Kingdom Hearts ---- Best Single Player Game Ever Made. Here are the MMO games I have played/tried: Runescape, Silkroad, Xiah, Hero, Rakion, Diablo 2, Gunz, WoW, Maple Story, Dungeon Runners, Flyff, 9Dragons, Astonia III, Last Chaos, GW:Nightfall, Hellgate London, Knight Online, Perfect World, Thang, and sadly Puzzle Pirates.
not anymore bro, cause im winning!
I wonder who will eventually win this game?
I'm betting it's going to be me.

i doubt it, you just gained a new worst enemy!
Thread Locked

i will rule the world
I thought my plan was very clever

YAY my avatar and signature work!
Kingdom Hearts ---- Best Single Player Game Ever Made.
Here are the MMO games I have played/tried:
Runescape, Silkroad, Xiah, Hero, Rakion, Diablo 2, Gunz, WoW, Maple Story, Dungeon Runners, Flyff, 9Dragons, Astonia III, Last Chaos, GW:Nightfall, Hellgate London, Knight Online, Perfect World, Thang, and sadly Puzzle Pirates.
You should
to me you
or you'll be
cause you lost to the
me and my
that has the power to vanquish your
and make him


did i win?? ^^
yeah you won second place. yay!

weeee second place.. where's the prize now?? ^^
What is your favourite kind of hot pie?

With cream!

is there a choclate pie??
I don't think there is.

Chicken Pot Pie!!
With chips!

da da da......i am the kurrent winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!