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AtmaDarkwolfAtmaDarkwolf Member UncommonPosts: 353

Hi.. I recently tried and honestly loved the 14 day trial, and I wanted to stay, but the lack of control and the weird skill building system made me consider NOT paying. The thing is, I have some time before WoW comes out, and I think that, givin a week, i will return to eve and play it for now.

My question is, does anyone know the stats and abilities of the new elete frigates coming out, and when they will, and if not, another question..


If I stay, I was intrested in becoming a Claw(minmatar Intercepter) pilot. Now, assuming that, and even though it has bonus to projectime turrents, would it be adviable to max out it's speed and control, pump it up with hybird turrents, and use that as my final ship(the main one I mean)


If this is teh route I go(skip cruser, and battleship) how long would it take to max out all my abilities that I use(learnign skills, gunnery, navagation skills, piloting skills, etc), or if not maxed, at least high enough that I can make a diffrence if I am ever invited to a corp. Now, I assume that WoW will take 6-8 months to make it;s public show, so That is what time frame I will be playing in, and that will be the amout of time it will take me to decide to stay or go(I might go with both if I fall for eve even more)


This is a all over kind of post, sorry, but I do love eve, I just wanted to quit, or not play anymore, because of the lack of control when flying(would prefer some sort of cockpit style system) and the time involved in skills, while not even using that skill...) But No matter what I can say or think, so far Eve is taking a lot of my thoughts, when I am bored and want to play something, I think of it.


Even if I never return to eve, I know that I will always suggest it to others to give it a shot, it has a lot to offer, adn I have to say that it is the most unique and involving games around. Only AC 3 years back, had that sort of control over


It's not a money thing, I want to play something, and am going to take a week to decide if Eve is what I want to pay for. My decision will be based on how much time it would take to get where I want to me.


BTW: The char I want to have piloting it is a galentte. Is it worthwile to just remake or stick with him and go the distance(his perception is painfully low.. only 9 with learning 5 and sparital 3)


Question; how long, and should I delete and remake(losing a lot in skills, cuz I loaded him down to be able to use his crappy frigate, and other things)


And how much are implants and how long before u can use them(will it reduce overall time enough to make it wothwhile now?)


  • DienekesDienekes Member Posts: 484

    I'll try and answer your questions to the best of my abilities.  Here goes...

    I don't know the stats of the new frigates coming out but I'd assume the new ships are at least a couple months out.  Last I checked there wasn't an exact date yet right?  Been on vacation for a bit so I'm kinda outta the loop now.  :)

    As far as your claw interceptor loadouts go you will want to change your loadout based on the enemy you are fighting.  Certain ships you go up against you will want certain advantages.  You have to be a flexible pilot to be a good pvp pilot in EVE.  I personally haven't flown a Claw but your going to want to have certain skills maxed out no matter what your flying, such as Navigation and Electronics and Engineering to name a few.

    No matter what choices you make maxing out your character will take a very long time.  You could prob be a rather good interceptor pilot within 6-8 months though I don't know how good.  You can most likely be a valuable asset to a corp as soon as you can fly your interceptor.  For instance you can fly webber/stasis missions to bog down the enemy while the BS of your crew take them out.  Since you are fast you can usually get in close and avoid some of the more painful weaponry.

    I personally like EVE's style of movement.  It is more strategy based instead of intense twitch action flying.  It allows you to play without having to rely on Sim skills to be good.  I personally am a good pilot but if I want twitch action I'll go play MS Combat Flight Sim.  :P  I'd rather be in a P-38 or a Mustang when twitch flying anyway.  :P  Or if I want twitch space sims there is always the Battlecruiser series.

    As far as race goes...if you can live with the extra time to train skills that require an attribute your weak in then don't worry about remaking.  Personally I'm in no rush so I like to choose a race that I like to play storyline wise rather than how quickly that character can train a skill.

    A brief description of implants as I remember them:

    You can have 1 for every stat.  There are different grades and levels of them such as +1 +2 etc.  You can't upgrade or remove the implants unless your character gets blown up so they are a serious ISK sink.  They will make the same difference as upping your stats with a learning skill; in example raising your Memory stat by raising your Instant Recall skill.  So the choice is yours if you want to reduce the training time with the cost of the implants and a possible future clone.  Also remember if you do get podded you lose any implants so you'd have to get them again.

    Hope that helped and if anyone has anything to add feel free.  :)

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  • mempgrizzmempgrizz Member UncommonPosts: 7

    1st of all i dont know anything about the new frigates, so sorry about that.

    and what ive learned from ppl is that if there is a bonus toa certain item you should use that to the fullest

    if you want to have most things maxed out by wow id say it would take atleast 20 days to max 1 skill out, i have only maxed out 1 skill but that is the impression i have gotten on how long it takes. but the spaceship command skills take much longer.

    and i hear what u are saying. but i enjoy the less needed to fly, that way i can multitask while playing. it is easy to play eve and do work.

    yes i am also debating what game to play, since wow is coming out soon. games are coming to a point where we can only concentrate on 1 at a time.

    well the good thing about eve is you can just pay monthly, so you can give up eve when wow comes out. even though it might be like giving up a child, its a decision every gamer must decide some time in his/her life.

    while i have only been playing eve for less then a month, i have not understood the benefits of the different races. i recomend you training your learning skills and possibly joining a corp where you get benefits in your attributes.

    i once thought of remaking my char, but its not worth it, the skills you have now will ebnefit you, having a high lvl frigate is also good, i have mine at lvl 4.

    and the implants cost either 10 million or 20 million, i am not sure. but it matters who u buy them from. i have never used one so i dont know what is needed or what not.

    hope this helped you on your decision :)

  • KraptorKraptor Member Posts: 359

    This game is very slow paced. It wont pick up till you are in for probaly couple months. Also at the beginning it can get very boring and repetative. If u can stick with it long enough and get into a great corp that belong to an alliance then the game will be much much much more fun and challenging.

  • JuneauJuneau Member Posts: 4
    im still only a few days into it but ive got a corp and some jobs to do and its really fun.. i cnat wiat till i start to build some capitol and can work onsome new ships... i fancy the idea of been a bounty hunter so i guessi h ave to trian my piloting, fighting and electrical skills.

  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384


    That should answer about 90% of your questions image

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • HardinHardin Member Posts: 70

    If you aim to specialise in Interceptors it should not take more than a couple of months to get the appropriate skills trained and be fairly lethal... Would suggest you try our regular frigs first tho.

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