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Another NE Rogue Vid (LC you will like this haha)

VakktnVakktn Member Posts: 746

Same guy who made the other NE rogue vids.... music sucked but it kinda went with the video... might wanna pause the video in the begining to read the forum post to get the idea of it lol.



"Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi




  • LoStCaUz3LoStCaUz3 Member Posts: 1,154

    Very cool. Let me download it and watch it and add some feedback.

    Had to do a damn system restore before I could watch it so now I have to download it, again. Damn stupid computer. Microsoft updates don't seem to be working with my Broadband connection.

    If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.


  • el_Slackoel_Slacko Member Posts: 310

    I watched the vid, first rogue vid ive seen. Im getting the impression that if you zone, your stealth timer resets. Thats a pretty big bug/exploit. I would fix that to a set timer, 30sec-1min?

    Also, where were the combo bubbles for the rogue? I didnt see any at all.

    The rogue looked like a blast in PvP. Could send a few in to assassinate a big boss of the other team , or to take out healers, etc.

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  • VakktnVakktn Member Posts: 746

    Originally posted by el_Slacko

    I watched the vid, first rogue vid ive seen. Im getting the impression that if you zone, your stealth timer resets. Thats a pretty big bug/exploit. I would fix that to a set timer, 30sec-1min?
    Also, where were the combo bubbles for the rogue? I didnt see any at all.
    The rogue looked like a blast in PvP. Could send a few in to assassinate a big boss of the other team , or to take out healers, etc.

    Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
    Gandalf: "JOO SHALL NOT PASS!"

    I think the timer for stealth has a 10 sec cooldown....

    Yes there were combo bubble for the rogue the bubbles appear next the the enemies portrait like little red balls around his picture.

    Yeah rogues are nice... Exactly my kind of playstyle I cant wait =D


    "Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi


  • Axel_karefAxel_karef Member Posts: 279

    Although it pains me to see Horde pvpers being killed by a rogue thats obviously exploiting the stealth timer, the rogue looks pretty cool. I wasn't planning on making a rogue character but I just might do that now. Maybe a troll rogue...

    "If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." -Jack Handey

    "If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." -Jack Handey

  • VakktnVakktn Member Posts: 746

    Originally posted by Axel_karef

    Although it pains me to see Horde pvpers being killed by a rogue thats obviously exploiting the stealth timer, the rogue looks pretty cool. I wasn't planning on making a rogue character but I just might do that now. Maybe a troll rogue...
    "If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them." -Jack Handey

    He wasnt exploiting the stealth timer....the timer is 10 secs and I believe thats only 10 secs if youre not in battle which he wasnt cuz none of the horde guys were attacking him everytime he ran outside to stealth. Not his fault the horde didnt attack him =P


    "Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi


  • el_Slackoel_Slacko Member Posts: 310

    10 seconds? That all? Jeez, does invis give any other benefits? Increased damage? And if it was only 10 secs, why did he still run outside each time to just where it said he zoned?

    Anyone else know of more rogue vids? I couldnt see the combo bubbles in this one very well.

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  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379

    Was he actualy "zoning" IE, getting a load screen?

    The reason he'd be leaving is so that he'd go out of combat and could then restealth before going back in.


    The reason he'd stealth is because rogues have several abilities they can only use while stealthed.


    Don't compare it to mage invis, because mages who invis annoy the heck outa me, before you know what's going on, you're partner is polyed, then they pyro and combust you and you're dead, before you have time to notice them.


    Rogue stealth is currently a bit buggy atm, I can see them from a pretty fair distance away at = level, which I don't think is fair to the rogue.

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    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • GaurdianKingGaurdianKing Member Posts: 338
    Ummm. I was looking At the skills list of the rouge. Does any one know if the combo points last for ever or just on the character for a limited time because there are alot of attacks that you need to be behind them but also stealthed and you get more damage for every combo point. So how do you get the first combo point and still be stealthed. I asume not that's just running away and restealthing is used.

    J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src=""/>;

    J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. image

  • LoStCaUz3LoStCaUz3 Member Posts: 1,154

    Rogue vs. Warrior is an unfair fight if neither one of them uses skills. What that man did was tactical planning. Ever hear of hit and run? Yeah, that's all that he did. He went in, made his attack, ran out, and then he continued on that pattern.

    If those people want to whine about dying by a PC on a PvP server, just like the guy said, apparently PvP isn't the best thing for them. And it's not like they were getting ganked on their own land, it was contested land. They knew what could happen if they went in there.

    Also, there are things that people can use to see stealthed and invised people. I think I would buy some if I heard about the DIE-Guild running around with a rogue just killing people en masse. But hey, a lot of people don't think of what they could have done to prevent what they are complaining about, they just complain about it.

    If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.


  • GaurdianKingGaurdianKing Member Posts: 338
    HEHEHEH. sounds like a harecore movie clip. LOL!

    J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src=""/>;

    J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. image

  • VakktnVakktn Member Posts: 746

    Another vid for you guys... its a pvp vid with the rogue ... haha funny what happens at the end ROFL.


    "Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi



  • LoStCaUz3LoStCaUz3 Member Posts: 1,154
    Man your like hunting for these things, aren't you? image Thanks though, just let me DL it.

    If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.


  • VakktnVakktn Member Posts: 746
    Hahaha yeah man im soooo bored! I played Doom 3 and it didnt keep my attention very long.... The only game I REALLY REALLY wanna play right now is WoW =(.... ANd watching vids is as close as I can get to the real thing atm so. Its all I got heh!


    "Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi


  • el_Slackoel_Slacko Member Posts: 310

    I have a few questions about life on the PvP server:

    1) Can you ever, be killed or kill another person of your faction in a non-consensual way? No matter where you are?

    2) Can you ever be killed on your own safe land by the oppisate faction without consenting or attacking first?

    3) Can do do the same as number 2 except visa versa?

    Being ganked by my own team on a raid, or being owned at level 4 hunting for my starter quests is the only things that I would get angry about on a PvP server. If I went to enemy land or contested area, I wouldnt be surprised to be killed outright at any moment. But on safe land? image

    <---- Btw, anyone like the new lil pic thingy? Or prefer the crooked smiley face that took me 2min to make? image

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  • MalkavianMalkavian Member UncommonPosts: 2,995
    1. No.
    2. Yes. If you are Flagged for PVP, you can be killed by the opposition. TO be flagged you either must be healed by a friendly player, engage someone from the opposite side or typee /pvp.
    3. Yes. Vice Versa to 2.

     - Malkavian image

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  • el_Slackoel_Slacko Member Posts: 310

    So Malkavian, what your saying is:

    If me, Noobiedood, level 5 is in the Barrens(low level horde area) killing cougars, I can be attacked and killed by anyone of the oppisate faction if I: 1) get healed by someone in my faction, attack a member of the oppisate faction, or type /pvp.

    I dont really understand the healed by friendly thing, but meh.

    ALso, how are raids supposed to work then? If a large Alliance group comes into a safe area of the Horde, they cant do anything until a horde member attacks them? So if noone wants to attack the Alliance, the Alliance members just stand around and wait to be attacked?

    Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
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  • agentcipheragentcipher Member Posts: 223

    Nah, people on raids I believe can kill NPC's without a problem, and once they do then all hell breaks loose. The idea is that if a horde player's town is getting raided, the Horde player can run away without attacking anyone in order to save himself from obvious and certain death, especially if you are that new and low-leveled.

    PS. I see more people are visiting and getting avatars from his work... interesting that you chose the child king. I would've been more partial to Fluffy holding the head of the guard... though that king is more goofy. which is precisely why I chose Hetcher to begin with.


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  • el_Slackoel_Slacko Member Posts: 310

    Of course. I was thinking about Fluffy, but I never like to pick one of the main characters when I make an avatar/character name.  I thought a "gansta"* 12-year old king would be alot funnier image 

    Squidi is my favorite web comic so far. Its the only one that makes me laugh at EVERY comic. Also he does a new one each day so thats a big +. My 2nd choice would have been either the Thief in the blue robe holding the Maxim doll's head in a state of obvious shock, or just a picutre of that Maxim escape doll image Another reason I love the Squidi comic is that it reminds me of a ton of old NES, SNES and old computer games that I used to play. That and its played like it was an MMOG.

    *see this if you wanna see what I mean for anyone who I just confused/insulted

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  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379

    Invis is soooo unblanced atm.


    As to your "you can get see invis-stealth items" no, you can't. They exist atm, but they are so rare and hard to aquire. The only practical way to detect mages invis is to have a warlock cast detect lesser invis on you, however warlocks themselves are rare and hard to find because they have no lvl 30 pet and are gimp atm. So hardly anyone is playing that. Rogues stealthing doesn't really bother me, I'm used to stealthing rogue type classes from other mmorpgs, I actualy kinda sorta like being sprung on by a stealthed rogue, if their stealth needs to be altered so it's harder to detect. Invis mages however. EVERY time I've died to a lvl 50 in pvp it was a fricking mage.  For one simple reason, they can go invis pop out from a long distance and kill any class because they're getting first strike. I've /suggested and posted that when coming out of invis they should recieve a 6second global cool down on all offensive spells. This would solve the problem and allow mages to continue to use invis in all it's over powered practical uses. IE completely bypassing any and all mobs to easily complete quests, gather minerals-herbs, ninja loot chests, run around un-protected in PvP waiting to come out of invis when they find someone 15 or more levels below them.


    Yes, I hate mages. =P


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    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • VakktnVakktn Member Posts: 746
    LOL drac yeah I hear mages are super overpowered right now and invisibility doesnt help either.... IMO the only class that should be "Invisible" is rogues thats their main skill. No other class should have a better version then the rogues but mages do =(. I think they should make Invisibility into an "Escape" skill that makes you invisible for like 15-20 secs so you can run away when youre in trouble. Other then that its wayyyyy to powerful.


    "Those who brake the ninja code and rules of this world are called trash. But you know what? Those who don't take care of their comrades are even lower than trash." - Hatake Kakashi


  • LoStCaUz3LoStCaUz3 Member Posts: 1,154

    Kind of stupid to think that a class that spends it's whole life based around the shadows and the art of stealth can be surpassed by one simple spell. I don't like the fact that the Mages can move at 100% speed even when invis. So uncool.

    I don't think they should get invis at all. They already have teleport and such. What more will they get? They are basically invinceable in the right hands, no one would be able to take them down. I think they are in need of one serious nerf.

    If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.


  • GaurdianKingGaurdianKing Member Posts: 338
    NANANA not really a good spell when you looka t how often it is used and how short it is. Spell lasts for 30 secs and the spell has a chance to fail every 10. The mana is high and there are ways of dispelling or seeing inivable mages. Plus the only reson, well the reson it is used is to get away from mobs that mass atack the mage. It really no use in combat. Where as stealth allows you to deal large amounts of damage in one hit.

    J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src=""/>;

    J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. image

  • DraciusDracius Member Posts: 379

    It lasts 1-2 minutes, and there are hardly any detect invis items in the game atm.


    and NO the only use is NOT to get away from mob. How would you know how they're using it?


    I have mages do this to me everytime I head to a contested zone. They use invis to get within casting range without you seeing them, then they cast pyroblast and combust killing you in 2 hits. Pyroblast has a 12s cast time, that's so you have a chance to interupt it, but if you can't see them, you have no chance, so basicaly they get a free cast on their most poweful spell. Every other class I can spin my camera, see them coming and have a chance to eithe run away or put up a fight. If when a mage came outa stealth I had just 6 seconds that'd give me time to get out of their casting range. Rogues NEED stealth because they're melee and have to get in closes, mages don't need invis to get into range of their targets. Mages also use it to bypass dungeons and mob zones other players of similiar levels can't. They can ninja loot chests before groups reach them because they can run right past all the mobs. Stealth has a high chance to be detected, invis can NOT be seen by anything even if yer standing on them unless you have a warlocks detect invis on you. And the only potion alchy's can make that detects it, only detects the lesser invis. Of all the times I've been ganked in PvP, it's been only once by a non mage. The reason is simple. They have invis. Even with a slight tweaking to invis they'd still remain extremely powerful, as well they should because they die so fast. However they bypass all their weaknessess by having invis.

    With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.



    "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius

  • bethel9bethel9 Member Posts: 262

    Originally posted by LoStCaUz3
    Rogue vs. Warrior is an unfair fight if neither one of them uses skills. What that man did was tactical planning. Ever hear of hit and run? Yeah, that's all that he did. He went in, made his attack, ran out, and then he continued on that pattern.
    If those people want to whine about dying by a PC on a PvP server, just like the guy said, apparently PvP isn't the best thing for them. And it's not like they were getting ganked on their own land, it was contested land. They knew what could happen if they went in there.
    Also, there are things that people can use to see stealthed and invised people. I think I would buy some if I heard about the DIE-Guild running around with a rogue just killing people en masse. But hey, a lot of people don't think of what they could have done to prevent what they are complaining about, they just complain about it._______________________________If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.

    Well if the rogue was lvl 10 and the warrior was lvl 10, the warrior would most likly win w/o using skills. Now if the rogue landed some good moves(skills), then he might overtake the warrior. Also depends on gear ect. ect.



  • LoStCaUz3LoStCaUz3 Member Posts: 1,154

    Where in the hell have you been, bethel? Oh yeah, that's what I was trying to say.


    If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.


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