I just wanted to know how big is the world in World of Warcraft and was hoping some of the beta testers could give me an idea maby in comparison to other MMORPGs if possible.
Only the beta testers know. I am sure that it would be huge. Are you looking forward to it being huge? I would not mind it being huge if it provided good transportation but huge mmorpgs often end up in long treks back and forth from place to place and are fun suckers.
"Aim at the King and you better not miss"~Omar "The Wire"
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
I agree with Kiamde, nothing puts a damper on play like 5 minutes of running across a relatively unremarkable landscape. Even cool looking places lose their luster if you have to repeatedly traverse them just to get on with the rest of your playing. A big world is ok, provided you have a good method of transportation. Something realistic (so to speak) like teleportation is always a nice way to in Fantasy games. No danger, incredibly quick, and believable. An example of bad transport for me is the shuttle system in Star Wars. If you timed it right you might get to do nothing for 10 minutes waiting to go somewhere.
After further investigation (just after I posted this) I have discovered "trasnportation hubs" will be used in WoW. These places provide the mounts or for over-seas, zeppelins used for travel. If anyone was curious...
From a scientific point of view, one would say it was just as large as the Earth. Seeing as it has the same hours in a day would mean that it would possibly have the same rotation speed.
That or it is half the size and half the rotation, or double the size and double the rotation.
Or do you mean land mass? There are maps and such here. It also has buttons that you can click on to see a small description of each of the places pointed out on the map.
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Originally posted by LoStCaUz3 From a scientific point of view, one would say it was just as large as the Earth. Seeing as it has the same hours in a day would mean that it would possibly have the same rotation speed. That or it is half the size and half the rotation, or double the size and double the rotation. Or do you mean land mass? There are maps and such here. It also has buttons that you can click on to see a small description of each of the places pointed out on the map.
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Well, what I am wanting to find out is more of a distance/size idea, LoStCaUz3.
You see most MMORPGs have maps, but you can't tell if it will take a min. or an hour to walk to the next town, in L2 I felt the world was a bit small, in PE it seemed huge (I like large worlds ).
I know the game has modes to help with travel, but will it be a long engh walk to want/need to use them or is it just going to be for the player who is to lazy or dosen't have time to take a 8- 12 min. walk to another city/town.
dude if you read the FAQ, they tell you that it could take you a lot of time to get somewhere far. Don't worry about it. it's WORLD of warcrat. It's about the size of Earth scientifically in gamming view.
Is the world round or flat? If I had a boat could I travel from northern kalimdor going west, to the left on the map, would I get to lordaeron or the end of the world?
Originally posted by GrossMesser Is the world round or flat? If I had a boat could I travel from northern kalimdor going west, to the left on the map, would I get to lordaeron or the end of the world?
Wooo. now thats a good queston. in Dragon Warriro II (I good ol rpg) worked like that. You should ask Blizzard that question.
Not only is it one of the biggest worlds I've seen in an mmorpg, all that land and space isn't just filler, like it is in SB, SWG etc. DAOC the land was all pretty much the same. In WoW however you can tell that each patch of land was laid by hand practicaly because it all flows together like a stage on your typical console RPG. Meaning as you travel it just seems real. I'm sure it doesn't compare in size to EQ because EQ has had so many patches, same for UO. However WoW's world, even at lvl 30 I've only seen such a small % of it, and in the next patch when they raise the lvl cap to 55 they'll unlock more of the lands-content. ATM we can't even visit all the areas, because they're guarded by "Guardians of Blizzard" until the loot table-quests etc for that region are completed.
Also I LOVE the dungeons, in so many mmorpgs I just avoid dungeons cause there's no real point, or only go into them to farm a mob, but there's never really a purpose to 'complete' the dungeon. I did Wailing Caverns in the barrens 3 times because it's fun, first two times were to complete quests, which require you going to the end, the third time was for loot and helping guildies. Shadowfang keep was also a nice dungeon. I was a bit high for it too be too challenging, but I was helping some lower level ppl. It was a lot more scripted than WC. As you beat one mini-boss type mob, the boss of the dungeon spawns some monsters you have to fight, then a gate opens and you run through. Later on you finaly get to fight him, and I was VERY impressed with the fight. It was so amazing and yet frustrating at the same time. He kept warping around the room, like a classic RPG battle. He didn't just stand there, he'd warp to different platforms and we'd have to chase him or wait for him to warp again. He'd also turn one of us into a werewolf... and he always picked me for some reason. That's about when my group got wiped out, after he turned me into the WW for the 3rd time and I was critting everyone for 200+.. Gotta love talents. >.<
In the end though, he died, my group died, but I lived, so all was well. =D
In game atm actualy, flying from thousand needles to X-roads, to Ogrimmar, where I'll zepplin trip over to UC, then take a bat down to Hillsbrad, Takes time but if there's no travel time, then the importance of distance in an mmorpg loses all meaning.
Hope that answers yer question, even if I did ramble a bit.
FYI, I read these forums at least once a day.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dracius-Saberi-Static "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
okay, if anyone remebers the alpha release, there was a hack that you could download that allowed youj onto the server but move at 300% spead. Think of the unrealtornament options on sopead control and that only goes up to 200%. Well I personally did not download the hack how ever and I must state now that I don't like qouting frien of a friend information but it's the only information I have right now on the matter. 3 hours of forward button being held down and the explianation is that he did not really cover 2 thirds of the world from a straight line. The explianation by blizzard is that they have mad it like Achracy online. one day of traveling is opne day of traveling. It would take one hour to travel 5 km. Thats is what they said and that is wjhat they ahve done.
As to answer the second question on this borad. they have cheated when it comes to the around the world thing, but short answer is yes, the world is round asnd if you pay a visit to one side you will visit the other side of the island. But what they have actaully done is shorten the time of boat trips and zepling trips to piss people off less. And eithier way you really can't tell. You only know if you look at a map and say this was where I was and this is where I am now. But in general only the main cites have this type of transport which means you go throught the middle most of the time.
I have been wondering where Dracius went off to. He said he would give me his review on Rogues. I am still waiting! Just kidding, thanks for answering the question.
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
To add to this answer, the devs have told us that they have tons more content to add with release. That during beta testing we only have enough content to test every aspect of the game. So, we only have 2 major continents to explore (one for horde and one for alliance)(but not restricted to those factions).
As stated above, travel time (if you walk) from edge to edge is extensive. But it does flow. It's like a real world in that you travel from swamps to level plans, not swamps in one zone and desert in the next. Blizzard put some serious thought into this world.
Boats, Boats doen't work in Beta. Blizzard said they would at release. The idea in beta was that it wasn't needed. This implies that the travel time from Azeroth to kalidem will also be a major undertaking, making the world even larger than it is now (for beta testers).
Skirnir; Dwarf Mage (PvE Server)
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
HEHEH cool. was wondering how they would actaully expianed in the furtire. Maybe riase some ancient land near the malestrome for hero class. That could be cool. I remember that lengend of soma has this mysterious portal cave that comes and goes for special events and really high level players. Was thinking they could make a disapearing poral, you know dark portal or something that comes and goes and allows you to fight some demonds from the legion. That would so kill. some really nice special event's could be had you know. With the alliance and horde co-op against the legion and then a hall out horde v alliance at the end to declare the victore of the prize.
The Dark Portal can be opened by a group of Warlocks or Mages(forgot which exactly.) And it will be classified as a world event. I think after the Portal is opened, that you will be able to fight a wide array of new mobs and creeps.
When you open it, I think it is permanent, but still, it requires a good number of Mages/Warlocks to open it. I think it would be cool if some beast spawned from the Dark Portal that required a whole server to gather to take it down. It would be a laggy battle, but it would be an awesome battle.
I'd like to see raids on the open ocean. Maybe like a ship that had all of it's crew possesed by ghosts and stuff. Oh yeah, you can't forget pirates that raid NPC ships. Later on after release, you will be able to purchase and sail your own boats still, right? Or has that been changed?
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
I havn't had much time to play my rogue, trying to get my warrior high level so that when they put in hunters I can twink mine. ^.^'
If you're really determined to speak with a beta tester about rogues, your best bet is to just ask on our guild forums. Nylian doesn't visit these boards as often as me, however he visits the SR forums daily. Just post what you want to know about rogues there and I'm sure he'll answer it within 24 hours.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dracius-Saberi-Static "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
run little rabbit ruuuuuuunnnn. HEHEHEH did anyone hear aboutr the crack for the ga,me. I am kind of feeling guilt, wondering if I should wait to be selected in the beta or play the cracked version on the private server. Ow dame this comncions, here I hold the cracked verion in one hand and my imortal soul in the other. Shall I give into temptation or do the right thing and play far is far and wait it out.
Wait. Best thing to do is wait. The cracked servers don't have all of the codes and info that the real servers do. If you wait, you will get the full effect of the game. If you don't, you will be left with something to be desired.
I know I was going to go with the crack, but I used my will power to work through it and now, I am all ready for release.
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Dude dont even waste your time with the cracked verson ITS SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!!!!.... Seriously... All you do Is kill mobs 24/7 no questing... you only get one spell per class.... warriors/rogues/hunters dont get any skills so all you do is just hack and slash....and the lvling sucks so bad takes forever to lvl cuz you kill mobs so darn slow... regeneration of stats is messed and is slow...the servers crash every 5 mins and doesnt save your progress sometimes so you lose some xp or items you just looted....and they constantly do char wipes which is a pain in the arse...so in conclusion...
"Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi
Seems like the same people who are running the cracked servers for this game are the same people that ran the ones I used for DAoC so long ago. As a matter of fact, those servers ruined that game for me.
If I would have waited, I would probably still be playing that game right now, having something to consume my time while I wait for WoW.
Oh well, I still have Counter-Strike. Oh my precious Counter-Strike. How well you treat me.
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
ty for the advise. just some of the members of my clan could'nt wait they are playing in mass already trying to work on there team play and strtegies. HEHEHEH, they are seeing how well they can comunicate with each other in a battle situation, should be awsome training for my boys at lest huu. Well Thanks for the info, In will take it under advisment, but my will may bend further into the beta test if I don't get chosen. LOL!
As far as communication in game, since this game doesn't have voice chat, I would use a program called Ventrillo. The only downside to this is you have to purchase a server in order for people to use it. But if your team can collect enough money, it is well worth the purchase. That is the best way unless you can type faster than you can talk.
But tell them they are killing the game experience for themselves. But hey, to each his own. And if they wanna play on a ripped server with crap gameplay, they are welcome to it.
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
ID like to know too pls
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, EverQuest 2 World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
Only the beta testers know. I am sure that it would be huge. Are you looking forward to it being huge? I would not mind it being huge if it provided good transportation but huge mmorpgs often end up in long treks back and forth from place to place and are fun suckers.
"Aim at the King and you better not miss"~Omar "The Wire"
"Whoever controls the media controls the mind..-'Jim Morrison"
"When decorum is repression, the only dignity free men have is to speak out." ~Abbie Hoffman
BUt we are appealing to the beta testers to tell us
Id like a large game world with good mounts just cause its got more content etc and things to do/see
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, EverQuest 2 World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
I agree with Kiamde, nothing puts a damper on play like 5 minutes of running across a relatively unremarkable landscape. Even cool looking places lose their luster if you have to repeatedly traverse them just to get on with the rest of your playing. A big world is ok, provided you have a good method of transportation. Something realistic (so to speak) like teleportation is always a nice way to in Fantasy games. No danger, incredibly quick, and believable. An example of bad transport for me is the shuttle system in Star Wars. If you timed it right you might get to do nothing for 10 minutes waiting to go somewhere.
After further investigation (just after I posted this) I have discovered "trasnportation hubs" will be used in WoW. These places provide the mounts or for over-seas, zeppelins used for travel. If anyone was curious...
From a scientific point of view, one would say it was just as large as the Earth. Seeing as it has the same hours in a day would mean that it would possibly have the same rotation speed.
That or it is half the size and half the rotation, or double the size and double the rotation.
Or do you mean land mass? There are maps and such here. It also has buttons that you can click on to see a small description of each of the places pointed out on the map.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Well, what I am wanting to find out is more of a distance/size idea, LoStCaUz3.
You see most MMORPGs have maps, but you can't tell if it will take a min. or an hour to walk to the next town, in L2 I felt the world was a bit small, in PE it seemed huge (I like large worlds ).
I know the game has modes to help with travel, but will it be a long engh walk to want/need to use them or is it just going to be for the player who is to lazy or dosen't have time to take a 8- 12 min. walk to another city/town.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Is the world round or flat? If I had a boat could I travel from northern kalimdor going west, to the left on the map, would I get to lordaeron or the end of the world?
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Beta tester here.
Not only is it one of the biggest worlds I've seen in an mmorpg, all that land and space isn't just filler, like it is in SB, SWG etc. DAOC the land was all pretty much the same. In WoW however you can tell that each patch of land was laid by hand practicaly because it all flows together like a stage on your typical console RPG. Meaning as you travel it just seems real. I'm sure it doesn't compare in size to EQ because EQ has had so many patches, same for UO. However WoW's world, even at lvl 30 I've only seen such a small % of it, and in the next patch when they raise the lvl cap to 55 they'll unlock more of the lands-content. ATM we can't even visit all the areas, because they're guarded by "Guardians of Blizzard" until the loot table-quests etc for that region are completed.
Also I LOVE the dungeons, in so many mmorpgs I just avoid dungeons cause there's no real point, or only go into them to farm a mob, but there's never really a purpose to 'complete' the dungeon. I did Wailing Caverns in the barrens 3 times because it's fun, first two times were to complete quests, which require you going to the end, the third time was for loot and helping guildies. Shadowfang keep was also a nice dungeon. I was a bit high for it too be too challenging, but I was helping some lower level ppl. It was a lot more scripted than WC. As you beat one mini-boss type mob, the boss of the dungeon spawns some monsters you have to fight, then a gate opens and you run through. Later on you finaly get to fight him, and I was VERY impressed with the fight. It was so amazing and yet frustrating at the same time. He kept warping around the room, like a classic RPG battle. He didn't just stand there, he'd warp to different platforms and we'd have to chase him or wait for him to warp again. He'd also turn one of us into a werewolf... and he always picked me for some reason. That's about when my group got wiped out, after he turned me into the WW for the 3rd time and I was critting everyone for 200+.. Gotta love talents. >.<
In the end though, he died, my group died, but I lived, so all was well. =D
In game atm actualy, flying from thousand needles to X-roads, to Ogrimmar, where I'll zepplin trip over to UC, then take a bat down to Hillsbrad, Takes time but if there's no travel time, then the importance of distance in an mmorpg loses all meaning.
Hope that answers yer question, even if I did ramble a bit.
FYI, I read these forums at least once a day.
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.

"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
okay, if anyone remebers the alpha release, there was a hack that you could download that allowed youj onto the server but move at 300% spead. Think of the unrealtornament options on sopead control and that only goes up to 200%. Well I personally did not download the hack how ever and I must state now that I don't like qouting frien of a friend information but it's the only information I have right now on the matter. 3 hours of forward button being held down and the explianation is that he did not really cover 2 thirds of the world from a straight line. The explianation by blizzard is that they have mad it like Achracy online. one day of traveling is opne day of traveling. It would take one hour to travel 5 km. Thats is what they said and that is wjhat they ahve done.
As to answer the second question on this borad. they have cheated when it comes to the around the world thing, but short answer is yes, the world is round asnd if you pay a visit to one side you will visit the other side of the island. But what they have actaully done is shorten the time of boat trips and zepling trips to piss people off less. And eithier way you really can't tell. You only know if you look at a map and say this was where I was and this is where I am now. But in general only the main cites have this type of transport which means you go throught the middle most of the time.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src="http://www.seven-emperors.com/OBJECTS/BANNERS/bannerJOHNNIE.jpg"/>
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Thank you all (especially Dracius and GaurdianKing), those were the answer I was looking for.
I love huge game world, and I just wanted know if the world fit the hype (I am sooo glad it does).
I that WoW may still my soul
I am also happy that the game world is relatively large and will keep me occupied for a long time.
Other games ive been playing have very small worlds and no real dungeons so that you could walk it (without mobs) in one-two days max.
Beta Tested: Lineage 2, Ryzom, City of Heroes, RYL, EverQuest 2 World Of Warcraft European
Truly Loved: World of Warcraft
To add to this answer, the devs have told us that they have tons more content to add with release. That during beta testing we only have enough content to test every aspect of the game. So, we only have 2 major continents to explore (one for horde and one for alliance)(but not restricted to those factions).
As stated above, travel time (if you walk) from edge to edge is extensive. But it does flow. It's like a real world in that you travel from swamps to level plans, not swamps in one zone and desert in the next. Blizzard put some serious thought into this world.
Boats, Boats doen't work in Beta. Blizzard said they would at release. The idea in beta was that it wasn't needed. This implies that the travel time from Azeroth to kalidem will also be a major undertaking, making the world even larger than it is now (for beta testers).
Skirnir; Dwarf Mage (PvE Server)
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src="http://www.seven-emperors.com/OBJECTS/BANNERS/bannerJOHNNIE.jpg"/>
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
The Dark Portal can be opened by a group of Warlocks or Mages(forgot which exactly.) And it will be classified as a world event. I think after the Portal is opened, that you will be able to fight a wide array of new mobs and creeps.
When you open it, I think it is permanent, but still, it requires a good number of Mages/Warlocks to open it. I think it would be cool if some beast spawned from the Dark Portal that required a whole server to gather to take it down. It would be a laggy battle, but it would be an awesome battle.
I'd like to see raids on the open ocean. Maybe like a ship that had all of it's crew possesed by ghosts and stuff. Oh yeah, you can't forget pirates that raid NPC ships. Later on after release, you will be able to purchase and sail your own boats still, right? Or has that been changed?
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
I havn't had much time to play my rogue, trying to get my warrior high level so that when they put in hunters I can twink mine. ^.^'
If you're really determined to speak with a beta tester about rogues, your best bet is to just ask on our guild forums. Nylian doesn't visit these boards as often as me, however he visits the SR forums daily. Just post what you want to know about rogues there and I'm sure he'll answer it within 24 hours.
forums link is on the left side of the page.
Anywho, back to Hillsbrad. >.<
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.

"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src="http://www.seven-emperors.com/OBJECTS/BANNERS/bannerJOHNNIE.jpg"/>
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
Wait. Best thing to do is wait. The cracked servers don't have all of the codes and info that the real servers do. If you wait, you will get the full effect of the game. If you don't, you will be left with something to be desired.
I know I was going to go with the crack, but I used my will power to work through it and now, I am all ready for release.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Dude dont even waste your time with the cracked verson ITS SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!!!!.... Seriously... All you do Is kill mobs 24/7 no questing... you only get one spell per class.... warriors/rogues/hunters dont get any skills so all you do is just hack and slash....and the lvling sucks so bad takes forever to lvl cuz you kill mobs so darn slow... regeneration of stats is messed and is slow...the servers crash every 5 mins and doesnt save your progress sometimes so you lose some xp or items you just looted....and they constantly do char wipes which is a pain in the arse...so in conclusion...
"Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi
Seems like the same people who are running the cracked servers for this game are the same people that ran the ones I used for DAoC so long ago. As a matter of fact, those servers ruined that game for me.
If I would have waited, I would probably still be playing that game right now, having something to consume my time while I wait for WoW.
Oh well, I still have Counter-Strike. Oh my precious Counter-Strike. How well you treat me.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src="http://www.seven-emperors.com/OBJECTS/BANNERS/bannerJOHNNIE.jpg"/>
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
As far as communication in game, since this game doesn't have voice chat, I would use a program called Ventrillo. The only downside to this is you have to purchase a server in order for people to use it. But if your team can collect enough money, it is well worth the purchase. That is the best way unless you can type faster than you can talk.
But tell them they are killing the game experience for themselves. But hey, to each his own. And if they wanna play on a ripped server with crap gameplay, they are welcome to it.
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.