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Hi, I'd like to hear what you think would be a good idea for a playable class (Just for fun ofc)
Personally, I would like to play a saboteur type class. He/ she would have some stealth skills such as disguise and be able to plant huge bombs. Although the melee aspects of this character would be limited, they would be invaluable in siege type situations. They could set explosive traps at choke points like tripwires which trigger grenades or automatic guns!
I was thinking that this class would be more suited to the Dwarf character, as they have better engineering skills.
I have loads of ideas but I won't bang on too long cos I'd like to hear some from you guys.
It's a good thing you don't get to make these calls.. cause the word STEALTH says.... you fail.
Personally I would consider making a class for each realm that's not so good at PVE, unlockable after you have a character capped whose whole class is built around RVR destruction. I.E. great with siege weapons, capapble fo doing better and more damage to buildings and structures. That sort of thing.
That's just me though.
Always change your signature.
One word,
I tire of games that "try" to do Necromancy justice, but end up falling on their faces. How many of you would love to just summon your own small army from dead opponents? Or to have a more interactive and customizable way of making pets? (and no, this is not a GW reference.....necromancers in GW are a pathetic joke and couldn't even be considered necromancy users whatsoever. An undead pet shouldn't just stay alive for 25seconds while you try and rush rush rush to the next area with mobs before your pet dies from walking too long....honestly.....necro's in GWs aren't even seen as pet classes....since if you DO go pets your laughed at and kicked from your group?!?!)
Personally, I can't wait for the day when a game actually does Necromancy justice, and enables you to make an undead RhinoBunnyCougarPirateZebra, and giving you the ability to customize down to the last boney horn on looks and abilities/usability.
I mean honestly, how many of you have ever looked at a bunny rabbit hopping around in say...WoW....and thought "Man, I wonder what would happen if I turned that undead and strapped a giant bomb to it's ribcage?". Or more to the point, I want to be able to customize what I summon and how I summon them based on people/things I've killed, or just from having picnics in someone's cemetary with a conveniently placed shovel
The Theory of Conservative Conservation of Ignorant Stupidity:
Having a different opinion must mean you're a troll.
That would be cool, definitely. I believe Vanguard was supposed to have a system like this for their Necromancers, but I am not sure it made the cut or was going to be that robust.
As for what career (I insist on saying career and not class!) I would like to see implemented from the Warhammer universe...
Well, I'll limit my choices to the armies we already have, so I think I would like to see Phoenix Guards. My reason? They have taken a solemn vow of silence and thus cannot ever talk. That would be hilarious to see actually put in the game. :P
Anything Lizardman cause when i used to collect the table top peices (was only 6 and stopped when i was 8) i used to love painting Lizardmen.
Lame..unlockable classes are the worst feature any game has every created and it equals one giant grind in order to get. Not to mention a class made only for PVP would be completely unbalanced in the world.
If they were to add a class to the game I'd have to shoot for (sticks to the warhammer ip because this is WAR hammer not warcraft) night goblin fanatics. They just looks so cool swinging those giant metal balls around.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
I find there is a few good one's in Guild Wars, there could be in!
But as we have a rock sissor paper system in WAR i would go for a class to go against support/healers. As i expect them to be rather strong in the metagame!
Guild Wars have the rather unique class the mesmer for that. This is basicly a denial character , that are able to interupt and/or punish every action a character takes and I think that would be cool to put in against Healers, with the ability to be setup against magic users aswell!
Snotlings!! Snotlings FTW!!!!

And if you're in a guild then you'll have the possiblity to all jolly ride a Pump Wagon!!!
Or the Pump Wagon could be your mount. Or you, the snotling, and the Pump Wagon be as one.
Customizing it with skulls, spikes and of course mushrooms!
Ok, ok I was just kidding!
I would love to see all the Chaos Gods, and then you could choose which of the gods you would want to follow hence diferent abilities, diferent kinds of Chaos approach to the ongoing war.
Would it really be a class or career? I don't know, it's just an idea I'm sure a lot more people though about.
For example I was more or less disapointed when I knew I couldn't choose Khorne, there was only Tzeentch as a sole Chaos God patron.
I've got no idea how this would be implemented or if it would be possible. One thing is sure it would give a lot more work for the dev team but also make more people happy.
Well maybe in the future, one as to hope.
Oh well I've seen they got a huge Bloodthirster and I think I've glimpse a Temple of Khorne somewhere?...
EDIT: Actually I also like the idea of Elvenangel, Night Goblins Fanatic... I almost forgot about those, how could I? o.O
I want to see a Bomb-class (just like the OP said), you can make bombs and take them to the battle ground (C4 and shit), and place them all over the place! In houses on bridges every where, but it have to be possible to destroy the bombs without being hit by it. (detonate?)
Not so much a class as a race, and there would be (probably) four classes within each race.
~ For Order ... Wood Elves.
~ For Destruction ... Vampire Counts or possibly Skaven.
But I am not a lore master of Warhammer so I don't know how well these would fit into the game.
~ Ancient Membership ~
Slayer I guess. Necro is a good one aswell.
I would rather see more races than classes I think.
Chaos Dwarfs FTW. LizardMen,Undead/Vampire, Skaven,Bretonian,Night Goblins,Hobgoblins,Orges,
Wood Elfs and BeastMen would be fun to play as.
I think this is a good idea, stealth is fun to play, but in RvR they kill people way to easy, so giving them stealth abilities with limited melee would be awesome, and the saboteur aspect would be fun, it's something iv never seen in a game, but iv only played 2 games
I'd ditch the silly class names such as Hammerer, Orc Choppa and such. The latter sound like they came out of an after-school class for remedial spelling.
I'd ditch the silly class names such as Hammerer, Orc Choppa and such. The latter sound like they came out of an after-school class for remedial spelling.
Personally the lore and story behind each character and the fact they do different things makes the names more appropriate then you give them credit for.
So go play WoW, where it's simple, and easy and you won't be forced to think.
Always change your signature.
I'd ditch the silly class names such as Hammerer, Orc Choppa and such. The latter sound like they came out of an after-school class for remedial spelling.
Yeah what an idea forget originality it makes things to complicated for some
(go back to WoW). I would like to have seen slayer it would of brought more people to the dwarf race but then agian it gives them a lot of ideas for xpacs. I like the ones they went with and save the more exzotic ones for a later time.
Sig by WhiskeyJack1
I'd ditch the silly class names such as Hammerer, Orc Choppa and such. The latter sound like they came out of an after-school class for remedial spelling.
Most idiotic post ever. Let's make everything more generic , great idea lol. Anyways... I prefer playing elite classes in the Warhammer universe , not some freaking grunt. It's pretty obviously you have zero knowledge about any of the lore in this game . A freaking rogue you say? you gotta be kidding me...
Back on topic : Am pretty happy with the choice of classes they put in , except for the dark elfs. I would have love to see either a shade or a corsair instead of the sorceress. Slayers would also have been nice , even if they would have to somehow twist the lore to make em fit . They are much cooler than the hammerer , which am not a big fan of.
Actually, I have to admit that Hammerers are probably the weakest career in the game. They are the most generic and seem to have the least lore and purpose.
I think this is shown by the number of people who want to play one - I never see any who list it as something they want to play. Well, at least not often enough to remember.
Most of the other careers have a large amount of definition within their army. No Empire careers are at all alike, for example, but for me the Hammerer is too much like the Ironbreaker; not in play mechanics (momentum vs. grudge, DPS vs. tank)), just in appearance and such. However, the Ironbreaker has much better lore and far more "coolness".
Come to think of it, the Choppa suffers the same fate, in my opinion, when held next to a Black Orc. The Choppa basically is the Orc version of the Hammerer, a relatively straightforward melee DPS career, but its background is shallow next to the Black Orc.
The other armies are a lot better off when it comes to variation, and tend to use much more iconic careers that have little overlap.
Actually, I have to admit that Hammerers are probably the weakest career in the game. They are the most generic and seem to have the least lore and purpose.
I think this is shown by the number of people who want to play one - I never see any who list it as something they want to play. Well, at least not often enough to remember.
Most of the other careers have a large amount of definition within their army. No Empire careers are at all alike, for example, but for me the Hammerer is too much like the Ironbreaker; not in play mechanics (momentum vs. grudge, DPS vs. tank)), just in appearance and such. However, the Ironbreaker has much better lore and far more "coolness".
Come to think of it, the Choppa suffers the same fate, in my opinion, when held next to a Black Orc. The Choppa basically is the Orc version of the Hammerer, a relatively straightforward melee DPS career, but its background is shallow next to the Black Orc.
The other armies are a lot better off when it comes to variation, and tend to use much more iconic careers that have little overlap.
I agree that the Choppa and the Hammerer are the classes with less flavour and should be the least played Imo. Good thing they are opposite classes , archetypes and battlefront. So both race shoud not suffer too much by the lack of both .
I kinda agree with the hammerers and choppas.
For Dwarfs I think Miners would be a somewhat better DPS for Dwarfs.
For Choppas Hmm.. I would have to sorta Agree on the Fanatic, but since that would outnumber the Ork classes I would have to go with the Savage Ork.
I dunno just seeing a bunch of Ork boys dressed only in a loincloth (if that) running you down with clubs and stone spears, would be pretty terrifying.
im sure that most players will go to WAR because they really like DAoC and want to get away from WoW, few of them have probably played the actual Warhammer game and know little of WAR lore, im guilty of that, I really liked DAoC, but it lost too many people and now I'm ready for the next great RvR game.
The former to squirt the musk of fear when the battle is going badly that serves as a detaunt for the seer and a taunt for the rest of his companions while he dashes for the closest sewer entrance and safety. The latter to explain with all 'Truth' to his superiors that it was his stupid and inferior companions that lost the battle in the first place
Goblin Heroes
Skaven should be in the game. Unfortunately I can't think of what the racial pairing for the Skaven would be so not sure how that would work.
As for classes?
Tank: Stormvermin come to mind, though a packmaster controlling one or more rat orgres would stand out as more Skaven in feel I think and would make for an impressive tank! (And be a bit different than the other races)
DPS: Well, since these seem to be all hth based I'd have to say assassin. Seems pretty obvious here. Various poisons, misdirects and such.
Nuker: Grey seer, again pretty obvious.
Healer: Plague Censer bearer with various types of gaseaus toxins, buffs, debuffs, heals, etc...maybe give them Jezielle and poison wind globes for ranged (yeah, sort of mixing troop types here as individually censer bearer, globadiers and jezielles are a little too specialized/limited otherwise). Maybe just call this class the Warp Engineer and allow for all sort of warp-enhanced goodness.
im sure that most players will go to WAR because they really like DAoC and want to get away from WoW, few of them have probably played the actual Warhammer game and know little of WAR lore, im guilty of that, I really liked DAoC, but it lost too many people and now I'm ready for the next great RvR game.
If you can't be bothered to read a very simple description of a class on the game main website , maybe you are lazy? I don't feel GW and Mythic should dumb down an amazing 25 years old lore because some players can't look up stuff on the internet.
East steps : Read on the classes and find the one that most closely match-up the archetype you like. Play it.
Sorry but there is much more Warhammer product fans and consumers than the amount of all time players in DAOC. I have meet many more GW fans in wow ( my name was sanguinius , helps start the convo about it...) than daoc ex-players.
The players from wow that will cross over to war will do so because it his different .I don't see how copying there classes and losing in lore and originality will help bring players in.
I think that the Skaven would be paired more in a clan war within the 'Every Rat for Himself' faction :P
I'd like to see Skaven as a pet class - and as they are typically fight in swarms, maybe give them a few weak rat pets to give the impression of numbers - or as Skythian mentions, in control of a rat ogre.
I think it would be awesome to see a HUGE pack of Skaven swarm into melee....With all the pets and poison and plague etc it would be chaos!