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A question about the tactical overlay

gingus418gingus418 Member Posts: 128

When in combat, I like to use the tactical overlay to help me out with my range  and whatnot, but I was curious if there was a way to display the tactical overlay in the corner of my screen as opposed to centering on my ship. The only problem that I see with it, is that in order to actually see the enemies, I need to zoom way out, and then I'm not able to see my ship in combat. I know that this isn't a big deal or anything, but I enjoy watching my ship zoom around while fighting. So, is there some way to basically have a "mini" tactical overlay in the corner of my screen as opposed to centered on my ship?



  • nurglesnurgles Member Posts: 840

    the simple answer is no.

    about watching your ship, move to short range weopons, blasters, autocannons pulse lasers or unguided missiles.

  • gingus418gingus418 Member Posts: 128

    Is there some UI enhancement that I could download? Or is that against the EULA?


  • LordmonkusLordmonkus Member Posts: 808

    It's not that it's against the eula as such as that it just isn't possible to do in Eve without hacking which is against the eula. Eve just doesn't have the open interface modding like WoW has.

  • gingus418gingus418 Member Posts: 128

    Ah gotcha. Okay, I guess I'll just have to be happy with the tactical overlay centering on my ship.


  • LordmonkusLordmonkus Member Posts: 808

    Just out of curiosity here but how would a mini version of the tactical overlay in the corner even work ? I thought the point of the overlay the way it is now is to show distances relative to your ships position in space. I never fly with the overlay anyways, I just use the overview window to check distances and speeds, it's all I have ever needed.

    Something I just thought of as I was typing this was that a long time ago there used to be a smaller similar to tactical overlay type thing at the bottom of the screen but it didn't work very well at all which is the reason the overlay is the way it is now. Here's an old screenshot from 2003 and at the bottom right you can see the old 'overlay' type radar thingie. But like said above it really wasn't very useful at all, in fact everyone just turned it off because it sucked so bad. It was very cumbersome and annoying to try and use.

  • gingus418gingus418 Member Posts: 128

    I suppose I was thinking of something similar to that. I suppose it would be the same thing as what we have now, except I suppose it would be more of a 3-D radar type thing than what we have now. I can see why they have it the way it is now though, what they have didn't look like it was too helpful.



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