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FFXI 5th most played MMORPG

RaikulRaikul Member Posts: 38

Sorry if this has been posted already, I didn't really look. It's some the number of subscribers with FFXI being 5th place, which rocks :P

It hasn't really changed much since the last year, still holding strong on to the 500k user base, so FFXI is definetly not "diezing".


  • zanfirezanfire Member UncommonPosts: 971

    its still an excelent and good looking game for its age. it caters to a specific crowd (longtime community/group style) "aka hardcore" play and its done diffrently compared to most mmos. no other game is so deep into the story to where they have sweet cutscenes and such. i dont see this gae goin down anytime soon, there servers are still quite full and there are quite a few. the only reason why this might go down at all is for the new extremely secret but beautufl game Square enix is making w/ the white engine (now called Crystal tools)

    unless that game is FFXI style there is nothing out there am that competes w/ it. its diffrent and done well (if you liek its playstyle)

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564


    Originally posted by zanfire

    its still an excelent and good looking game for its age. it caters to a specific crowd (longtime community/group style) "aka hardcore" play and its done diffrently compared to most mmos. no other game is so deep into the story to where they have sweet cutscenes and such. i dont see this gae goin down anytime soon, there servers are still quite full and there are quite a few. the only reason why this might go down at all is for the new extremely secret but beautufl game Square enix is making w/ the white engine (now called Crystal tools)
    unless that game is FFXI style there is nothing out there am that competes w/ it. its diffrent and done well (if you liek its playstyle)



    FFXI is doing fine. Despite the often wishful-thinking cries of "it's dying", that is never indicated in its population from year to year. It's hovered at ~500k for the past several years now.

    FFXI may be one of a "dying breed", but it's certainly not a dying game.

    Even WoW's release barely affected FFXI's numbers. Main and most obvious reason being they're such drastically different games that they draw entirely different people. Those who enjoy FFXI likely wouldn't (and often don't) enjoy a game like WoW. And vice-versa. And that's fine - something for both crowds.

    That said... I have to agree with the depth of this game. FFXI is extremely deep. Look at any one system implemented in this game, from "action-based" activities like Assault or Limbus or Salvage, to side activities like chocobo raising, or even what items you put in your moghouse.... No other game delivers so much depth on even the most seemingly "simple" thing.  What other MMO out there allows you to raise your own mount from a hatchling, shaping it exactly the way you want - for speed, for intelligence, for endurance, etc. etc? None that I'm aware of. That, to me, is an example of FFXI's depth and why I feel it's unmatched.

    Some will and have argued that "it's not depth, it's just unnecessary complexity to slow you down". To put it bluntly, these people don't "get" what SE is creating with FFXI. They're trying to apply a "WoW mindset" to a very "anti-WoW" game. Yes that might sound arrogant, I admit. But after discussing it to great length with many people, online and in real life, that's the only conclusion I can take from it.

    The one common thread between those who knock it is that they play MMOs as a race to the  end-game. Then, once there, they sit there indefinitely, repeating the same content over and over, until:

    - they get bored

    - the level-cap gets raised giving them another 10 levels or whatever to grind out

    - new raids are introduced for them to get through then repeat indefinitely.

    - they decide to re-roll (yet) another toon and start it all over (yet) again.

    People say very often that in a handful of months in WoW and others of its ilk, you can have seen and done almost everything. See.. to me.. *that* seems incredibly boring. Why would I want to pay a monthly subscription fee to do the same content over and over and over again?

    Sadly that's all most MMO's now are reduced to and it's all many MMO players (particularly post-WoW) know, expect and accept.

    A real-life friend said this to me once when we were talking about this same topic (FFXI's depth and amount of content), to paraphrase:

    "In over four years since I started, I've gotten 2, almost 3, jobs to 75, have completed all of the FFXI, Zilart and CoP storylines. I almost have Aht Urghan finished. I've done Sky runs, Dynamis, Sea and some other end-game things. Despite all that, I am still a newb to alot of it. There are things in XI that I still haven't even begun to dive into. And it never gets boring".

    4+ years and the game is still offering new and unknown content. There are many others who share his view. Few other MMOs can claim the same.

    In terms of story, character development and presentation, in my opinion, compared to numerous MMOs I've played, FFXI takes it hands down. No contest. If you've ever been moved, or at least "wow'd" by the storylines in any other FF game, you'll find that same characteristic in FFXI - only in far greater quantity. The story-telling is SE at their best. As far as characters... it's to the point that I can describe specific NPCs to you, tell you who they are, what role they play in the world and what their personalities are like - even their individual speech pattern in many cases. That's how developed they are. They are *far* more evolved than the floating '!' and '?' with talking quest dispensers standing beneath them in other games. Again, this to me sets FFXI far beyond most of what's out there now.

    Hopefully SE will stick to their guns with future MMOs and continue to deliver that sense of depth, and not jump on the "me-too" bandwagon of people trying to coat-tail on WoW's success. This way those of us who do appreciate a slower, deeper and more (in my opinion) satisfying experience will continue to have a game that *we* can enjoy.

    In the end, like I always say... FFXI is not a perfect game. I have my share of frustrations with it - but who doesn't with any game? It's also not for everyone.... and it doesn't have to be. Those who don't like FFXI's style of gameplay have many other options to choose from that might better suit them. And that's really what matters in the end: there's something out there for everybody.


    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • CartographyCartography Member UncommonPosts: 331

    I believe it. FFXI is an amazing experience, and it's still unmatched. I have been playing since NA release, and still look forward to logging in everyday. I just wish they would spend a few months designing some kind of newbie experience as a trial package  to bring more people in. You have to admit, being a new player in this game, especially nowadays, is pretty overwhelming.

  • ParkCarsHereParkCarsHere Member Posts: 666

    Originally posted by logicbox9

    I believe it. FFXI is an amazing experience, and it's still unmatched. I have been playing since NA release, and still look forward to logging in everyday. I just wish they would spend a few months designing some kind of newbie experience as a trial package  to bring more people in. You have to admit, being a new player in this game, especially nowadays, is pretty overwhelming.
    /agree, for the most part. I do wish they had a X-day trial download so people could actually try out the game, although then again, what can you really gain in knowledge about FFXI in the first 10 or so levels? Not much. Still, it would be nice if they had a trial so people could try it out instead of never getting a chance to experience it.

    I could go either way about making the beginning of the game more tutorialized (new word?). On one hand it would help a lot of people learn more about the game if there was a tutorial in game, but then again, it may make them think the entire game will walk them through everything which will not be the case.

    I just started up at the beginning of the month and even though I had played the game before, it was pretty hard for me to get back into it. Still, I think the slower pace that it forced upon me has made me appreciate the game more. Besides, there are new player guides on, which I have not read yet (I probably should've...), that should be more than enough to help an entirely new player learn some of the ropes.

  • zanfirezanfire Member UncommonPosts: 971


  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

    This chart is just a few of some mmos out there.  FFXI is only 5th between the american played and known mmo's.  So its the 5th most played on a chart that is only keeping up with a few mmo's.  If we got all the mmo's on there ffxi would be 10.  

    I can also say though that if it was between MAJOR mmorpgs that were released to stores and so forth most likely it would be 4th.

    All I can say though is that FFXI is the only TRUE mmorpg game out there beside the first eq.  The whole reason wow and all is getting a lot of subscribers is because of younger kids.  One thing I like about FFXI is a lower children player base.

    If you really want to get a indepth chart then you should do *People who are old enough to play*  or *18+* and trust me FFXI would be number one with eq close behind.

    Like I said though is only keeping up with american played or known MMO's.  There are a lot more out there and some played almost as much as wow.

  • Tabloid42Tabloid42 Member UncommonPosts: 200

    I am having a hard time finding a decent MMO. Now that I am older I find my needs have changed. i.e.  casual, solo friendly stuff. I dont care if its slow going without a long as it goes. : p

       I played this game awhile ago and loved it,..well,..wanted to love it,..but I couldnt get past the uncustomizable interface, vexed me to no end. I left the game.

    Question: have they done anything with the interface? is it customizable to the extent of games like SWG, or Vanguard?

       Right now I am playing Rappelz,.which is a grindy click fest,.but good for casual play at work,..I mean,..home,...ahem,..

    I wanna ride a Chocobo!

  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

    No, they have not changed the interface.  Why would they?  I mean its brings the classic feel of Final Fantasy to the game.  If your playing on a PC and want to get the best feel out of the UI then buy a controller.  

    Also how it sounds your not going to have enough time to play FFXI.  You can solo in very few places and if you do solo its going to take A VERY LONG TIME to level up.  

    Also if you play FFXI you need a good amount of time each day you play.  I think most say you need about 5-6 hours or more.  I personally can get a lot done in just 4 because it seems that most groups on odin just fall apart after 2 or 3 hours.

    Yea man if you ever get alot of time then this is the game for you.  Its defintly the best out there.

  • WizardryWizardry Member LegendaryPosts: 19,332

    Originally posted by Raikul

    Sorry if this has been posted already, I didn't really look. It's some the number of subscribers with FFXI being 5th place, which rocks :P
    It hasn't really changed much since the last year, still holding strong on to the 500k user base, so FFXI is definetly not "diezing".
    VERY misleading numbers.I am a very active player in this game and can tell exactly what goes on.I DO level jobs on several players over several levels ,i am not a static 75'r hanging out in whitegate or on the past maps.

    There is a VERY low ACTIVE player base from 1-74,even more so since every player and there cousins are done speed levelling through the dancer job.You might find parties decent to come by albeit stil hard from 1-20,because there is alot of  players just trying the game out for a month.Once they see the insane econmy that this game has built,and how much of the game requires your local 75 union to hold your hand through stuff,players get a bitter taste in there mouth and say "cya later" to the game.The stuff that takes effort would be far more satisfying to new players ,if they could actually find a group there own levels to enjoy the content with,instead of begging 75's to walk them through it with there sneak/invis.That is of course if they are playing the game for some satisfaction and not to just see how fast they can level.

    IMO there is just too many servers.The problem was once hard to fix because of lag,but i believe with players spreadout over several areas,it is now doable.When the game thrived the servers were pretty much static around 3000 players because as some would log off some would logon.3k is about where you need the game to allow for a good choice of players to form several parties over ALL levels.The game servers are barely hanging onto 1200-1800,and after you subtract the 75's the large number of mules,the AFK'rs selling stuff,the RMT,the /anon there is MAYBE 400 active players to choose from over 74 levels.That just doesn't cut it by a longshot.Players actually seeking a party is closer to 200 in total,even less on many occasions.

    So posting stuff like this really doesn't lend an honest outlook to any NEW player that wishes to join in.It also doesn't do anything for the longstanding players,as they don't need to be convinced to play based on numbers.

    Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.

  • mike470mike470 General CorrespondentMember Posts: 2,396

    Very interesting chart...Although I doubt it's really close to accurate, but it must be hard to find those numbers.  This is a big achievement for Final Fantasy though....

    Btw,  does this go by account names or active, paying players....Cause if RuneScape is up there, I would think they have  less than 1mil active players.

    In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564


    Originally posted by Wizardry

    Originally posted by Raikul

    Sorry if this has been posted already, I didn't really look. It's some the number of subscribers with FFXI being 5th place, which rocks :P
    It hasn't really changed much since the last year, still holding strong on to the 500k user base, so FFXI is definetly not "diezing".
    VERY misleading numbers.I am a very active player in this game and can tell exactly what goes on.I DO level jobs on several players over several levels ,i am not a static 75'r hanging out in whitegate or on the past maps.


    There is a VERY low ACTIVE player base from 1-74,even more so since every player and there cousins are done speed levelling through the dancer job.You might find parties decent to come by albeit stil hard from 1-20,because there is alot of  players just trying the game out for a month.Once they see the insane econmy that this game has built,and how much of the game requires your local 75 union to hold your hand through stuff,players get a bitter taste in there mouth and say "cya later" to the game.The stuff that takes effort would be far more satisfying to new players ,if they could actually find a group there own levels to enjoy the content with,instead of begging 75's to walk them through it with there sneak/invis.That is of course if they are playing the game for some satisfaction and not to just see how fast they can level.

    IMO there is just too many servers.The problem was once hard to fix because of lag,but i believe with players spreadout over several areas,it is now doable.When the game thrived the servers were pretty much static around 3000 players because as some would log off some would logon.3k is about where you need the game to allow for a good choice of players to form several parties over ALL levels.The game servers are barely hanging onto 1200-1800,and after you subtract the 75's the large number of mules,the AFK'rs selling stuff,the RMT,the /anon there is MAYBE 400 active players to choose from over 74 levels.That just doesn't cut it by a longshot.Players actually seeking a party is closer to 200 in total,even less on many occasions.

    So posting stuff like this really doesn't lend an honest outlook to any NEW player that wishes to join in.It also doesn't do anything for the longstanding players,as they don't need to be convinced to play based on numbers.


    Wow... Not sure what game you're describing, but I'm sure glad I'm not playing it.

    That is the most exaggerated and misrepresenting rant I've ever read about FFXI.

    Your personal (and obviously skewed) perspective on the game's population does not overrule what raw data shows. FFXI has reported ~500k players, consistently for the past several years. SE has broken it down into percentage by race, sex, job, level-ranges, nation, missions completed, etc. etc. That's a bit more detailed than "Well I'm an active player so I know what I'm talking about ". Sorry to burst your bubble.

    If you want to see where this is stated, just Google "Vana'diel Census 2007" and then the same 2006 and 2005, etc. You can see the numbers for yourself, completely broken down across 3 or 4 pages of detailed data.



    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • WarriorNunWarriorNun Member Posts: 13

    Originally posted by WSIMike

    Originally posted by Wizardry

    Originally posted by Raikul

    Sorry if this has been posted already, I didn't really look. It's some the number of subscribers with FFXI being 5th place, which rocks :P
    It hasn't really changed much since the last year, still holding strong on to the 500k user base, so FFXI is definetly not "diezing".
    VERY misleading numbers.I am a very active player in this game and can tell exactly what goes on.I DO level jobs on several players over several levels ,i am not a static 75'r hanging out in whitegate or on the past maps.


    There is a VERY low ACTIVE player base from 1-74,even more so since every player and there cousins are done speed levelling through the dancer job.You might find parties decent to come by albeit stil hard from 1-20,because there is alot of  players just trying the game out for a month.Once they see the insane econmy that this game has built,and how much of the game requires your local 75 union to hold your hand through stuff,players get a bitter taste in there mouth and say "cya later" to the game.The stuff that takes effort would be far more satisfying to new players ,if they could actually find a group there own levels to enjoy the content with,instead of begging 75's to walk them through it with there sneak/invis.That is of course if they are playing the game for some satisfaction and not to just see how fast they can level.

    IMO there is just too many servers.The problem was once hard to fix because of lag,but i believe with players spreadout over several areas,it is now doable.When the game thrived the servers were pretty much static around 3000 players because as some would log off some would logon.3k is about where you need the game to allow for a good choice of players to form several parties over ALL levels.The game servers are barely hanging onto 1200-1800,and after you subtract the 75's the large number of mules,the AFK'rs selling stuff,the RMT,the /anon there is MAYBE 400 active players to choose from over 74 levels.That just doesn't cut it by a longshot.Players actually seeking a party is closer to 200 in total,even less on many occasions.

    So posting stuff like this really doesn't lend an honest outlook to any NEW player that wishes to join in.It also doesn't do anything for the longstanding players,as they don't need to be convinced to play based on numbers.


    Wow... Not sure what game you're describing, but I'm sure glad I'm not playing it.

    That is the most exaggerated and misrepresenting rant I've ever read about FFXI.

    Your personal (and obviously skewed) perspective on the game's population does not overrule what raw data shows. FFXI has reported ~500k players, consistently for the past several years. SE has broken it down into percentage by race, sex, job, level-ranges, nation, missions completed, etc. etc. That's a bit more detailed than "Well I'm an active player so I know what I'm talking about ". Sorry to burst your bubble.

    If you want to see where this is stated, just Google "Vana'diel Census 2007" and then the same 2006 and 2005, etc. You can see the numbers for yourself, completely broken down across 3 or 4 pages of detailed data.



       Actually his rants are somewhat believable.  If you do want to refer to the census it states that almost 80% of the player base chars logs on for 1-3 hours. Just enough time for an event scheduled for their linkshell do some crafting or mule something.

      For my server we rarely see higher then 2k. I think  when a King is going to pop you will see more on our server otherwise not so much. If you take out all the bazaars, R.M.T and bots the total number of actual player base drops. Then  take into account the large chunk of a server is sitting on a 75 char. An one could see why its hard across the board to level low level jobs.

       The one thing I will disagree with Raik on is making fewer servers. Really this will do nothing to help anything out. All it will do is cause even more crowds in the TOUA zones and King pop zones.

  • WSIMikeWSIMike Member Posts: 5,564


    Originally posted by WarriorNun

    Originally posted by WSIMike

    Originally posted by Wizardry

    Originally posted by Raikul

    Sorry if this has been posted already, I didn't really look. It's some the number of subscribers with FFXI being 5th place, which rocks :P
    It hasn't really changed much since the last year, still holding strong on to the 500k user base, so FFXI is definetly not "diezing".
    VERY misleading numbers.I am a very active player in this game and can tell exactly what goes on.I DO level jobs on several players over several levels ,i am not a static 75'r hanging out in whitegate or on the past maps.


    There is a VERY low ACTIVE player base from 1-74,even more so since every player and there cousins are done speed levelling through the dancer job.You might find parties decent to come by albeit stil hard from 1-20,because there is alot of  players just trying the game out for a month.Once they see the insane econmy that this game has built,and how much of the game requires your local 75 union to hold your hand through stuff,players get a bitter taste in there mouth and say "cya later" to the game.The stuff that takes effort would be far more satisfying to new players ,if they could actually find a group there own levels to enjoy the content with,instead of begging 75's to walk them through it with there sneak/invis.That is of course if they are playing the game for some satisfaction and not to just see how fast they can level.

    IMO there is just too many servers.The problem was once hard to fix because of lag,but i believe with players spreadout over several areas,it is now doable.When the game thrived the servers were pretty much static around 3000 players because as some would log off some would logon.3k is about where you need the game to allow for a good choice of players to form several parties over ALL levels.The game servers are barely hanging onto 1200-1800,and after you subtract the 75's the large number of mules,the AFK'rs selling stuff,the RMT,the /anon there is MAYBE 400 active players to choose from over 74 levels.That just doesn't cut it by a longshot.Players actually seeking a party is closer to 200 in total,even less on many occasions.

    So posting stuff like this really doesn't lend an honest outlook to any NEW player that wishes to join in.It also doesn't do anything for the longstanding players,as they don't need to be convinced to play based on numbers.


    Wow... Not sure what game you're describing, but I'm sure glad I'm not playing it.

    That is the most exaggerated and misrepresenting rant I've ever read about FFXI.

    Your personal (and obviously skewed) perspective on the game's population does not overrule what raw data shows. FFXI has reported ~500k players, consistently for the past several years. SE has broken it down into percentage by race, sex, job, level-ranges, nation, missions completed, etc. etc. That's a bit more detailed than "Well I'm an active player so I know what I'm talking about ". Sorry to burst your bubble.

    If you want to see where this is stated, just Google "Vana'diel Census 2007" and then the same 2006 and 2005, etc. You can see the numbers for yourself, completely broken down across 3 or 4 pages of detailed data.



       Actually his rants are somewhat believable.  If you do want to refer to the census it states that almost 80% of the player base chars logs on for 1-3 hours. Just enough time for an event scheduled for their linkshell do some crafting or mule something.


      For my server we rarely see higher then 2k. I think  when a King is going to pop you will see more on our server otherwise not so much. If you take out all the bazaars, R.M.T and bots the total number of actual player base drops. Then  take into account the large chunk of a server is sitting on a 75 char. An one could see why its hard across the board to level low level jobs.

       The one thing I will disagree with Raik on is making fewer servers. Really this will do nothing to help anything out. All it will do is cause even more crowds in the TOUA zones and King pop zones.

    Well, dunno what it's like on other servers, but I'm not seeing it on Pandy.


    I've just leveled 3 jobs in the past month or so to 37. Aside from the occasional slow periods during the week, or at odd hours, which were minimal, I had no problems finding parties with any of them, from the Dunes on up to CN when I was done. I was done with each job within about a week. One person I know on Pandy couldn't believe that we'd pt'd when I was 17 in the Dunes and two days later I was almost 30.

    Two RL friends started out from scratch, brand new... had very little trouble finding parties overall, outside of the occasional slow periods. Neither of them needed "hand-holding" from lvl 75 players to do what they needed to get done. Players within their own range were available to help them. Do some people rely on higher level people, sometimes entirely too much? Sure. Is *everyone* doing it? No, they're not.

    If they're referring to PL'ing, well that's a problem that's steadily solving itself. People who were once pro-PL are realizing the long-term problem with it. Specifically that it leads to higher level players who don't know their jobs as well as they should by that point. There's something of a backlash building against it. For a time, people wouldn't even begin to pull mobs without a PL being there. My last few times leveling new jobs, however, I'd say only 1 out of every 4 parties had a PL. Pretty big difference there.

    As for the economy... Once again, old news being thrown out as current fact. Again, a quick check of a site like will show that the economy's come down very significantly. SH's are nowhere near what they used to be. Emp. Hairpin is nowhere near what it was. The scenario is the same in case after case after case. Check  items that were way up in the millions and you'll see they're now down under 1 million in some cases. And the same is true across the board. Of course the rare items are still considerably more expensive than the more common items - they always were and likely always will be, for the simple reason that they're harder to get.

    The post reads to me like a rant,  throwing out all the usual arguments that have been disproven time and again, but people just won't let die. You know, for a long time, people believed the Earth was flat and that we were the center of the Universe. Eventually, though, they had to let go of old beliefs and move on.


    "If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road,
    and the cash shop selling asphalt..."
    - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops


  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

    I agree with chart being off.  I totally disagree with the whole I cannot get a group and lvling problems.  I haven been playing on Odin for awhile now and whenever I get on I usally find a decent group.  I mean you have to put the effort out there.  You cannot just stand there with the seeking group tag on and pray that somebody will invite you.  You have to advertise and also look at the looking for party member tabs because sometimes you have to put them together yourself.  

    I mean I really cannot say for sure how it is on different servers nor can many others.  This rant can continue on these forums of how its hard to find parties and how easy it is to find them.  Nobody really knows because I mean how many people got a charcter on every server and have leveled them all to 75 to actually see how easy or hard it is to get groups.  

    Some servers may be so low its hard to party while others like odin is basically log-on and get one.  

    So all I ask is for all these non-researched opinions to cease.  If you still feel the need to tell somebody about your party issues take it to the company.  If enough of you talk to them then I am sure servers merges will come.  I dread the day though of odin getting crammed with another server because it will be another chinese symbol fest.

  • WarriorNunWarriorNun Member Posts: 13

    Originally posted by eveisme

    I agree with chart being off.  I totally disagree with the whole I cannot get a group and lvling problems.  I haven been playing on Odin for awhile now and whenever I get on I usally find a decent group.  I mean you have to put the effort out there.  You cannot just stand there with the seeking group tag on and pray that somebody will invite you.  You have to advertise and also look at the looking for party member tabs because sometimes you have to put them together yourself.  

    I mean I really cannot say for sure how it is on different servers nor can many others.  This rant can continue on these forums of how its hard to find parties and how easy it is to find them.  Nobody really knows because I mean how many people got a charcter on every server and have leveled them all to 75 to actually see how easy or hard it is to get groups.  

    Some servers may be so low its hard to party while others like odin is basically log-on and get one.  

    So all I ask is for all these non-researched opinions to cease.  If you still feel the need to tell somebody about your party issues take it to the company.  If enough of you talk to them then I am sure servers merges will come.  I dread the day though of odin getting crammed with another server because it will be another chinese symbol fest.
       It works both ways. I see a few topics responses claiming how easy it is to find a party. The one above yours just proves that point. The sad part is there are 30 more servers. SO we don't really know how bad it is. Not to mention we have player luck vs that exact job being needed. I know on my Server of Cerb I have allot of downtime seeking for a party with my Rdm. Meanwhile /sea al isn't showing many seeking, An if they are its nothing to form an average to decent party with.

      Anyways thats just me on my server. I am not going to lie and tell people finding parties is  a breeze and that exp is easier in FFXI then it is in WoW. The census says 80% log on for 1-3 hours. Now maybe ODin and Pande  are part of the census that are logged on for 4-20 hours. But I know on my server thats not the case.

  • eveismeeveisme Member Posts: 69

    I have to agree with the 1-3 hours.  Odin though there are so many groups that somebody leaves you can replace him in seconds.  I have had many groups on odin though that I would join we would wait an hour for somebody to show up and thent hey would leave.  It pisses you off because they do not respect the group and makes you want to never invite them again.  If we did that though we would probaly go through 2k players pretty quick.

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