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  • SamuraiswordSamuraisword Member Posts: 2,111

    Maybe Rick should have taken some of my advice for the game including not climbing in bed with SOE.


  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    The other 4 servers are scheduled to close down after AoC and WAR come out.........


  • bachanambachanam Member Posts: 335

    It's good they're closing some servers, I payed $50 and played for a couple weeks just to decide that I didn't want to bother getting far in the game since i rarely ever saw People, and I made my chars on the factions with the highest population

    "Sometimes, things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. People are basically good. Honor, courage, virtue mean everything. Power and money, money and power mean nothing. Good always triumphs over evil. Love, True Love Never Dies."
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  • darkgamerxdarkgamerx Member Posts: 311

    A sign that PotBS is fail?

  • altairzqaltairzq Member Posts: 3,811

    But.. but... game has potential... no... it can't fail... hey if you don't like this game it's not for you, just leave it! Oh wait.. no don't leave it!

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    You people need to stop acting like PotBS is on its death bed. the real issue here is that Flying Lab Software simply overestimated it's launch playerbase. They aren't the first and certainly won't be the last.

    The thing is, like other niche MMO's such as EVE Online and Lineage 2 (well in the west at least), games like this need time to grow. Launching with 11 servers expecting them to be full was probably a bit too much wishful thinking. Start with a small server base an expand from there would have been a much better decision. This is the year 2008, there are tons of mmorpg's around, not 1999 when there was only a handful of mmorpg's avaible. There is a lot of competition and if you're not running on a famous IP, you need to start slowly and expand over time.

  • VolvinoVolvino Member UncommonPosts: 79
    Originally posted by Gameloading

    You people need to stop acting like PotBS is on its death bed. the real issue here is that Flying Lab Software simply overestimated it's launch playerbase. They aren't the first and certainly won't be the last.
    The thing is, like other niche MMO's such as EVE Online and Lineage 2 (well in the west at least), games like this need time to grow. Launching with 11 servers expecting them to be full was probably a bit too much wishful thinking. Start with a small server base an expand from there would have been a much better decision. This is the year 2008, there are tons of mmorpg's around, not 1999 when there was only a handful of mmorpg's avaible. There is a lot of competition and if you're not running on a famous IP, you need to start slowly and expand over time.

    I totally agree :) ... I think it is a very wise decision to merge the servers, and it will only bring more players to the game, as it doesnt feel like a ghost game anymore

  • achesomaachesoma Member RarePosts: 1,774

    Wow they started with 11 servers?  Even LOTRO didn't start with that many.  I believe they started with 7 or 8. 

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  • ReaperUkReaperUk Member UncommonPosts: 760



    Originally posted by Gameloading

    You people need to stop acting like PotBS is on its death bed. the real issue here is that Flying Lab Software simply overestimated it's launch playerbase. They aren't the first and certainly won't be the last.
    The thing is, like other niche MMO's such as EVE Online and Lineage 2 (well in the west at least), games like this need time to grow. Launching with 11 servers expecting them to be full was probably a bit too much wishful thinking. Start with a small server base an expand from there would have been a much better decision. This is the year 2008, there are tons of mmorpg's around, not 1999 when there was only a handful of mmorpg's avaible. There is a lot of competition and if you're not running on a famous IP, you need to start slowly and expand over time.

    They didn't overestimate their playerbase numbers. They underestimated how many of them  they would lose once they'd experienced the poor game design.  

    If people were able to complete their PvE missions and economy game without being harrassed by PvP'ers and at the same time, PvP'ers weren't forced to PvE to pay their costs, the game might have been successful.

    Players have been telling the devs that for the past two months. Now FLS have to face the consequences of not listening.


  • maxx028maxx028 Member UncommonPosts: 69

    I don't think I made it through 2 weeks in game, including pre-boarding. It was a nice idea, but everything just seemed to simplistic.

  • troydavidtroydavid Member Posts: 150


    Was looking foward to this game when I first read about it during its development.  But then they chose some strange bed partners, and I made a commitment to never ever play a sullied game again.

    So in a completely selfish way, I am glad it is doing poorly, because at least I know  am not missing out on much, I couldn't play it if it had become the best game ever, so good in fact that it shut all others down.  In that event, I would have had to have stopped gaming all together.


    So it goes. . .


  • VetarniasVetarnias Member UncommonPosts: 630

    And now the pathetic part has started:


    The four surviving servers are actively trying to poach players from the seven servers axed.  Blackbeard, where I play, never had a chance because the British have an awful reputation as immature exploiters and braggarts.  Europeans from non-English servers are going to Roberts, when not leaving altogether because of linguistic issues.


    Basically everyone from the cut servers, apart from pirates going to Rackham for the PvP, wants to move to Antigua because they think it's an underpopulated server, and that's what they're all looking for, especially the Bonnyites who made such a ruckus on the forum when their server was cut because they want to 'roleplay'....


    Hilarity will ensue.

  • smg77smg77 Member Posts: 672

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    You people need to stop acting like PotBS is on its death bed. the real issue here is that Flying Lab Software simply overestimated it's launch playerbase.
    If that's true then how come shows lightly populated servers across the board--even for the four merged servers?


    Face it, this game got a deathblow when they decided to partner up with SOE. The final nail in the coffin was when FLS then decided to cater to the gankers and griefers.

  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66

    Worst mmo I ever had the misfortune of playing, bar Face of Mankind. Glad this POS failed tbh. Too many companies thinking they can just jump on the MMO bandwagon without any real idea of what the hell they are doing.

  • darkgamerxdarkgamerx Member Posts: 311

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    You people need to stop acting like PotBS is on its death bed. the real issue here is that Flying Lab Software simply overestimated it's launch playerbase. They aren't the first and certainly won't be the last.
    The thing is, like other niche MMO's such as EVE Online and Lineage 2 (well in the west at least), games like this need time to grow. Launching with 11 servers expecting them to be full was probably a bit too much wishful thinking. Start with a small server base an expand from there would have been a much better decision. This is the year 2008, there are tons of mmorpg's around, not 1999 when there was only a handful of mmorpg's avaible. There is a lot of competition and if you're not running on a famous IP, you need to start slowly and expand over time.

    Logical explanation and you're right. I have'nt played this game so cant say its good or bad but from what i've seen it looks alright.

  • VantrasVantras Member Posts: 124

    The failure of this game has nothing to do whatsoever with SOE.  Its just uninformed to suggest that it is.

    SOE handled the registration, billing, server hosting for POTBS.  This game is failing because its gameplay is horrific.  The game is unfinished, unpolished, boring, and just plain average in virtually every category.

    How any MMO company thinks that you can generically render cities and then just cut and paste them across the world will fly in todays MMO market is shocking to me.  How any MMO company can put together the avatar combat that exists in POTBS and actually think the current MMO market will accept that is amazing to me.  How any MMO company believes that creating a totally instanced enviornment and than convincing yourself that youve created an MMO that you can bill monthly for is amazing to me.

    POTBS is failing 100% on its own merits.  The made a really really crappy game after delaying it for years.  I followed this game for years, bought it on release and was and remain totally shocked by just how awful it was.  This will rank next to Horizons as one of the greatest disappointments and utter failures in the MMO marketplace.

    Blame SOE for a lot of things but POTBS aint one of them

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by smg77

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    You people need to stop acting like PotBS is on its death bed. the real issue here is that Flying Lab Software simply overestimated it's launch playerbase.
    If that's true then how come shows lightly populated servers across the board--even for the four merged servers?



    Face it, this game got a deathblow when they decided to partner up with SOE. The final nail in the coffin was when FLS then decided to cater to the gankers and griefers.

    Do you know when a server is branded "Light" "Medium" or "High"? Only then can you make a good estimation how many players are online.

    I haven't played PotBS so I can't say how the gameplay is, but saying that it's because of SOE is just hilarious. SOE was the publisher, not the developer. As much as some SOE haters would like you to believe,the vast majority of MMORPG players do not run away from a game whenever SOE is involved. Only a very, very small minority does.

  • Kaynos1972Kaynos1972 Member Posts: 2,316

    Another one's bites the dust....

  • AbdarAbdar Member UncommonPosts: 400

    Where is the 15 day trial? The only reason I can imagine there isn't one is that the game isn't that good...

  • Epyon529Epyon529 Member Posts: 16
    Originally posted by Abdar

    Where is the 15 day trial? The only reason I can imagine there isn't one is that the game isn't that good...

    There is a trial period already just you need to go get a buddy key. Also it is already being exploited to hell by most players to get there end-game ship

  • smg77smg77 Member Posts: 672
    Originally posted by Epyon529

    Originally posted by Abdar

    Where is the 15 day trial? The only reason I can imagine there isn't one is that the game isn't that good...

    There is a trial period already just you need to go get a buddy key. Also it is already being exploited to hell by most players to get there end-game ship

    Well when you openly encourage ganking and griefing then don't be shocked when your players start exploiting as well.

  • BountytakerBountytaker Member Posts: 323

    Originally posted by Gameloading

    You people need to stop acting like PotBS is on its death bed. the real issue here is that Flying Lab Software simply overestimated it's launch playerbase. They aren't the first and certainly won't be the last.
    The thing is, like other niche MMO's such as EVE Online and Lineage 2 (well in the west at least), games like this need time to grow. Launching with 11 servers expecting them to be full was probably a bit too much wishful thinking. Start with a small server base an expand from there would have been a much better decision. This is the year 2008, there are tons of mmorpg's around, not 1999 when there was only a handful of mmorpg's avaible. There is a lot of competition and if you're not running on a famous IP, you need to start slowly and expand over time.
    Certainly there is truth to you statement.  No doubt that the long beta, and the huge beta numbers, plus their wacky estimate math, caused them to launch with too many servers.  And, therefore, led to the eventuall closing of servers.


    However, it is possible that the lack of overall players in the game, and a lack of new subs, is what caused them to drop down to ONLY 4 servers from that mistaken eleven.  After all, that is less than half the original amount, and is certainly fewer servers than most competative mmos.  One has to wonder whether better sub numbers would have allowed them to close only 4 or 5, instead of 7.  But, then again, we'll never know.


    One thing we do know, though, is that Gameloading isn't contributing to the population, since he's playing WoW, and Grenado Espinosa!  



  • starman999starman999 Member Posts: 1,232

    well well well............


    What happened Rick? Back before this game launched he was all cocky and trash talkin anyone who compared his game and company to vanguard. Said that what happened to vanguard would never happen to POTBS. What have you got to say about it now man? 4 whole servers? Jeez I hope you guys can manage that massive population you have acquired. At least until SOE hands you and your team their walking papers and relegates POTBS to the derelict section with all its other barely breathing titles.


    Good job.

    Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.

  • smg77smg77 Member Posts: 672
    Originally posted by starman999

    well well well............
    What happened Rick? Back before this game launched he was all cocky and trash talkin anyone who compared his game and company to vanguard. Said that what happened to vanguard would never happen to POTBS. What have you got to say about it now man? 4 whole servers? Jeez I hope you guys can manage that massive population you have acquired. At least until SOE hands you and your team their walking papers and relegates POTBS to the derelict section with all its other barely breathing titles.
    Good job.

    lol...even Vanguard lasted more than three months before they had to merge servers. Expect an announcement any day now that FLS is selling the game to SOE. It's like deja vu all over again!

  • IllyrianIllyrian Member Posts: 300

    I love FLS spin - we just miscalculated number of servers needed. The game is doing great! It will be just like EVE!


    BS, at preboarding, and a few weeks after, less then 1/3 of total 44 factions (11 servers x 4 factions each) were light. Majority were medium, few were very heavy and half dozen or so were heavy.


    They lost huge number of people within first two months due to the fact that the game is a shoddy product.

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