I have a question for you Torx, on your sig your boarder is white and the sig looks like the eges are gone when they are realy white, or are they transparent? o.O
EDIT: Darker then what it was in photoshop *shrugs* still looks good... what you guys think?
Oh btw no im not from sweden. My nick was supposed to be Vakkten but when I signed up I forgot the e for some reason so I didnt bother changing it. Vakkten was the name of my jedi in SWG. Vakkten Stormur to be exact. It means "Lord Storm" in nordic (i believe could be swedish). I thought it was fitting for a jedi name hehe.
Ummm. I love my fractil banner. Well, Anyway, I am useing your last sig you made for my friend on my web-page. I thank you again as he is not adsactly the most artistic person and he will be useing that from now on. Can't thanks you enought.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
Found out I had one very similiar to it lying around LoL.
I don't make my sigs, ppl usualy make em for me. So I have no idea why they're so similiar.
As to the person making the sigs. If anyone needs any specific SS's that you can't find, I could find the location-creature etc in game and SS it for ya.
I'd like to see what you could do in terms of a sig for me.
Main text would be Dracius Eishund
In a corner put www.SILENTREIGN.net or where ever. I have some SS's already taken, one of my troll warrior kneeling down in the Stranglethorn Vale arena with my pet hawk owl practicaly perched on the head of my axe. Might make for a good sig pic. Let me know what format you want me to upload it in. bmp jpg, pdf etc.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dracius-Saberi-Static "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
I would love a nice sig so much. One of those things i gotta learn for myself if i can ever figure it out. Be cool if someone could throw me together A WoW one with a Dwarf/Rogue, as thats my intended race/class when i get in game
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do know everything, just not all at once. It's a virtual memory problem.
Lol drac yeah yours does kinda look similiar to mine. I made this one myself with photoshop. I used images from the fansite kit you could download from worldofwarcraft.com cuz I cant take my own screenshots to put into sigs =P. Im going NE rogue in WoW so I used the NE rogues pics they had....to bad they are female ... but they look sweet... I may even just go female hahaha. Dunno though...
Well i want a sig BADLY. but i want a sig that says my name. Dr.Jekyll. But i want to make it myself. Becuase then you can get exacly what you want. And it feels better if you made it yourself. So im gonna learn Pthotoshop. Or whatever and make my own. Thumbs up
----------------------------------------------- Cheers. I'm out
You don't die for your Country. You make the enemy die for their's
----------------------------------------------- Cheers. I'm out
Ducktape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the universe toghter
I couldnt do anything that good as of yet, but I will learn when time permits.. but, the horde "sig" would look better if it said "for the HORDE" only. Take out that, World of Warcraft Logo.
Then move that "For the horde" where the world of warcraft logo was. That should look pretty tight, and less cluttered!
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod mmorpg.com's forums.
similar to this Troll. I would like a Troll shadow hunter with blues and greens. With glowing eyes that pulse and big tusks! A bust. With "Heinricho" somewhere in there. Thanks!
P.S. the troll picture is grooveneedle's inactive picture
Ok guys look.... I havnt forgot about any of you but lately I have been putting in 14+ hour days and will continue to until friday.... ( im "sopposedly" off ). I have been getting home around 8 at night and having to get up 3 and 4 in the morning to go back to work so I hope you understand if I have not done your sigs yet....
Another thing... Gundamit brought up a good point to me.... I do not mind making sigs for anyone, but I will not waste my time making them for people that have been a member for a while but have very few posts.... I will make them though for people that are active posters..... even if you have not been on the boards but a week but have posted just about every day then thats fine, but if you have been on for some time or no time at all then I will not.....not until I see that you are going to be active......
All in all it makes since....after all there is no since in wasting an hour of my time if you arent even going to take a few seconds out of your own time to post ever so offen.
Thanks for understanding and im going to post this in my other sig thread in off topic.....
MMORPG's I Have Played: __________________________ Everquest - 61 Gnome Warrior FFXI - 56 Taru Warrior Asheron's Call 2 Lineage 2 - 38 Orc Monk Saga of Ryzom
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
Avatar from www.Squidi.net
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
Avatar from www.Squidi.net
hey if you can find a better Undead Screenie you can use that too...
whatever you think is best
Thanks for everything . I ow you one. The last one was the one I was asking for. ty for your help.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
NOOBISH QESTION: What is a sig? And how do you get one ?!?
Edit: how do you make one.
1 more thing. Torx those picturesyou have made as a signature is AWSOME great work man
+ vakttn are you from Sweden or somthing becuase your name sounds a little bit like swedish.?
Cheers. I'm out
You don't die for your Country.
You make the enemy die for their's
Cheers. I'm out
Ducktape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the universe toghter
Sig test....*crosses fingers*
EDIT: Darker then what it was in photoshop *shrugs* still looks good... what you guys think?
Oh btw no im not from sweden. My nick was supposed to be Vakkten but when I signed up I forgot the e for some reason so I didnt bother changing it. Vakkten was the name of my jedi in SWG. Vakkten Stormur to be exact. It means "Lord Storm" in nordic (i believe could be swedish). I thought it was fitting for a jedi name hehe.
AWSOME I want 1 to. me
Cheers. I'm out
You don't die for your Country.
You make the enemy die for their's
Cheers. I'm out
Ducktape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the universe toghter
Ummm. I love my fractil banner. Well, Anyway, I am useing your last sig you made for my friend on my web-page. I thank you again as he is not adsactly the most artistic person and he will be useing that from now on. Can't thanks you enought.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
Hi guys, yes I will help you guys with the sigs, but for now I just got home from a 17 hour work day and I have very tired.....
Oh and for the question above..... the edges of my sig are transparent so no matter what color background it looks the same.
Oh, and you are very welcome Guardianking, I hope your friend likes it...
I went ahead and made a list of the people needing sigs and what they would like on them...tommorrow I'll give em hell
MMORPG's I Have Played:
Everquest - 61 Gnome Warrior
FFXI - 56 Taru Warrior
Asheron's Call 2
Lineage 2 - 38 Orc Monk
Saga of Ryzom
---------------------------Desolation Guild WebSite-----------------------------

System Specifications:
AMD Phenom 2 x4 @ 4.0ghz
8 gigs of DDR3 Ram
2x HD4870 1 gig DDR5 Video Cards
Coolermaster Haf932 Full tower Case
2x 2 Tb Hard Drives
He says it's awsome. Thanks for the help. Like I said if you need anything don't hesitat to ask. Thanks again.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
will do..... cough* bump cough*
Im not done yet, don't want this thread getting lost just yet :P
MMORPG's I Have Played:
Everquest - 61 Gnome Warrior
FFXI - 56 Taru Warrior
Asheron's Call 2
Lineage 2 - 38 Orc Monk
Saga of Ryzom
---------------------------Desolation Guild WebSite-----------------------------

System Specifications:
AMD Phenom 2 x4 @ 4.0ghz
8 gigs of DDR3 Ram
2x HD4870 1 gig DDR5 Video Cards
Coolermaster Haf932 Full tower Case
2x 2 Tb Hard Drives
I will continue the madness.
I can't find the pics I need to make a sig, unfortunately.
I like meat.

Hey Vakkt, I noticed yer sig.
Found out I had one very similiar to it lying around LoL.
I don't make my sigs, ppl usualy make em for me. So I have no idea why they're so similiar.
As to the person making the sigs. If anyone needs any specific SS's that you can't find, I could find the location-creature etc in game and SS it for ya.
I'd like to see what you could do in terms of a sig for me.
Main text would be Dracius Eishund
In a corner put www.SILENTREIGN.net or where ever. I have some SS's already taken, one of my troll warrior kneeling down in the Stranglethorn Vale arena with my pet hawk owl practicaly perched on the head of my axe. Might make for a good sig pic. Let me know what format you want me to upload it in. bmp jpg, pdf etc.
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.


"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
I would love a nice sig so much. One of those things i gotta learn for myself if i can ever figure it out.

Be cool if someone could throw me together A WoW one with a Dwarf/Rogue, as thats my intended race/class when i get in game
I do know everything, just not all at once. It's a virtual memory problem.
Id like a sig too pls
Basically the theme is a merging of my two favourite mmorpgs
Saga of Ryzom and World Of Warcraft
With world of warcraft on one side and saga of ryzom on the other. With an Evil Taint to it tho.
Images to use for ryzom would be :
Some webkits providing backdrop etc : http://www.ryzom.com/downloads/goodies/webkits/
and some icons: http://www.ryzom.com/downloads/goodies/icons/
Either that or a cool karavan character on one side? there are some on www.ryzom.com , altho non seperately
This site may have some backdrops or extra stuff in it in case your stuck: http://www.worldofryzom.com/
As for the WoW part these characters would be nice please:
And for a backdrop i think there is a kit here which contains stuff too:
Thx Alot
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, EverQuest 2 World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
Lol drac yeah yours does kinda look similiar to mine. I made this one myself with photoshop. I used images from the fansite kit you could download from worldofwarcraft.com cuz I cant take my own screenshots to put into sigs =P. Im going NE rogue in WoW so I used the NE rogues pics they had....to bad they are female ... but they look sweet... I may even just go female hahaha. Dunno though...
I made this sig also if anyone wants it....
Cheers. I'm out
You don't die for your Country.
You make the enemy die for their's
Cheers. I'm out
Ducktape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the universe toghter
I couldnt do anything that good as of yet, but I will learn when time permits.. but, the horde "sig" would look better if it said "for the HORDE" only. Take out that, World of Warcraft Logo.
Then move that "For the horde" where the world of warcraft logo was. That should look pretty tight, and less cluttered!
- MMORPG.COM Staff -
KillerTwinkie - That one guy who used to mod mmorpg.com's forums.
That is an awsome picture of the orc.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
similar to this Troll. I would like a Troll shadow hunter with blues and greens. With glowing eyes that pulse and big tusks!
A bust. With "Heinricho" somewhere in there. Thanks!
P.S. the troll picture is grooveneedle's inactive picture
Plainsrunning Demo!
Ok guys look.... I havnt forgot about any of you but lately I have been putting in 14+ hour days and will continue to until friday.... ( im "sopposedly" off ). I have been getting home around 8 at night and having to get up 3 and 4 in the morning to go back to work so I hope you understand if I have not done your sigs yet....
Another thing... Gundamit brought up a good point to me.... I do not mind making sigs for anyone, but I will not waste my time making them for people that have been a member for a while but have very few posts.... I will make them though for people that are active posters..... even if you have not been on the boards but a week but have posted just about every day then thats fine, but if you have been on for some time or no time at all then I will not.....not until I see that you are going to be active......
All in all it makes since....after all there is no since in wasting an hour of my time if you arent even going to take a few seconds out of your own time to post ever so offen.
Thanks for understanding and im going to post this in my other sig thread in off topic.....
MMORPG's I Have Played:
Everquest - 61 Gnome Warrior
FFXI - 56 Taru Warrior
Asheron's Call 2
Lineage 2 - 38 Orc Monk
Saga of Ryzom
---------------------------Desolation Guild WebSite-----------------------------

System Specifications:
AMD Phenom 2 x4 @ 4.0ghz
8 gigs of DDR3 Ram
2x HD4870 1 gig DDR5 Video Cards
Coolermaster Haf932 Full tower Case
2x 2 Tb Hard Drives