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Xbox360 version... HELP?

elf4lifeelf4life Member Posts: 1

I have no idea what to do on this game. Can anyone help me?

I need to know how to get gil or anything like that. Thanks for the help!.


  • SatimasuSatimasu Member UncommonPosts: 900

    First, you want to talk to everyone, unless you don't like talking to NPC's and exploring. Then you can to the guards at the city gates and talk to them. Make sure you ask for a Signet. Then, you can go outside and kill stuff. Make sure you check them and fight the ones that are Easy Prey or Decent Challenge. Do some leveling up. It's not going to be very fast right now, but you'll manage. You can sell the crystals that drop to the Auction House or use them for any quests you might have gotten from talking to NPC's.

    That's basically all you need to do right now until you hit level 10 or so. Be careful of Beastmen, they're aggressive. Any other questions, just ask. You'll get the hang of it. It's got a sharp learning curve, but when you get a hold of it, it gets a lot better. It would also be a good idea to look at the stick at the top of this forum for the links that would help you out a lot more.

    To be the best, you must help each other become the best.
    FFXI Character: Satimasu
    FFXI Server: Valefor
    FFXIV Character: Tamorae Fonteil

  • fgauerfgauer Member Posts: 111

    ...yes - I'm just starting out as well. It's slow, slow, slow - but once you let the pace of things just be as it is - it's kinda fun.

    I would recommend getting the XBOX Controller Chat package for this game. I did it and I don't regret it. It basically comes with a headset (which you don't need for the game) and the qwerty keyboard that plugs into the controller. It really helps in the game, and it's a nice little piece of hardware to have regardless. It's got a nice backlit screen and can be useful for other games on the XBOX in the future.

    I have yet to group up - only a level 6. But hopefully with the keyboard and maybe getting to around level 10 there will be more grouping activity. When I search for party members, there seems to be a few of them around all of the time - mostly in the low teens (level) and when the time comes I think there will be people to group with...


  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

    Takes a while to get used to.  Here is the basics...

    1. Go to the gate leading outside.

    2. Near this gate should be a guard with a title beside his name.  Talk to him and get signet.

    3. Go kill worms and rabbits until lvl 5 or so.

    4. By then you have had at least 3 sets of 12 earth crystals.

    5. Go to auctionhouse which is in town and sell those crystals for around 350-500.  (Depends on server)

    6.Go back to gate make sure you have signet and go a little farther out into the wilderness and kill carrions worms and forest rabbits.  

    This is basically if you pick san'd oria.  If you did not pick san'd oria for your home city then just change the mobs names :D.

    Also make sure you keep armor and weapons up to date for your level.

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