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Pirates of the Burning Sea: Countdown to Launch Screen - 6 Days

StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696

Flying Lab Software is launching Pirates of the Burning Sea 6 days from now on January 22nd. To celebrate this, the company has provided us with an exclusive screenshot for each of the days remaining before launch.





More on PotBS here.

Jon Wood
Managing Editor


  • slannmageslannmage Member Posts: 540

    I dunno the game looks dated and that wouldn't matter if it had as much any artistic style as WOW has but it dont..... just bland and ugly.

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726

    Another group of developers that should have realized from their Beta test that the game needs a lot of polishing yet.  So they are going to release it now so you can Beta test it until it is right, while you pay for it of course.

    Game is far far too easy to level in.  That and gameplay issues will doom this game, just another Vanguard in a different setting.   When oh when will devs learn to not put half finished games out?

    Sorry I won't be one of the fools paying to beta test.  Who knows, it might turn into an excellent game like Eve did.  Hope they are not expecting a large customer base to support them at first.

  • MrbloodworthMrbloodworth Member Posts: 5,615
    Originally posted by Ozmodan

    Another group of developers that should have realized from their Beta test that the game needs a lot of polishing yet.  So they are going to release it now so you can Beta test it until it is right, while you pay for it of course.
    Game is far far too easy to level in.  That and gameplay issues will doom this game, just another Vanguard in a different setting.   When oh when will devs learn to not put half finished games out?
    Sorry I won't be one of the fools paying to beta test.  Who knows, it might turn into an excellent game like Eve did.  Hope they are not expecting a large customer base to support them at first.

    Lots of exaggeration here.

    "Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me

    "No, your wrong.." - Random user #123

    "Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.

    How are you?" -Me

  • scotczechscotczech Member Posts: 133

    I dont see this game doing anything, its generated about as much excitement as GnH had, and GnH didnt even launch haha.

    So mateys, ill be casting off now, keep a sharp eye to the east, that there ship you see is the good ship AOC....its coming ...

  • FerroxFerrox Member Posts: 66

    Been playing in the Pre-Boarding period thats now on. Cant say I'm impressed anymore than I was in beta. Even though port contention hasnt been switched on yet I cant see it really wow'ing me for more than a week or 2 even when it is live.

    At the moment I can kill lvl 50 ships in a lvl 21 frigate just by sailing up to them, firing off a few salvos of AP and then boarding, 5mins tops to kill one, so as far as the PvE aspect of the game is concerned it gets boring fast. The only reason to level is so you can sail the bigger ships, and that seems like it. Although the game is aimed at PvP it needs the much larger PvE crowd to enable the game to keep going.

    People that are into the crafting economy side of things will be happy though, thats quite involved and I managed to get into it after a couple of days.

    Server populations are averaging about a 1000 at peak times on some servers, possibly a little more, it's lucky the game world is so small. Hopefully they will get upto 2-3k after launch.

    Some of the quests are quite nice but they are replicated for each nation, at least as far as I've seen. It doesnt feel like a grind though so thats one good thing.

    In summary for me this is a game better for crafters and PvP players. For PvE it all gets old real fast.

  • buegurbuegur Member UncommonPosts: 457

    I'm in the pre-boarding phase and having a blast!  If your only on for the pve aspect of the game, this game might not be for you!  After all the game is about Nation verus Nation conquest, you can actually win this game!  If one side gets a certain amount of the cities they are declared the winners and the game will start over.  This game is more like DAoC before the Atlantis expansion in that you did pve to get your skill level up enough to participate in the RVR(realm ) warfare.  That said I'm having just as much fun leveling so I wouldn't let the NvN scare you off too much.  The quests are as varied as any I've seen in these on-line games and the ship combat is fun also.  If the combat is too easy for you as one poster pointed out, you can increase the level of difficulty at a NPC located at each dock. Haven't done that myself yet so don't know how much that changes things.  Don't like the boarding side of combat get attachments and character improvements that prevent an enemy from boarding you, you can also get a faster boat and keep out of range.

  • LanthirLanthir Member UncommonPosts: 222

    This is really a PvP centric game.  It is a shame that the RvR part was turned off for this pre boarding party phase as it really adds to the game.  Yes the PVE get a bit bland except for some really fun missions.  however the PvP is a blast.  Unlike games like WoW skill is reaquired here for PvP  a lvl 10 who is smart can sink a lvl 50 who is not.  The economy adds alot to the game with the RvR really having an effect on it.  The large port battles are a blast.  What i snice is that unlike alot of games that launch such as eqII VG and WoW they are really working hard to eliminate the few bugs left before launch.  Rather,  nice to have an actuall Dev post in a thread ,the same day it goes up, explaining what they are doing to fix a problem.  let alone having Devs join a group ingame to see an issue first hand and not on a test bed.

    Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!

  • slannmageslannmage Member Posts: 540

    I actually think this game will be shutdown wihin 2 years of it's release, don't think it'll have anymore than 20,000 subs.

  • CaesarsGhostCaesarsGhost Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,136
    Originally posted by slannmage

    I actually think this game will be shutdown wihin 2 years of it's release, don't think it'll have anymore than 20,000 subs.

    Except they announced they did 50k PreOrders?

    - CaesarsGhost

    Lead Gameplay and Gameworld Designer for a yet unnamed MMO Title.
    "When people tell me designing a game is easy, I try to get them to design a board game. Most people don't last 5 minutes, the rest rarely last more then a day. The final few realize it's neither fun nor easy."

  • LanthirLanthir Member UncommonPosts: 222

    the preorder servers seem to be averaging  aprox 1 k player at a time.  So that is aprox 10k people playing in the preorder at any given time.  So they must have more than 20k people already let aloen after launch.

    Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!

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