What do you mean by "freedom?" To do you mean free roaming go where ever do whatever when ever you want? If so, yes. You, in this game, do just about anything that is humanly possible. Just about anything. So yeah, that is what freedom means to me when you talk about it in an MMO.
<Not a Beta Tester>
_______________________________ If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
It might depend on the server you pick to play on, if you pick PvP server you wont have the freedom of exploring the WHOLE world because you will probly die once you step into enemy ground, if thats what you mean by freedom?
Xclipz -------- Waiting for: World of Warcraft ------------------------
I never played AC1, but I think he means the fact that in AC1 you could move out of the way of spells and such (that's what my friend, who used to play it, told me).
Ultima Online- Apoc Final Fantasy XI Online- Nabara World of Warcraft- (Coming soon :P)
i play on australian servers because racism is acceptable there
He prolly means freedom to pick any skills you want. I would say sorta no. There are classes, but I believe a priest could go and train in Sword or Bow. But some things you cant mix and match with, like a hunter's charming or a warlock's pets.
______________________________________ Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998 Gandalf: "JOO SHALL NOT PASS!"
______________________________________ Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998 Gandalf: "JOO SHALL NOT PASS!" Avatar from www.Squidi.net
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dracius-Saberi-Static "With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
(the noob ghost entered my body returning me to a lesser state of thought )
Hmmm Freedom:
See in AC1 there was no zone to cross (mostly)
The freedom to climb Mts, swim, dive, and the freedom to see a place to go and to walk there. Explore!
I remember in EQ and DAOC aswell. There were times (alot) where I would be in a middle of the woods and hit walls. Seeing where you wanted to go but not being able to go there due to the program made it seem most unreal. I understand there are bounds ect...But when an object was only feet away (in an open field for ex.) you should be able to touch it.
Well please understand me. I would have Hollo sickness. Allso I belive there are alot of us Trying to replace this planet for another, that or time. Realy think about it. If an Alien landed next to you and all seemed cool. Then you were asked to fly to a another planet or just join the crew for as long as you wish. Would you? I would.
Every game has boundries. It'd be unreasonable to expect Blizzard to create an entire planet, but even if they did, there would STILL be boundries. Here in "real life" there are places you can't go.
However, if you're just using Asheron's Call as your yardstick, then yes, WoW has as much freedom to explore as AC1. Moreso, IMHO. Keep in mind though that WoW, like all MMORPGs, is a limited world. Everquest has taken ten years to get to where it is today. I'm sure there will be expansions and new areas.
________________________________ Before giving your self a cutesy name with iNtErCaPs or numb3rs instead of l3tt3rs, ask yourself this: Do you REALLY want to look like a spastic twelve-year-old?
________________________________ They care. We don't. They win.
I travel around the lands, the roads are the safest but even they have hazards. Hills are climbable but mountains are not. I can swim across streams, haven't tried to swim across the ocean, yet. The lands are seamless (zoneless) but if you travel from Azeroth to Kalidem you have a zone loading screen. As a mage I have some teleport spells which cut some travel time out. I can jump off tall rocks and not die (I have been hurt, however). There are griffons (for Alliance) and bats (for horde) folks to travel from city to city, if you don't want to run. I haven't been stuck in a swamp...
My explorations of the world are only limited by my lvl. Every place on the map is covered by the fog of war. As you travel there and discover this area for yourself, the map is unconvered. You can travel where ever you wish, provided you have enough life force to defend yourself against the natural mobs that live there and want to eat you.
I have not yet run into invisible walls, anywhere. I have however, run into holes in the graphics. Places in the mountains where there is a square missing or filled with water, when it should be filled with mountain... these are sent to the dev teams as /bugs and soon fixed...
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
I love a almost zoneless game and no invisible walls.
But when i played AO zoning was every 100 yard in a city and evry 500yards outside. It drove me craisy. And above all. Every hour you would get stuck some where. ENOYING. So that the has few zones and innvisible wall ect. Has a big difference for many players. So keep upp the good work Blizzard.!!!
and a big thanks to Odenathus for giving me good intell from the beta.
I know this is a bit of topic but: I had a 3 star rank before summer now i have 1 why is that??? Does my rank go down if i dont answerpost or don't log inn???
----------------------------------------------- Cheers. I'm out
You don't die for your Country. You make the enemy die for their's
----------------------------------------------- Cheers. I'm out
Ducktape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the universe toghter
It's is zoneless but not zonless. HEHEHEHE When you move into a area you maybe in a area that limits the movment of certian creatures but in general these area's are very large.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
WoW looks to be a combination of EQ1 and AC1. AC1 had no zones, only landblocks. Landblocks were very large and could be seen past and walked past without loading. You rarely knew where the landblocks even were. It was pretty much a "load when you get near it" system. EQ had zones. You loaded everything in a zone except people and monsters until you got close enough. You had to load to cross zones and you couldnt see or walk past them.
In WoW, its pretty much just like AC. You can see most everything thats near you, and you never load when crossing zones. The zones are only there to dictact what spawns where and the boundries of territories. You can cross without loading, and monsters might be able to do the same for a little ways if they are following you. Only thing that really shows up when you zone in WoW is that the name of the zone shows up. Also, the only possible loading would be for instances of certain dungeons.
______________________________________ Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998 Gandalf: "JOO SHALL NOT PASS!" Avatar from www.Squidi.net
______________________________________ Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998 Gandalf: "JOO SHALL NOT PASS!" Avatar from www.Squidi.net
el_Slacko is more correct <lol> it's not that WoW is zoneless, it's that it's mostly seamless. You don't get the zone loading pauses, just walking across the world. I have, however, noticed that my non-combat pet will despawn when I cross certain borders. I believe this indicates a zoneline.
At the same time, traveling across the ocean from Azeroth to Kalidom (or Kalidom to Azeroth) is a "Loading Please Wait" zoneline.
Instance zones appear to be almost seamless; in that you see a portal before you, you step through and your in your own zone.
Skirnir; Dwarven Mage (Beta Server PvE)
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
---------------------------------------- My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
Originally posted by Dr.Jekyll I know this is a bit of topic but: I had a 3 star rank before summer now i have 1 why is that??? Does my rank go down if i dont answerpost or don't log inn???
No and yes. Doesn't really matter if you don't answer a post too much, but you do need to log on to keep your status quo(i.e. Stars). Time spent on the boards creating and answering intelligently to topics and questions is reflected by your rank.
Your scathing wit and daring insight into the turbulent political crags of the internet are shining beacons of truth and purity for the slight remaining masses of visionless hypocriticial sheep who bleat at the thought of your glory
Your scathing wit and daring insight into the turbulent political crags of the internet are shining beacons of truth and purity for the slight remaining masses of visionless hypocriticial sheep who bleat at the thought of your glory
What do you mean by "freedom?" To do you mean free roaming go where ever do whatever when ever you want? If so, yes. You, in this game, do just about anything that is humanly possible. Just about anything. So yeah, that is what freedom means to me when you talk about it in an MMO.
<Not a Beta Tester>
If you get up one more time than you fall down, you will make it through.
Waiting for:
World of Warcraft
I never played AC1, but I think he means the fact that in AC1 you could move out of the way of spells and such (that's what my friend, who used to play it, told me).
Ultima Online- Apoc
Final Fantasy XI Online- Nabara
World of Warcraft- (Coming soon :P)
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
Avatar from www.Squidi.net
With every post I lose just a little bit more of my sanity.

"With every post, I lose just a little bit more of my sanity." -Dracius
same here, you question is to general.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it. <img src="http://www.seven-emperors.com/OBJECTS/BANNERS/bannerJOHNNIE.jpg"/>
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
Please forgive me.
(the noob ghost entered my body returning me to a lesser state of thought
Hmmm Freedom:
See in AC1 there was no zone to cross (mostly)
The freedom to climb Mts, swim, dive, and the freedom to see a place to go and to walk there. Explore!
I remember in EQ and DAOC aswell. There were times (alot) where I would be in a middle of the woods and hit walls. Seeing where you wanted to go but not being able to go there due to the program made it seem most unreal. I understand there are bounds ect...But when an object was only feet away (in an open field for ex.) you should be able to touch it.
Well please understand me. I would have Hollo sickness. Allso I belive there are alot of us Trying to replace this planet for another, that or time. Realy think about it. If an Alien landed next to you and all seemed cool. Then you were asked to fly to a another planet or just join the crew for as long as you wish. Would you? I would.
Every game has boundries. It'd be unreasonable to expect Blizzard to create an entire planet, but even if they did, there would STILL be boundries. Here in "real life" there are places you can't go.
However, if you're just using Asheron's Call as your yardstick, then yes, WoW has as much freedom to explore as AC1. Moreso, IMHO. Keep in mind though that WoW, like all MMORPGs, is a limited world. Everquest has taken ten years to get to where it is today. I'm sure there will be expansions and new areas.
Before giving your self a cutesy name with iNtErCaPs or numb3rs instead of l3tt3rs, ask yourself this: Do you REALLY want to look like a spastic twelve-year-old?
They care. We don't. They win.
I travel around the lands, the roads are the safest but even they have hazards. Hills are climbable but mountains are not. I can swim across streams, haven't tried to swim across the ocean, yet. The lands are seamless (zoneless) but if you travel from Azeroth to Kalidem you have a zone loading screen. As a mage I have some teleport spells which cut some travel time out. I can jump off tall rocks and not die (I have been hurt, however). There are griffons (for Alliance) and bats (for horde) folks to travel from city to city, if you don't want to run. I haven't been stuck in a swamp...
My explorations of the world are only limited by my lvl. Every place on the map is covered by the fog of war. As you travel there and discover this area for yourself, the map is unconvered. You can travel where ever you wish, provided you have enough life force to defend yourself against the natural mobs that live there and want to eat you.
I have not yet run into invisible walls, anywhere. I have however, run into holes in the graphics. Places in the mountains where there is a square missing or filled with water, when it should be filled with mountain... these are sent to the dev teams as /bugs and soon fixed...
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
I love a almost zoneless game and no invisible walls.
But when i played AO zoning was every 100 yard in a city and evry 500yards outside. It drove me craisy. And above all. Every hour you would get stuck some where. ENOYING. So that the has few zones and innvisible wall ect. Has a big difference for many players. So keep upp the good work Blizzard.!!!
and a big thanks to Odenathus for giving me good intell from the beta.
I know this is a bit of topic but: I had a 3 star rank before summer now i have 1 why is that??? Does my rank go down if i dont answerpost or don't log inn???
Cheers. I'm out
You don't die for your Country.
You make the enemy die for their's
Cheers. I'm out
Ducktape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the universe toghter
It's is zoneless but not zonless. HEHEHEHE When you move into a area you maybe in a area that limits the movment of certian creatures but in general these area's are very large.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
WoW looks to be a combination of EQ1 and AC1. AC1 had no zones, only landblocks. Landblocks were very large and could be seen past and walked past without loading. You rarely knew where the landblocks even were. It was pretty much a "load when you get near it" system. EQ had zones. You loaded everything in a zone except people and monsters until you got close enough. You had to load to cross zones and you couldnt see or walk past them.
In WoW, its pretty much just like AC. You can see most everything thats near you, and you never load when crossing zones. The zones are only there to dictact what spawns where and the boundries of territories. You can cross without loading, and monsters might be able to do the same for a little ways if they are following you. Only thing that really shows up when you zone in WoW is that the name of the zone shows up. Also, the only possible loading would be for instances of certain dungeons.
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
Avatar from www.Squidi.net
Badmouthing second-rate MMORPGs since 1998
Avatar from www.Squidi.net
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
el_Slacko is more correct <lol> it's not that WoW is zoneless, it's that it's mostly seamless. You don't get the zone loading pauses, just walking across the world. I have, however, noticed that my non-combat pet will despawn when I cross certain borders. I believe this indicates a zoneline.
At the same time, traveling across the ocean from Azeroth to Kalidom (or Kalidom to Azeroth) is a "Loading Please Wait" zoneline.
Instance zones appear to be almost seamless; in that you see a portal before you, you step through and your in your own zone.
Skirnir; Dwarven Mage (Beta Server PvE)
Veni Vidi Castratavi Illegitmos
My dog barks some. Mentally you picture my dog, but I have not told you the type of dog which I have. Perhaps you even picture Toto, from "The Wizard of Oz." But I warn you, my dog is always with me.
LOL, Obenathus is right. It's not so much as zonless just don't actaully notic zone changes.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
No and yes. Doesn't really matter if you don't answer a post too much, but you do need to log on to keep your status quo(i.e. Stars). Time spent on the boards creating and answering intelligently to topics and questions is reflected by your rank.
Your scathing wit and daring insight into the turbulent political crags of the internet are shining beacons of truth and purity for the slight remaining masses of visionless hypocriticial sheep who bleat at the thought of your glory
Your scathing wit and daring insight into the turbulent political crags of the internet are shining beacons of truth and purity for the slight remaining masses of visionless hypocriticial sheep who bleat at the thought of your glory
Is it, I always thought if you just loged in every day and checked out threads it gives you a high raeting for just being there.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.
J.d.slanger-everything apeares to be a scam in this world when you first see it does'nt it.