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I was thinking, what if 1 Alliance noob (like at lv 30) goes into Horde territory running from powerful monster and goes into the middle of this town. He thinks hes all good and safe but theres like 50+ Horde in the town. . . .what would happen?
i beleive it goes by territory (like America and Canada), correct me if im wrong though . . .
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Depends what server.
FvF - he's a dead sorry ass.
PvE - I think he's fine unless he goes attacking NPCs or typing /pvp
Exactly ^^
FvF = Dead
PvE = Alive unless PvP enabled or attacking Horde NPCs
LOL I see. So in the game, you can group with a horde in PvE?
and the /pvp. when you type that does it like shows others that your looking for a PVP battle?
Please explain these to me.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
No you cant group with horde on any server.... I just re read your question about you running FROM a high lvl monster into horde territory.... well most likely youd die cuz I doubt members of the horde would help you =P....
/pvp is a command that allows you to be PvP active all the time on the PvE server. So basicly if someone else has /pvp on they can attack you and vice versa. Their names will be red to you.
Typing /pvp automatically starts pvp...and I'm pretty sure it's active for up to 5 minutes no matter what. People can see you set as PvP.
Attacking another Factions NPCs will activate PvP too.
Helping someone in PvP also starts PvP.
I'm still trying to find out if you can group with opposite faction. I hope so. That was why I liked EQ. And I'm hoping you can have co-faction guilds, will help organize a lot easier. Anyone shed some light on this?
Gindace pretty much hit the nail on the head there.
You can't group with ppl of an opposing faction no matter what server you're on. You can't even speak with them unless you're undead (undead know Orcish and Common).
Also, you'd have to already be in horde lands to be running from a mob and end up in a horde city, Alliance and horde are on seperate continents. =P However ppl do cross the pond to quest in the contested zones.
BTW if yer in a contested zone, you're automaticlay flagged for pvp and anyone of the opposing faction can kill you.
If you're horde and in an alliance zone, you can't attack any alliance unless they're flagged for pvp, however they can attack you freely.
PvP is also a work in progress, wait a few months, see what changes they make to it. They've made it VERY clear that this is just a "bare minimum" test of PvP mechanics in WoW, and does NOT resemble how the PvP will be come release. Yet for some reason everyone likes to overlook that.
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.


"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
umm, I want to delete this post...
Plainsrunning Demo!
hmmm.. I play on the PvE server and have had several quests lead me through Horde lands (I play Alliance) and on every instance, the Horde town guards are red. This tends to mean they are agressive and hate me. I've had them attack me and chase me.
If I defend myself, then I become PvP. If, however, I just run, I stay PvE and will either die or outrun the guards leash.
Seems to me that Undead start on Azeroth and Night Elves start on Kalidom. Azeroth is predominately Alliance, however, their are two (I think it's just two) regions which are Horde controlled. While Kalidom seems to be 50/50 Horde/Alliance. Also, there are several regions which are shared. The Arathi Highlands comes to mind. You have Refuge pointe an Alliance controlled outpost and just a few hills over, Hammerfall, a Horde controlled outpost. I have actually ran into the wrong outpost, fleeing a mob. Guards do agro.
WoW Beta - Skirnir; Dwarven Mage (Beta Server, PvE)
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
What are the main different things between the PvE Servers and the PvP Servers. Also is there any other types of servers ?
Dr. Buddy Dogg G
Games I Play:
Quake Live
Track Mania Nations Forever
Runes of Magic
All the info for the servers atm.