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If you have even a passing interest in naval history please consider trying Pirates of the Burning Sea. The unofficial RP server is Bonny. The community on Bonny is very mature and friendly. The pvp is restricted to areas of active conflict chosen by the players. Those who aren't combat-oriented can contribute to their nation's war effort through economic and pve missions. All four nations have RP guilds and would welcome you with open arms.
If you choose to play as French add Gratien du Four to your friend list and send me an in-game email.
I was looking forward to this game for months. Super-excited when I got selected for Beta. Unfortunately the SOE log-in screen has defeated me (no, I haven't been banned, just cancelled EQ and EQ II some months ago). I ran the loop several times trying to use a previous SOE account and starting a new one with no avail. Sony customer service and I have had several discussions in the past, so I don't want to have another one. It looked like such a cool game too. Oh well, time to move on.
Didn't think of trying it, but it seems that it's a very interesting and attractive one. Ok, maybe I should go and look for more info about it.
It seems very interesting, although i didnt like having a try.
I love your game very much, hope you will give our more fun. :P