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Okay. I've been out of the game for a while and I've missed it extremely.
Now, I need to find a server with a new-char friendly economy, and possibly a linkshell to help me get started.
I'll be installing tonight and doing my account info tomorrow when I get paid.
If anyone can help, please do
RIP: Masamunex - 75PLD/37WAR Ramuh
We will rise again from the ashes. To take over Vana'Diel.
Lets see, I think personally odin or bahamut is a very good place for newbs. I have played them both and found odin a very good place to get groups at low lvls. I just restarted on Bahamut because of a friend. So not to sure about groups but their are a lot of people that are friendly. About linkshells you can pick them up like candy now. Just go up to a person and tell them you have just came back and that you want to join. I personally hold off on LS's until at least lvl 10 so they know I am dedicated to playing.
Also if you want to make gold farm rabbits - worms till lvl 5 and that should give you roughly 2 k gil or more from all the things they drop. With that gil you can buy your armor and weapon upgrades to make your leveling faster and more exiciting. Also thats why I put join odin or bahamut because you can sell that lowbie earth crystals and rabbit hide and so forth for quit a lot of gil.
If you have any questions to get started again just ask me on here or sati. I am still learning a bit but I picked up most of the game in a few days. I am glad you decided to come back and I know it can be a pain to get started again, so good luck!