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Alright as much as it pains me I can't afford to keep my accounts up to date if I'm not going to play. The following items I am selling for cash. I know and understand all the reservations out there to making cash purchases for online games and am fully prepared to do whatever it takes to make the buyer feel fully comfortable making the purchase.
18x18 fully customized house located on the north east edge of Malas. The house is on the edge of the world and right next to mountain. Just a bit north of the home is Grimswind ruins where you will find Unicorns for those of you female tamers.
L-shape in fel. This house has been there for six years and I have been the second to own it. It is east of the lich field right on the other side of the road. North is yew gate, although a bit of a walk. This house also holds the bulk of my possessions including over 100 t maps most of them being level 4's and 5's. There are some minor rares and vet rewards but nothing else too major.
Last but not least is my villa. This home is the second closest house to the Hythloth entrence in fel. This is great location for harrower spawns. The hosue is pretty much emtpy except for bulk resources but not enough to mention as a great addition.
All these houses are on the Lake Superior shard. To give an idea of value I'm holding 1 million gold = $10.00 U.S. I am being open to any and all bids. If you need more info or would like to see any of these pm me here or ICQ me at 173307933. I can also be emailed at [email protected]. As I said before I will do whatever it takes to make buyer feel comfortable. Paypal is very much frowned upon but may be willing to work something out. Thanks
I second that. Welcome.