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News title in news mailing list

I previously requested, on numerous occasion, that the news title be included in the Subject line of the e-mails that go out to us who are subscribed to news updates.

Since still refuses to do this, I thought I'd share a workaround Outlook macro. Just use Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor to paste this into a new Module, then create a new custom rule in the Rules Wizard so that all e-mails that come from uses "a script", and point the script to the macro function.


Sub RestoreTitle(msg As MailItem)

    Dim body

    body = msg.body

    Dim bodyLines

    bodyLines = Split(body, vbLf)

    Dim newBody As String

    For Each Line In bodyLines

        If InStr(Line, "Article Title: ") = 1 Then

            msg.Subject = Line


            Exit Sub

        End If


End Sub


  • TaeraTaera Community ManagerMember CommonPosts: 1,078

    I'll pass your suggestion on :)

    Laura "Taera" Genender
    Community Manager

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