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Alright, so with a little hope and searching I will be bringing home my copy of PotBS tonight ... I'm looking for a good start with a British faction. ( I never did like them bloody Spaniards or Frenchies much )
* grins*
Are there any Brit groups out there looking for new players and don't mind helping someone learn the game? If so, what server would be the best and how can I contact you?
I read a little about [The Royal Red] and i'm looking for groups like them (or maybe even them). I like to RP and I have no problems doing my duty with crafting.
Bonny is the unofficial RP server. There are a smattering of RPers elsewhere, but it's a pretty PvP-focused game much more than RP.
Blackbeard and Rackham have the highest server populations at the moment, with Rackham's being somewhat more balanced over the factions than Blackbeard. Both have goodly sized Brit factions.
A good idea would be to check the server forums at the official website forums or Brit guilds that are recruiting.
Thank you Nova
Who created the first true democracy, who helped America with the Revolution, who gave America the beautiful Statue of Liberty, who has Zinadene Zidane (with the thickest headbutting head in the world)???? I think you know.
Who tried to defeat America in th Revolution and the War of 1812???? Who's extremely stuck up and are huge jerks (well the French are too)????
I'll play Spain, after all, they did discover North America, does the name Columbus ring a bell????
Pirates are just jerks, but fun to play, ehh... ehh...
Royal Red got owned on the Antigua Server along with their British allies.. Lords of the Burning Sea on opening night. At least RR stuck around to fight as LBS retreated after a pounding we gave them both of them.
Pirates on the other hand is a totally new subject, we look forward to meeting them on the end of our cannons.
French? Do they even exist on our server?
On the other hand there may be more british on our server, but that dont mean squat!
No quarter, No surrender!
Oh, strong comeback, i just hope that the servers balance out more, it would suck if it was all one-sided, Besides I made a english character after i made a french one, it was over crowded so i deleted him and ran with the little guy!
" I'll play Spain, after all, they did discover North America, does the name Columbus ring a bell???? "
For the record, Columbus was Italian and the Americas were discovered by the Vikings long before Christopher Columbus.
Actually, although it may be hard to say they "discovered it" the Native Americans discovered the Americans long before both.
EDIT: you remember, the guys killed by the Vikings and enslaved by the Spanish. Those brownskinned fellas with the casinos now.
Good thing I didn't tell you I wanted to play as a Welsh Captain or even one from somewhere near Scotland.
Frank 'Spankybus' Mignone
-3d Artist & Compositor
-Professional Amature
come on, everybody knew Columbus didn't find a passage to the east, and Portugal already knew about the western lands before Columbus discovered it, im just going with popular belief