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WAR still on track for Q2 release


Apparantly WAR was missed from EA's release schedule however GOA say its still on track!

Also Eurogamer will have a hands on in a few weeks on it sMMO channel



  • KatovaKatova Member UncommonPosts: 184

    I hope there is no more delay but my guess is that there will be one more. I liked the part about being like Led Zeppelin.



  • ABRaquelABRaquel Member UncommonPosts: 541
    Originally posted by bobtheblob
    Apparantly WAR was missed from EA's release schedule however GOA say its still on track!
    Also Eurogamer will have a hands on in a few weeks on it sMMO channel

    I wouldn't bet on it.

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  • HousamHousam Member Posts: 1,460
    hope its on track....
  • WotLK is scheduled for Aug/September.

    LotRO big expansion, Mines of Moria will be out Sept/Oct (not that that's a serious competitor but still has a reasonable chunk of subscribers)

    AoC is due end of Q2 if you believe them this time.

    So it really needs to come out before summer holidays start to capture the kiddlies and to give us old buggers something to do so we don't have to slay the Balrog for the 40000th time

    Oh and wheres the 'Do you believe in the tooth fairy' bit?!?

  • DistasteDistaste Member UncommonPosts: 665

    Originally posted by Fion

    Well note that Q2 as we know it is not the release schedule for the game. The release schedule is EA's 2nd Financial Quarter. Which (oddly) runs from, I believe, July - September.
    So theres still plenty of time. :)

    Believe you are wrong


    Yeah, that site has it all wrong:

    1) Our release date is currently unchanged and is still part of EA's planning for 2008.

    2) Our release date hasn't been Q1 for quite a long time. As our CEO said in a previous earnings call, our date was moved to Q1 Fiscal Year 2008, not Q1 Calendar Year. EA, like most companies, operates on a fiscal year not a calendar year. So, in our case, FY Q1 = CY Q2. This is not the first time someone has confused CY and FY. As long-time members of this forum know, we've been looking at CY Q2 2008 for quite a while.


    Cut out the other details but thats straight from the horses mouth.

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  • greenstumpsgreenstumps Member Posts: 250

    doesnt look anywhere near rdy

  • ABRaquelABRaquel Member UncommonPosts: 541
    Originally posted by Fion

    I am right that fiscal quarters are different then calendar quarters. But I may not be totally accurate on the exact months. But I do know that it is later then march-june. Look it up :)

    I don't think you understand. You are being corrected not by pointing out that FY and CY are different but that you lead us to believe that the release for Q2 FY is official when its not. There are no official release dates announced, whether they are FY or CY.

    Also like I said in my previous post and this is my personal opinion that WAR will not be release in June, like most retailers/e-tailers have indicated.

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  • SuitepeeSuitepee Member Posts: 921

    I'd say that WAR isn't going to beta until the end of this year. Something seems to have gone wrong,but some credit for EA-Mythic at least addressing any problems BEFORE launch.

    Enjoy your long wait folks by the way. 

  • VindicothVindicoth Member Posts: 273


    Originally posted by Suitepee
    I'd say that WAR isn't going to beta until the end of this year. Something seems to have gone wrong,but some credit for EA-Mythic at least addressing any problems BEFORE launch.
    Enjoy your long wait folks by the way. 


    Man thats old news, thats back from October of last year. The Beta has already started up again, back in DECEMBER and is still definitely on schedule.

    Enjoy your vaporware Darkfall. Like thats ever coming out hahaha.

  • sirslayerrsirslayerr Member Posts: 128


    Originally posted by Suitepee
    I'd say that WAR isn't going to beta until the end of this year. Something seems to have gone wrong,but some credit for EA-Mythic at least addressing any problems BEFORE launch.
    Enjoy your long wait folks by the way. 


    You're referring to an article posted in October 2007, in which beta did go down until December 2007, and then came back up. Congratulations on finding an article over 4 months old, and not following through to find out when it was posted.


    Edit: Darn you for posting 30 seconds before me. :-P

  • killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995
    Originally posted by Fion

    Heh.. I was right for the most part, check it out;
    "We have learned from EA that Warhammer Online has not suffered another delay, in spite of reports to the contrary. Warhammer Online release slips? on is based on a report on saying EA Mythic's MMORPG has been indefinitely delayed from its scheduled Q1 2008 release. We last heard the release date for WHO was the first half of their fiscal 2009, which runs from April to September, 2008 (story), and so we contacted EA to clarify if the game is still due in calendar Q2/Q3 of this year, and learned that it is. Here's what EA had to say: "Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is planned for a calendar Q2 2008 release. The beta is doing well and the feedback we have from the testers is very positive."
    Thats taken strait from Bluesnews. So release date is set for some time in 1st half of EA's 09 Physical Year. April - September.

    Based on the direct quote from EA, wouldn't it seem the release date was Q2 of the calendar year of 2008?

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  • killion81killion81 Member UncommonPosts: 995

    Originally posted by Fion

    It'd be Q2 & 3.
    Q2 is April - June.
    Q3 is July - September.
    Here's what EA had to say: "Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is planned for a calendar Q2 2008 release. The beta is doing well and the feedback we have from the testers is very positive."

    That was taken from the above post.  It really sounds like a April-June 2008 release.  Maybe I'm not reading it right somehow, but that's all I can get from it.

  • greenstumpsgreenstumps Member Posts: 250

    Originally posted by killion81

    Originally posted by Fion

    It'd be Q2 & 3.
    Q2 is April - June.
    Q3 is July - September.
    Here's what EA had to say: "Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is planned for a calendar Q2 2008 release. The beta is doing well and the feedback we have from the testers is very positive."


    That was taken from the above post.  It really sounds like a April-June 2008 release.  Maybe I'm not reading it right somehow, but that's all I can get from it.

    Yeh but they always put positive spin on everything and wouldn't tell you if the feedback is bad or if it's being delayed.  From what i've heard is the beta feedback is pretty mixed and that's to be expected but they make out like it's all great.


    My guess is End of the year or released buggy.

  • GinazGinaz Member RarePosts: 2,582

    From the people I know that are in beta these days, they say its almost ready now and should be released sometime in late April or early May, barring some unforeseen condition.

    Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?

    Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.

  • ZippyZippy Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 1,412
    Originally posted by bobtheblob
    Apparantly WAR was missed from EA's release schedule however GOA say its still on track!
    Also Eurogamer will have a hands on in a few weeks on it sMMO channel

    Hah yes its on track for a Q2 release.  Just like AoC Q2 2009.

  • ZeelotZeelot Member Posts: 126

    Originally posted by Ginaz

    From the people I know that are in beta these days, they say its almost ready now and should be released sometime in late April or early May, barring some unforeseen condition.
    I cant tell truth from lie here, however I am somewhat releaved to hear this. We cannot expect a 100% bulletproof bugfree game from anyone, so if Mythic have ironed out the "falling-through-world" bugs A.K.A. gamebreaking bugs, then I'm hoping they release it asap!

    Note to the fanboys! "Falling though the world was a known bug in VG... not anything to do with WAR.

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  • etomaietomai Member Posts: 41

    As I recall, that's exactly what WoW did.  The stress test was in September and they didn't announce gold/release until October.  The game released in November, before Thanksgiving.


  • ConsequenceConsequence Member UncommonPosts: 358

    Ive said it b4 and ill say it over and over again.

    Every major MMO released EVER has released at 1 of 2 times: just b4 xmas, or right at the end of the schoolyear.

    WAR will be no different. It will either release late May/earny June, which would still be considered Q2 or it will be pushed back to Xmas. Despite what everyone here thinks there is no consiracy here. Its simple marketing. The most people buy games at these 2 times of the year and since WAR depends on continued revenue like other PTP mmos, it needs people to buy the game immediately after release in order to sustain the game and recoup the extrodinary expenses they have obviously incurred marketting and testing this game.  These are the FACTS.

    My opinion, is that this game WILL make the Q2 release. I have studied advertisement and marketing my whole life, and all the marketing/testing/ advertising ploys ive seen serve as my indicators for this opinion.



  • Addy711Addy711 Member Posts: 12
    Originally posted by Consequence

    Ive said it b4 and ill say it over and over again.
    Every major MMO released EVER has released at 1 of 2 times: just b4 xmas, or right at the end of the schoolyear.
    Not denying xmas and summer are prime times for releases but EQ released mid March, Ultima Online released September and DAoC released mid October…hoping for a CY Q2 release nonetheless


  • AntariousAntarious Member UncommonPosts: 2,848

    I don't think the issue is whether or not they can release the game for *random* time period.

    I would think the question would be.. if the game isn't up to their standards .. will they release it just to hit that time period.  Or will they delay it to make sure the quality is there.

    So in the end.. I guess we wait and see what happens.

    Oh and my personal view?

    I hope all the upcoming games are delayed if need be for quality purposes.  I like games... I don't follow any paticular company.  I just want decent products to buy.. so if it comes out Q2 then fine.. if not... that's fine too.

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