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The PVP system

the PVP system in the game is quite interesting.  In order to attack another in the same camp, players must use an item called the "Homicidal Flayorant," which will put them in a "BUFF" state, and will allow the player to attack and be attacked by any other player as well, While layers in opposing camps can attack each other freely, without having to worry about attaining a "BUFF" state or restriction of privileges. The most rewarding thing is, players from the opposing camp can pick up the items dropped from the criminal after they've killed him or her. You gain, you pain.Once you've acquired a number of criminal points, you will receive either a white, yellow, or red warning.The status of the "Evil Property" will depend on how much crime you've committed


  • cjlouiscjlouis Member Posts: 26

    I have found some more detailed information about pvp,  where you can find something new and interesting:

    PVP for Same Camp

    1. Players in the same camp cannot attack each other under normal mode

    2. In order to attack another in the same camp, players must use an item called the "Homicidal Flayorant," which will put them in a "BUFF" state, and will allow the player to attack and be attacked by any other player as well.

    3. Depending on their "BUFF" state, players can have certain levels of restricted usage of NPCs and privileges.

    4. Depending on the player's "BUFF" state, punishment also includes the amount of items and equipment dropped after being killed.  Such items and equipment can be picked up by anyone.

    PVP for Opposing Camps

    1. Players in opposing camps can attack each other freely, without having to worry about attaining a "BUFF" state or restriction of privileges.

    2. If a player already has a "BUFF" state, and is killed by a player from the opposing camp, that player with the "BUFF" state will drop a certain amount of items depending on the level of their "BUFF" state.

    3. Players from the opposing camp can pick up the items dropped from the criminal after they've killed him or her.

    Evil Properties Levels and their Definitions:


    Evil Points

    Name Color


    0 - 18


    Has legal protection as a normal player

    19 - 72


    Has legal protection as a normal player, but is on the edge of becoming a criminal.



    Can be attacked by any players and NPC guards.  No permission to communicate with any NPC.  Not allowed to use e-mail system or Soul Crystal.  Players will be transferred to Exile Island after being killed.



    Exile Island:

    This map exists for protecting players who received a red warning.  PVP is not allowed on this map, and only an NPC can show you the way to leave the island.  There is no way to enter this map from the outside world.  After leaving the island, players will respawn to a random medium-difficulty map to ensure that vindictive players cannot wait outside a specific spawn point, ready to attack the player.

    Reducing your Evil Property level:

    1. Normal Recovery: Any online player's Evil Property will decrease by one point every 10 minutes till zero.

    2. Zazen: For both Union and Chaos, there will be an area of which will contain the Zazen.  A player's Evil Property will decrease once they stand on it.

    Evil Property Guideline:

    1. Murder increases the Evil Property by 36 points.

    2. The amount of items dropped depends on the level of your Evil Property.  The higher your Evil Property, the more items you will drop.

    Dropped Items according to Your Evil Property Guideline:

    1. Bound (No trade) items will not be dropped.

    2. Items dropped will be by each block in your inventory, not the amount in each block.

    3. Evil Property Name color drop amounts:

      White: Drop ? of your items from your inventory at random, except for bound items.

      Yellow: Drop ? of your items from your inventory at random, except for bound items.

      Red: Drop ALL of your items from your inventory, except bound items

  • tomorrowminetomorrowmine Member Posts: 2

    I think the skills of somebody  can't decide the PVP, it seems impossible to kill the other one if you have no partner.

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