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I'm lookin to play WAR when it comes out, i used to have DAoC which was the greatest game ever in its prime. I don't really know much about WAR, so please give me the scoop. i wanta know races, classes, crafting, realms, how RvR will work, etc. and anything else that would persuade me to buy the game.
Go to
That will give you all the basic info. Definitely check out the podcasts.
I will, but forums usually gives me the info up front without all the crap to go through on the site
Just watch the podcasts. They will give you almost everything you want to know.
This site is one of the worst to go for info what with the sheer amount of fanboism and venomous posts.
I invite you to We've got quite a bit of info there, plus you can ask questions of our members right in the shoutbox .
Podcasts - like everyone else is saying
Esp. the 'educational' ones like #3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13 & 14.
The others are excellent too, but they are more 'behind the scenes' look at making the game. Definitely watch them but the ones in the above list provide the meat about the actual game mechanics. Watch them all, there have been changes in the game since the early podcasts.
Thanx, ill check out all of em
Click the first sticky link on this forum........
or the link under my sig
So what did you think? I'm curious because many people have been watching the videos one at a time as they were released. I wonder edwhat someone thinks when they get all of them at once
We probably should have included a warning about Paul lol
I learned what i wanted to learn from watching the podcasts, but some of the vids were weird, like WAR production podcast #6, the beginning with the crazy guys........ lol
Paul sounds like a funny guy
sorry to change subjects, but what class are you going to play, or playing (if your a lucky one, lol)?
My main is probably going to be an Ironbreaker. (squig hunter and disciple of khaine might be mains, but prob just alts). I mean what do you want to try first, because i'll eventually try 'em all, although im not the biggest caster, just not as fun fer me.