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I was sitting here today jonesing to play some WoW, gawking at screenies so my curiosity takes me to, Thats right! EBAY! Did you know? You can get a level 40 phase 3 paladin with lvl 50 gear for a buying price of 900 dollars?
Wow.... Go investigate this guys.. its funny
Thanks again corporate america
thats sick, not even considering that Beta Chars will be deleted by retail
just my 2 cents
just my 2 cents
$900 for a character that will be mandatoraly deleted come retail? WTF. Thats wrong on so many levels...
Played: AC1, DAoC, E&B, SWG
Tested: AC1, AC2, DAoC, Eve, Planetside, Rubies, Lineage 2, MU Online
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Not to mention if for some reason they do a character wipe during beta for some reason to test something else out. Then you just paid $900 bucks for literally nothing......
and i'm sure it's against the EULA or even the NDA, or something...
just my 2 cents
just my 2 cents
LOL. That would be mean and funny as hell
Played: AC1, DAoC, E&B, SWG
Tested: AC1, AC2, DAoC, Eve, Planetside, Rubies, Lineage 2, MU Online
The reason it is so high is because they are selling the whole beta account. I wouldn't pay for beta, but I sure do know a few pittiful souls who would even pay that much.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
I saw one EBay beta account go from 6 cent to $177 in 6 hrs !
That's insane.
Plainsrunning Demo!
*edited for spelling
Sorry guys, Blizz came right out and said it's not illegal. I'll try to find the post for you, but don't hold your breath. You could just take my word for it that I read a post in blue text on this topic already where they said it's not illegal, there's also a lot of ppl in game who got their account via EBAY.
Most commonly ppl sell it before activating it.
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.


"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
I thought that Blizzard said it was against an agreement that the beta testers had to sign before they even signed up for beta. Did they null it already? It doersn't matter in Beta anyway since it's free to begin with. Otherwise, in retail, if I worked for Blizzard I would be pissed to see something like that happen. Oooh well.
I bet dracius did buy an account. But at prices like that, it would have set him back a few thousand dollars. So if he did, he is really the loser in the long run.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.