In Runescape, I had a clan of exactly 8 people. No one else was allowed, only us...
We were all hardcore pk'ers but when we saw saaay a level 70 being attacked by a level 110 or something (obviously, the level 70 stands NO chance) we would ALWAYS help out the level 70, we'd kill the level 110 and be on our way.
We're now waiting for Darkfall, we plan to do the same in Darkfall aswell... Help those in need, crush those who can defend themselves and pose a good challenge to us.
It is nice to see someone that is hard core pvp looking forward to a game,instead of bitching and moaning because they can't kill anyone and every one in my game.Meaning the one I play.
I truly hope Darkfall makes it.Would be nice to see a few good games for the pvp guys.
The point of playing an online game is to compete with other players. Most if not all mmo s revolve around combat. If I can't fight other players why am I not in single player?
A pvp online game is exactly that.there are some that have no combat.there are some people that like the crafting and community aspects of a game more than the combat.I see no reason that both can't play in the same game,I can however see why a hard core pvp'r might not like a game with opt in pvp,I just hope you can see why some don't want to pvp.For some it's not compete,but cooperation.
I actually prefer Anti-PK. However, I get too impatient waiting for a PKer or hunting them. Pkers tend to know the tricks of avoidance. Thus, I just PK myself.
I'm like Blade, I hunt the vampires, but when I need blood though, I need blood and I'm indiscriminate
So I prefer anti-pk but O PK because i'm too impatient .
Catch me streaming at You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
The point of playing an online game is to compete with other players. Most if not all mmo s revolve around combat. If I can't fight other players why am I not in single player?
I like your post,I really do.I also hate pvp. It is nice to see someone that is hard core pvp looking forward to a game,instead of bitching and moaning because they can't kill anyone and every one in my game.Meaning the one I play. I truly hope Darkfall makes it.Would be nice to see a few good games for the pvp guys.
I agree with you, kinda, and am glad that someone here actually has a broad view and wants everyone to have something they enjoy.
I actually didn't vote because neither answer suited me. I DISLIKE free for all open access PvP, but love PKing to some degree. I think that the best compromise is to have a large section of the world (read: Well over half) open season PvP...but still allow for some degree of freedom from it. I would want to have a large crafting community and larger still general playerbase...and historically you can't have that if the game requires a week long grind to fix your toon after a PK raped it.
I mean, its that or no player looting.....which I also like.
Fact is the mainstream is all about PVP and you will never get away from that. I myself don't see the point in PVE cause it's boring against stupid AI and I just want to fight against other people because smack talking to them is fun and then they get all angry and quit lol.
If you by PK mean free for all PvP, I'd rather vote anti-pk. If you by PK mean some kind of organized PvP that's not just 100% griefing I'll vote for PKing.
Fact is the mainstream is all about PVP and you will never get away from that. I myself don't see the point in PVE cause it's boring against stupid AI and I just want to fight against other people because smack talking to them is fun and then they get all angry and quit lol.
define a fact........
because you dont like PvE its NOT a fact that Pvp is alpha and omega for all. hence its not a fact but a personal opinion.
i couldnt care less for PvP, and if i should PvP i would do it if was like the old swg (dont have a clue how it is now, havent played it in 5 years) with overt and covert. aka PvP when i feel like it, and NOT being a potetional victim for some bored git.
Fact is the mainstream is all about PVP and you will never get away from that. I myself don't see the point in PVE cause it's boring against stupid AI and I just want to fight against other people because smack talking to them is fun and then they get all angry and quit lol.
define a fact........
because you dont like PvE its NOT a fact that Pvp is alpha and omega for all. hence its not a fact but a personal opinion.
i couldnt care less for PvP, and if i should PvP i would do it if was like the old swg (dont have a clue how it is now, havent played it in 5 years) with overt and covert. aka PvP when i feel like it, and NOT being a potetional victim for some bored git.
I liked the old SWG system because it kept the community together and every server was the same. However I don't understand why people hate PVP sooo much I mean it's just fighting something harder than boring AI which does the same thing all the time. If you want a challenge then you gotta PVP cause it's much harder and everyones different, with PVE it's dead easy, specially once you know their pattern it's just tooo boring.
Problem I find with open world PVP is theres not enough Risk, you can kill someone without any effect at all, EVE Online has done a great job though because with sec status it effects where you can go, much like in real life.
I don't think the OP's poll was asking whether you liked pvp or not, but rather whether you like to kill players or kill player killers. It just seems there is some confusion on how some people responded to this thread, but I'm just assuming that is the case.
Anyways with that said I'd have to say I enjoy being the anti-pk, because I find it is too easy to hunt down unsuspecting players minding their own business. I also enjoy the thrill of the hunt sort of like being a bounty hunter, except there is no bounty to be had most of the time lol.
I like your post,I really do.I also hate pvp. It is nice to see someone that is hard core pvp looking forward to a game,instead of bitching and moaning because they can't kill anyone and every one in my game.Meaning the one I play. I truly hope Darkfall makes it.Would be nice to see a few good games for the pvp guys.
I agree with you, kinda, and am glad that someone here actually has a broad view and wants everyone to have something they enjoy.
I actually didn't vote because neither answer suited me. I DISLIKE free for all open access PvP, but love PKing to some degree. I think that the best compromise is to have a large section of the world (read: Well over half) open season PvP...but still allow for some degree of freedom from it. I would want to have a large crafting community and larger still general playerbase...and historically you can't have that if the game requires a week long grind to fix your toon after a PK raped it.
I mean, its that or no player looting.....which I also like.
I think the Op is talking about in open PvP games where the players choose to be PK or Anti. Anti-PKs kill those who kill everyone else and basically protect the newbies while the PKs kill everyone thats not in their clan or allied with their clan.
Not that many games really have meaningful PvP,but I'm all for 'PK'. Griefing is fun until it happens to you,but that's the way it should be allowed to roll with no restrictions.
It's only called 'griefing' because it's meaningless 99% of the time anyway; if there was a full loot reward for PK'ing it''d never be called 'griefing' anyway,just PK'ing.
well in my opinion, there should not be any PK/anti PK
if you do not want to interact with people why go into an MMO to begin with?, go play oblivion or KOTOR, you can grind levels, get random loot, solo impossible monsters, solo dungeons, etc...
MMORPG should be an Open to be attacked or attack others, again there should be concequences to killing AND to being killed. the ability to place a bounty, (with your own money) the wanted posters, outcasted
this post would be to long if i start saying what should be and what should not.
something along the lines of UO mixed with SWG(Pre-Cu)
either way, there is also the fact of people exploiting bugs and game mechanics to grief, which destroys PvP.
example of grieffing, people camping a respawn place to kill this 1 guy 40 billion times
Myself I'd probably be an organized pvp player. I'll just roll around with my Guild and fight against others for control of areas. I suppose I'd be classified as a PKer because I'll be KOSing everyone else not on my side
The point of playing an online game is to compete with other players. Most if not all mmo s revolve around combat. If I can't fight other players why am I not in single player?
I like your post,I really do.I also hate pvp. It is nice to see someone that is hard core pvp looking forward to a game,instead of bitching and moaning because they can't kill anyone and every one in my game.Meaning the one I play. I truly hope Darkfall makes it.Would be nice to see a few good games for the pvp guys.
I agree with you, kinda, and am glad that someone here actually has a broad view and wants everyone to have something they enjoy.
I actually didn't vote because neither answer suited me. I DISLIKE free for all open access PvP, but love PKing to some degree. I think that the best compromise is to have a large section of the world (read: Well over half) open season PvP...but still allow for some degree of freedom from it. I would want to have a large crafting community and larger still general playerbase...and historically you can't have that if the game requires a week long grind to fix your toon after a PK raped it.
I mean, its that or no player looting.....which I also like.
To me PvP is only fun if it is free for all, RvR and guild wars style pvp feels way to scripted for my liking.
Thankfully There are games like Lineage2 that allow guys like me to kill anything and anyone we like.
i agree, lineage 2 changed veything for me, 1st day of closed beta i was nervous that people would pk while i was noob, and they did, but tracking them down while they were red (chaotic) and getting my revenge...PRICELESS. Mind you there is ways to grief in most games, even non pvp games, i still think its best to have the ability to drop another player at any given time, cuz lets face it, some people are just online to make you angry. But as far as mindless killing sprees, as apossed to the hero aproach (anti pvp), i chosse to be the avenger, i like to study them from a low lv alt, usualy posing as bait, let them kill me, judge there strengths, then relog a more appropriate character to crash there party.
another quick memory of early l2, i had a lvl 17 wiz, and was sitting afk, knowing the human starter area was a breeding ground for pk's, i constantly scanned the area with max distance rendering,1 time while sitting to rest my mp, i see a warrior in top non grade equip , red name from pking, and hes running strait at me, i pretended to not notice him, and at the last second i stood , charged a blessed spirit shot, and let loose a very tastey magic critical, instant kill, and he dropped about 60% of his items, which i picked up and equiped while he layed there complaining.........1 last momory of pk, i was chassing an orc in attempts to pk him, in a desperate attempt to escape, he hid behind a tree...orcs are bigger then most trees, so it was like car hidding behind a fire hydrant..and when id run behind the tree to spook him, hed hide on the other pathetic, i lol'd so hard i was crying
Most of all I would like to play as a "real" bounty hunter, as for the PK or anti PK, I would go for whichever side was the underdog. So I would either be SWAT or Hitman.
The point of playing an online game is to compete with other players. Most if not all mmo s revolve around combat. If I can't fight other players why am I not in single player?
The point of playing an online game is to compete with other players. Most if not all mmo s revolve around combat. If I can't fight other players why am I not in single player?
Because I can COOPERATE with other people?
cooperation and competition is a huge aspect in this genre. i prefer killing for no fucking reason. you may need a reason. Or you may just sit around and spam Chuck Norris jokes and piss everyone off till they teach you a fucking lesson. Its spammers ho m started me on pk. i pk because of them. Open PvP allowing PK anywhere puts those spammers 9 feet under. cooperation is not everything in a mmo. you don't need to cooperate with others to succeed. you could just PK and steal their shit
Thats what i wanna kill in MMOs, the PKers. But then again, attack is the best defence. So its best to attack anyone you think could be a PK. You dont want to look as a ass and be killed by wating and doing nothing.
In Runescape, I had a clan of exactly 8 people. No one else was allowed, only us...
We were all hardcore pk'ers but when we saw saaay a level 70 being attacked by a level 110 or something (obviously, the level 70 stands NO chance) we would ALWAYS help out the level 70, we'd kill the level 110 and be on our way.
We're now waiting for Darkfall, we plan to do the same in Darkfall aswell... Help those in need, crush those who can defend themselves and pose a good challenge to us.
Thats how I roll
I like your post,I really do.I also hate pvp.
It is nice to see someone that is hard core pvp looking forward to a game,instead of bitching and moaning because they can't kill anyone and every one in my game.Meaning the one I play.
I truly hope Darkfall makes it.Would be nice to see a few good games for the pvp guys.
The point of playing an online game is to compete with other players. Most if not all mmo
s revolve around combat.
If I can't fight other players why am I not in single player?
A pvp online game is exactly that.there are some that have no combat.there are some people that like the crafting and community aspects of a game more than the combat.I see no reason that both can't play in the same game,I can however see why a hard core pvp'r might not like a game with opt in pvp,I just hope you can see why some don't want to pvp.For some it's not compete,but cooperation.
I actually prefer Anti-PK. However, I get too impatient waiting for a PKer or hunting them. Pkers tend to know the tricks of avoidance. Thus, I just PK myself.
I'm like Blade, I hunt the vampires, but when I need blood though, I need blood and I'm indiscriminate
So I prefer anti-pk but O PK because i'm too impatient
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Narrow view FTW!!!
PvE server or no deal.
No compromises. I don't want to PvP, no debate. If the game can't be about coop, than it is no game.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
As this poll shows, the Anti's are no longer. There is no balance in the universe anymore. To many single player RPG's adding the MMO aspect to them.
The definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
I agree with you, kinda, and am glad that someone here actually has a broad view and wants everyone to have something they enjoy.
I actually didn't vote because neither answer suited me. I DISLIKE free for all open access PvP, but love PKing to some degree. I think that the best compromise is to have a large section of the world (read: Well over half) open season PvP...but still allow for some degree of freedom from it. I would want to have a large crafting community and larger still general playerbase...and historically you can't have that if the game requires a week long grind to fix your toon after a PK raped it.
I mean, its that or no player looting.....which I also like.
Fact is the mainstream is all about PVP and you will never get away from that. I myself don't see the point in PVE cause it's boring against stupid AI and I just want to fight against other people because smack talking to them is fun and then they get all angry and quit lol.
If you by PK mean free for all PvP, I'd rather vote anti-pk. If you by PK mean some kind of organized PvP that's not just 100% griefing I'll vote for PKing.
because you dont like PvE its NOT a fact that Pvp is alpha and omega for all. hence its not a fact but a personal opinion.
i couldnt care less for PvP, and if i should PvP i would do it if was like the old swg (dont have a clue how it is now, havent played it in 5 years) with overt and covert. aka PvP when i feel like it, and NOT being a potetional victim for some bored git.
because you dont like PvE its NOT a fact that Pvp is alpha and omega for all. hence its not a fact but a personal opinion.
i couldnt care less for PvP, and if i should PvP i would do it if was like the old swg (dont have a clue how it is now, havent played it in 5 years) with overt and covert. aka PvP when i feel like it, and NOT being a potetional victim for some bored git.
I liked the old SWG system because it kept the community together and every server was the same. However I don't understand why people hate PVP sooo much I mean it's just fighting something harder than boring AI which does the same thing all the time. If you want a challenge then you gotta PVP cause it's much harder and everyones different, with PVE it's dead easy, specially once you know their pattern it's just tooo boring.
Problem I find with open world PVP is theres not enough Risk, you can kill someone without any effect at all, EVE Online has done a great job though because with sec status it effects where you can go, much like in real life.
I don't think the OP's poll was asking whether you liked pvp or not, but rather whether you like to kill players or kill player killers. It just seems there is some confusion on how some people responded to this thread, but I'm just assuming that is the case.
Anyways with that said I'd have to say I enjoy being the anti-pk, because I find it is too easy to hunt down unsuspecting players minding their own business. I also enjoy the thrill of the hunt sort of like being a bounty hunter, except there is no bounty to be had most of the time lol.
I agree with you, kinda, and am glad that someone here actually has a broad view and wants everyone to have something they enjoy.
I actually didn't vote because neither answer suited me. I DISLIKE free for all open access PvP, but love PKing to some degree. I think that the best compromise is to have a large section of the world (read: Well over half) open season PvP...but still allow for some degree of freedom from it. I would want to have a large crafting community and larger still general playerbase...and historically you can't have that if the game requires a week long grind to fix your toon after a PK raped it.
I mean, its that or no player looting.....which I also like.
I think the Op is talking about in open PvP games where the players choose to be PK or Anti. Anti-PKs kill those who kill everyone else and basically protect the newbies while the PKs kill everyone thats not in their clan or allied with their clan.
Sup scottc.
Not that many games really have meaningful PvP,but I'm all for 'PK'. Griefing is fun until it happens to you,but that's the way it should be allowed to roll with no restrictions.
It's only called 'griefing' because it's meaningless 99% of the time anyway; if there was a full loot reward for PK'ing it''d never be called 'griefing' anyway,just PK'ing.
well in my opinion, there should not be any PK/anti PK
if you do not want to interact with people why go into an MMO to begin with?, go play oblivion or KOTOR, you can grind levels, get random loot, solo impossible monsters, solo dungeons, etc...
MMORPG should be an Open to be attacked or attack others, again there should be concequences to killing AND to being killed. the ability to place a bounty, (with your own money) the wanted posters, outcasted
this post would be to long if i start saying what should be and what should not.
something along the lines of UO mixed with SWG(Pre-Cu)
either way, there is also the fact of people exploiting bugs and game mechanics to grief, which destroys PvP.
example of grieffing, people camping a respawn place to kill this 1 guy 40 billion times
Myself I'd probably be an organized pvp player. I'll just roll around with my Guild and fight against others for control of areas. I suppose I'd be classified as a PKer because I'll be KOSing everyone else not on my side
100% agree with you there
I agree with you, kinda, and am glad that someone here actually has a broad view and wants everyone to have something they enjoy.
I actually didn't vote because neither answer suited me. I DISLIKE free for all open access PvP, but love PKing to some degree. I think that the best compromise is to have a large section of the world (read: Well over half) open season PvP...but still allow for some degree of freedom from it. I would want to have a large crafting community and larger still general playerbase...and historically you can't have that if the game requires a week long grind to fix your toon after a PK raped it.
I mean, its that or no player looting.....which I also like.
To me PvP is only fun if it is free for all, RvR and guild wars style pvp feels way to scripted for my liking.Thankfully There are games like Lineage2 that allow guys like me to kill anything and anyone we like.
Long live Random PK's
i agree, lineage 2 changed veything for me, 1st day of closed beta i was nervous that people would pk while i was noob, and they did, but tracking them down while they were red (chaotic) and getting my revenge...PRICELESS. Mind you there is ways to grief in most games, even non pvp games, i still think its best to have the ability to drop another player at any given time, cuz lets face it, some people are just online to make you angry. But as far as mindless killing sprees, as apossed to the hero aproach (anti pvp), i chosse to be the avenger, i like to study them from a low lv alt, usualy posing as bait, let them kill me, judge there strengths, then relog a more appropriate character to crash there party.
another quick memory of early l2, i had a lvl 17 wiz, and was sitting afk, knowing the human starter area was a breeding ground for pk's, i constantly scanned the area with max distance rendering,1 time while sitting to rest my mp, i see a warrior in top non grade equip , red name from pking, and hes running strait at me, i pretended to not notice him, and at the last second i stood , charged a blessed spirit shot, and let loose a very tastey magic critical, instant kill, and he dropped about 60% of his items, which i picked up and equiped while he layed there complaining.........1 last momory of pk, i was chassing an orc in attempts to pk him, in a desperate attempt to escape, he hid behind a tree...orcs are bigger then most trees, so it was like car hidding behind a fire hydrant..and when id run behind the tree to spook him, hed hide on the other pathetic, i lol'd so hard i was crying
Stand back, ill take care of this
Most of all I would like to play as a "real" bounty hunter, as for the PK or anti PK, I would go for whichever side was the underdog. So I would either be SWAT or Hitman.
Because I can COOPERATE with other people?
Because I can COOPERATE with other people?
cooperation and competition is a huge aspect in this genre. i prefer killing for no fucking reason. you may need a reason. Or you may just sit around and spam Chuck Norris jokes and piss everyone off till they teach you a fucking lesson. Its spammers ho m started me on pk. i pk because of them. Open PvP allowing PK anywhere puts those spammers 9 feet under. cooperation is not everything in a mmo. you don't need to cooperate with others to succeed. you could just PK and steal their shit
I voted anti.
Thats what i wanna kill in MMOs, the PKers. But then again, attack is the best defence. So its best to attack anyone you think could be a PK. You dont want to look as a ass and be killed by wating and doing nothing.