash at the mob and would take you forever to kill them cuz you arent doing any specials. Hunters are a ranged class....they have ranged specials... all be it they can train in melee weapons just like warriors/rogues can train in ranged weapons but you wont see a rogue/warrior using just ranged weapons. Why? Cuz they dont have any specials for them and would gimp themselves with out melee.
Going melee for hunter is mainly if the hunter takes argo or his pet dies. Use melee till you can slow/hold a mob till you get out of melee range then hit it from afar. Basic tactics a ranged user uses.
You seem a bit hostile in your attitude... im sorry if i have offended you:(
they do have melee specials:
Melee Spells
It's best to put the buttons for these abilities together so they are ready to use if you're forced to fight in melee combat.
I think that it would be unwise for character survival to become to heavily dependent on melee weapons only because its will cost you so much in valuable skill points to train in those melee weapons. Those skill points that you are putting in swords or axe training will have a much greater effect if you put them towards a skill you are already proficient at. However having some melee combat skill will most likely be essential especially if you solo at higher levels.
Sorry if I sounded hostile last night when I posted that its just that we had Hurricane Charley baring down on us here in florida and I was just a little out of it =P.... As for those melee skills those are mainly desperation moves like someone pointed out...One can only be used when you perform a is a slow special to get away from mobs....Yeah you can dual wield and learn axes/swords/daggers ... etc... But you wont be as effective in combat unless you use ranged + Melee.... What im saying is dont rely on melee too much to be your main choice when going hunter.
If they make melee combat as good as a warrior or rogue expect a big nerf to hunters fast cuz then everyone will just play a hunter ... I know I would lol.
That is true but no other class besides Rogue or Warrior has any melee skills...
And just when i compare Rogues with Hunters, hunter seems like a better class with much much more weapon options, plate armor and shields:o
When i look at the skill pages of Druids, Priests, shamans, warlocks and mages i dont see any melee skills at all besides that they are able to use defualt attack and got a chance to dodge?
if Hunter is a decent melee class... not as strong as warrior and not as high DPS as paladin or rogues, what about the pets!
are they just mindless pets who can tank for 2 seconds, and you will have to fire as many arrow special moves as you can, before the mob starts going towards you?
Hunter, Paladin and Rogues sounds cool because it looks like(for what i can see) that they have some cool melee attacks, but are not overall as good as warrior...
Warrior just seems to not have any non combat skill besides taunt:( hunter would be a cool secondary kind of tank, dont you think?
You keep mentioning the lack of melee skills for priests, druids, shamans and warlocks. I have one thing to say to this: Of course they do not have melee skills, if you are one of those classes and you are relying on your melee weapons to do the majority of your damage, you are going to die, quickly. Or if you arent going to die, you wont be doing much damage and will be pretty useless to your group. These classes do not have melee skills because they have spells.
You are looking at this all wrong. The melee skills for classes like Rogue and Warrior are their 'spells' in a sense. Paladins have melee abilites and spells beause they are a rounded class, like the redmage in FFXI, the Jack-of-all-Trades, if you will. Paladins can tank, deal fairls good DPS, and can heal.
Comparing a Rogue's and Hunter's weapon options is like comparing a Priest's and a Warrior's. A Hunter has more weapon options, but you will not want to train in all those, this would be a huge waste of skill points. Not to mention a Hunter will never be able to match the melee DPS of a Warrior or a Rogue, its just not possible. I would guess that the Hunter's melee abilities will be no where near a Rogue's or Warrior's.
Yes, your pets will be able to tank for you, but how long they hold hate (sorry, using FFXI terminology, dont know what its called in WoW) depends on how well you manage that hate. If you attack an enemy and fire of as many arrow skills as possible, you will most likely draw the hate of the monster and it will attack you.
Warrior obviously have few non-combat skills because their job is to KILL and PROTECT. About Hunter tanking? I think that would be one of the last things on a Hunter's 'to do list.' Leave the tanking to Warriors and Paladins.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
I see your point mate.
But when I think about Warcraft I think about Humans and Orcs fighting with Axes and Swords in big armors!
It just seems odd to me that only 3 classes out of 8 are Melee focused. Rogue(DPS), Warrior(Tank) and Paladin(Melee Healer)! 5 ranged classes?
I just asumed that some of the classes like Priest, Warlock, Shaman, Druid and Mage could mix their ranged abillities with their melee skills! I actually thought that every class had an exclusive range of melee attacks, some for defensive, escaping or offensive..
Maybe a Druid would heal and use a Spear at the same time, and if he was going to die, then run off in cat form, or turn into a Bear and tank, and hope that friendly allies would come to aid him soon, or maybe a Priest could fight with melee and heal himself at the same time! Maybe a Warlock could do some DOT spells and the pull out an sword and go crazy!
Maybe I was wrong to asume this! I guss I was wrong:(
3 - Melee classes(Warrior), Rogue(DPS) and Paladin(Combat Healer)
1 Ranged ranged use with, the use of Bow/Crossbow!
4 - 4 Ranged Casters/Healers - Druid(Caster/healer - mostly), Mage(Caster), Warlock(Caster), Shaman(Caster) and Priest(Healer/caster)
Is this correct?
All does weapon types and weapons in the game just for 3 classes! Maybe allot of the quest rewards are cloth and leather armor?:O
Thats pretty much how it is.
Although, its not like shamans and druids cant get in there and mix it up melee style. They can and being able to wear at least leather armor makes it so they can do it and not have to worry about it like a mage, priest, or warlock.
If you want a list of how melee focused each class is, I guess it would go something like this:
Warrior/Rogue > Paladin > Shaman/Druid > Priest/Warlock/Mage/Hunter
This is pretty much evenly balanced. Two classes are hardcore melee focused, then three classes being close to melee-casters, with paladin being a little more melee and shamans/druids being a little more caster, and then priests/warlocks/druids being hardcore caster focused. I threw hunter on the end of the casters because it is pretty much a mage, just shooting arrows and using arrows skills instead of using a wand and throwing spells.
Pretty much you just stick in the role of your class. I remember when I played a Ranger in FFXI (the closest class to hunter in regards to being range focused) my bow would do a lot more damage than my sword or dagger I had. Just play the way your class is structured, if you dont like it, then the class most likely is not for you.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Very intresting mate.
But when you say Druid! I mean, druid has leather like Rogue, so a Druid and a Rogue would be able to tank as long as each other in theory(guss it also depends on armor)???
Im very curious about Druid because I hear that their DPS in Bear and normal form with melee weapons is the lowest in the game, and only their ranged spells are worth anything. People call them caster/healers?
But they got some weapon options.. would a druid benefit from using dual wield daggers(can they?)?
Im wondering how that forms are gonna be implanted?
First I was under the impression that;
Bear form - Was just for pure tanking in groups! Not useable for solo or doing any moderate damage at all! Only tanking!
Cat form - just to go behind a target and do some stealth moves and then quickly change to normal form and start melee combat/caster combat!
But im hearing that the talents will focus mostly on the forms and nature magic, not any melee stuff!
I like the idea of doing allot of stuff, but would I be an idiot if I wanted to be Paladin like with Druid? Im hearing that Druid is second best healer - and maybe heals + melee combat = decent for normal combat? maybe fire some ranged spells quick, but use close up when does rogues and warriors come close! I think chetah and seal form is cool for quick movement, but i dont really like the idea of primaly fighting as an animal! a warrior bear and a stealth cat seems a bit off!
I would prefere to be able to match a warrior, rogues or any class through use of melee, caster spells and healing combined - mixing my skills to best efficiany!
I also thought it was strange that blizz called Druid for "Jack of all trades"! I mean - What is Rogues best at? Sure they got stealth, but thats not competing! Arent druids then also the best of shapeshifting? What about hunters? do they got highest DPS? mages, warlocks and paladins the same?
It seems to me that priests are the best at healing - and the warrior is best at tanking! But all the other classes, have to use their skills to the best just like Druid?
Uhh.. this topic has changed directon, but it is still informative and intresting IMO:)
Keep does replys coming
In reference to druid/rogue wearing leather armor and being able to tank: You have to look at more than what the character is wearing, there is also hit points to look at. I will have to look at a character stat chart, but whichever one has the most health would be able to tank longer. E.G. ~ Say a level 10 rogue and level 10 druid are in a party and the druid is not in bear form. Since both can wear leather armor, they will most likely have about the same defense rating. Then it would come down mainly to hit points, but if the group was relying on a rogue or druid to tank, the druid would definatly be in bear form for tanking.
In reference to druids DPS in forms, ranged spells, and caster/healer: I am not in the beta and I do not keep up on my information on druids that much, but I would not think that their DPS is the lowest in the game with melee weapons. Being able to weild weapons such as axes, two-handed axes, and spears should put their melee damage far above a priest, mage, or warlock. I do not think that druids are able to dual wield, but I am not sure. As for their forms, the druid forms are not supposed to be as good as the class they reference too. If they were, the druid class would be severly overpowered. The bear form is never going to do as much damage or tank as well as a warrior, but it should work when you dont have a warrior to tank for your group. The cat form will never do as much damage as a rogue, but they should be able to deal a good amount, at least above what they would with their normal weapons. Not to mention dissrupt mobs with saping and the like. Yes, druids are caster/healers in their normal forms. They have a good array of debuffs, the best buff in the game, healing spells, and and damage spells.
In reference to forms and talents : Again, I havent played druid at all as I am not in the beta, but from what I have read it seems that the bear form can be used to solo. Same with the cat form, you just have to be careful to switch back to normal form to heal yourself if you need it. It is not a surprise that druids will not have melee talents as they are mainly a caster/healer class. Their forms will have melee skills that you will have to learn from a trainer, but those can only be used in their respective forms.
In reference to what class you might like: Since it seems that you really want to focus on melee and do close to the damage of a warrior/rogue in battel, I would guess you would want to take paladin over druid. They have an alright heal, can wield good weapons and heavy armor, and have a good array of melee spells.
In reference to druid's title "Jack-of-all-trades": The druid has this title because he can tank in bear form, deal damage in cat form, and heal/buff/debuff/nuke in caster form. But "Jack-of-all-trades" does not mean that the druid is best at each of the catagories. It will come in second to priest in healing, second to mage in nuking, second to warrior in tanking, and second to rogue in stealth skills. "Jack-of-all-trades" just means that the druid can do a little of just about everything, but cant to it as well as the class that was designed to do that specific job.
In reference to thread going off topic: Hey, its your thread, as long as you stay on topic for WoW, its fine.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Wow.. Lots of good answers! Thx mate;)
To be honorst I like the idea of the warrior, with big weapons and such, but I hear it is a very gear generated class.
Like a caster does not need uber weapons just to have a remotely chance in PvP, the Warrior needs to camp and farm dungeons and loot drops for the best weps/armor! Or so I hear... I was not crazy about just auto clicking in Diablo 2, and just let your items stats decide if your going to win or lose.
I would like to know that if I win, it was because of player skills - In the sense that my own tactics, knowledge and strategy helped me to victory, over just having won because i was lucky and found this uniqe uber weapon:( - And thats what I hear that Warrior is about! Thats what making me sit back and think "Im not sure"...
Rogue and Warrior seems to be the two classes with no spells at all, just gear demanding like Paladin! But pallys seams to have allot of spells - Including healing, resurection, auras and undead tools!
Its just that im really confused!
I like ranged combat with bow too, but I like Melee just as mucH! Magic has never been my style, so I thought to myself that warrior was a good choice! Mail armor and two-handed swords.. And Night elfs could use them! Seemed cool to me, but according to the hunter page its just little useless skills, as others in this thread have said! And that is what makes me wonder! I thought that Hunter would be the right Legolas wannabe class! Use the bow... when pet is died and the enemy comes close to you, and it has 50 %or 25% health left, you do your best to finish it up with either dual dagger or a two-handed sword! - I would love this.. Cause it seems to me that Hunter is also an explore! I loved Creature Handler in Starwars Galaxies, I just dont wanna be useless with melee in WoW! I just want to use it sometimes cause it looks cool:)
Besides Warrior and Rogue, Hunter is the only class that has a melee attack displayed on its page - Is this because that they are mainly ranged and what to take attention away from melee, so people would not mistaken hunters for axe wielding people, or because that a Hunter works as a secondary tank?
I was under the impression that hitpoints came through chosing race? But I also heard that DPS with the same weapon for different classes does different damage - Some are better than others while just auto clicking?
Hehe... But again, thx for your replys! You been a great help...
It's just shocking... WoW keeps me up at night! I really want this game:)
It's not that what equipment you have decides who will win. Of course it does matter what weapons and armor you have. Warriors and rouges do have melee abilities (wich are their spells). And when and how you use those abilities is important to a fight as well. so there is still strategy involved when fightig with a warrior/rouge.
And about hunters you can melee with them but they will never be as good as a hunter that uses bows/guns.
Like the person above me said, strategy is a key factor in this game. A person with lesser gear but a better understanding of the class and the class's skills could defeat a person with better gear but just hacked away at you with a sword, or some other weapon.
Blizzard has taken it upon themselves to make sure that each class has a lot of abilities available at each level so that you are not just clicking on a target and watching you character beat away at it. This is one of the things that drove me away from FFXI. If you didnt play a caster class, the majority of the time you only had one or two abilities that could help, and other than that you just had weapons skills (although I loved the WS system in FFXI, probably my favorite part of the game).
Casters still need to keep up with good gear if they want to do good in PVP. They have low health so they always need to be looking for the best armor for the level to help increase their defense rating. Also, they need to find equpiment with bonuses to stats like Intelligence and Spirit to make them more efficient at casting. While casters are not as gear oriented as warriors, in PVP they will have to buy new equipment every so often to they dont get destoryed .
Right now isnt the best time to be getting dead set on the class you want to play (heh, even though I am almost 100% sure I am going to play a priest). There will be a lot of balancing changes, and I am sure the hunter will be worked over several times before the end of the beta. Wait till the open beta to decide what you want to play. Test out several classes, Im going to test priest, warlock, and paladin to see which one I would want to play even though I like the priest the best. I know its a long wait till open beta, but you cant really decide which you would like the best till you were able to field test them.
Yes, hit points corrispond to which race you pick, as tauren will have more hp then say, a gnome, for obvious reasons. But, a gnome can find items that increase his stamina to give him more hit points so he can tank better. Same thing with weapons. A gnome warrior will do less damage with a sword than a taruen does with the same sword because the tauren has more strength. The gnome will be pressed to find more items that increase strength than the tauren if they want to deal good damage. Again, Blizzard has taken in upon themselves to make sure that each race can play the classes available to them to a certain degree and not have one class/race combination better than the other.
And yes, WoW is eating at me too, and just about all the other people on this board, maybe not as much as the beta testers, lucky *&^$#s. The rest of us will just have to wait till open beta. Luckly I have some games to keep my occupied till that time comes, and then theres starting college. I've got my hands full.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Collage for me next year too:( Ohh god... I hope their will be some free time for WoW, though im not sure
What games are you keeping yourself occupied too while waiting for WoW??
Well, I just think im going to go Warrior! The only reason why i disliked warrior at first was because i thought it did not require strategy, but you have proved me wrong and im happy for that:) I love going into battle and just going crazy:P
But I was hoping that people will be able to make to make both horde and alliance on one server?
I thought the class who has does crazy spells where it rains with ice balls or fire balls, is very neat:P (shaman is it?)
I am sure there will be time to play WoW in college, my brother had enough free time to keep up with me in FFXI last year, so it shouldnt be a problem. Just have to learn to manage your time between class, studying, gaming, and anything else you have.
I am about half way through Tales of Symphonia, and I have Unreal Tournament 2004 to play. Also any other rpgs I have. Im going to play FFVII and FFIX again, already have saved games part way through the games. I also have to finish the original story of Neverwinter Nights. I beat the two expansions before the first, for some odd reason. Im also addicted to WarCraftIII, play that all the time. I also have a lot of other games to play, like playing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker through again, yay, I get to play in Link's original clothes! I also have Knights of the Old Republic to play through again, this time as an evil jedi, I cant wait for KotOR II. Going to be tight.
Warrior is a good choice. There is a lot for a warrior to do in battle than just hack away at the enemy. If you want a good list of warrior skills, this place is a good one to look:
I think the class that has those spells is the mage, but I could be wrong.
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
He... What do you know! I thought I was the only one, on these forums, with a Gamecube:)
But thx for all your replys mate! Been a great help... Makes me feel much better when I know what to expect.
I waited 4 years or something like that for SWG, like a mad with grief fanboy I sticked around for a year, before I finally hd to realise the games flaws, and I just didnt wanted to do that again, but WoW does look very tight and cool:)
Thx mates!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
When life hands you lemons, you clone those lemons and make super lemons!
Yeah, let's argue about a class that isn't in game yet...
Soon as hunters are in, I'll be giving a full write up on them and how well I do in melee combat. I plan to use spears AND duel wield. =P
Dracius Troll Hunter.... any day now... Dang patch.
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.


"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius