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Since I doubt I'll ever hear from support any time soon, allow me to ask here.
My girlfriend is having an issue logging into Flyff. She created her account, downloaded the client, but every time she attempts to login, she gets an "invalid ID" error. The problem is not with the account itself as I was able to login with her account, and we made a test account to see if she could login to that and while I could, she could not. The method of entry isn't an issue as it was hand typed very carefully several times, and even copied and pasted exactly as it was from when it worked for me, but she was still unable to login. I also tried disabling her anti-virus and any other programs which might interfere, but to no avail. nProtect is loading and operating as per normal so I don't believe that would be the case either. I am, unfortunately, officially out of ideas short of her ISP itself blocking the port Flyff happens to use to login, though that seems somewhat unlikely especially as she is apparently able to connect to the login server.
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
Really unsure of anyway to fix that one.
All there really is that you could do is to - either make a new account for her and try again. if not that, then it could be something wrong with the client. where then, you would just un-install and re-install and try again. Then cross your fingers and hope that it works.
I've had problems like that before with FlyFF, and half the time it was the client.
Already tried another account. She can't login to anything. Like I said, shouldn't be the account because I can log into her account just fine. Thanks for the help anyway though. More help than the Flyff staff was. Their reply before they closed for three days was to close my ticket, and basically told me to screw off by saying that she would have to e-mail them herself from her own e-mail. Which is fine, security and all that, except I made no mentions to a specific account at any time, and they assumed that the e-mail I was e-mailing them from, wasn't hers. Apparently answering a hypothetical situation is a "security risk"
Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.
Post your issue on the official Flyff forums.
The GMs maybe able to help.