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Check out the new updates, first they kill pest control, then they kill dueling, THEN they kill merchanting, now they're killing PvP?
Runescape is dead. I miss old runescape, time to move on. Was fun while it lasted. I guess like every other MMO, its end is here.
P.S. my entire guild just canceled their subscription, I just recently started playing after a year or so.
You do realize that, above all that you've mentioned, they've also killed RWIT completely?
Anyway, they did NOT kill PvP in any way. Jagex just changed the Wilderness. You're still able to do everything you could do before the update.
Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.
The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.
whats RWIT o_O
Nope, you can no longer own rune miners for their ore... thats one
you think that this was all a good idea?
- No trading cooked for raw/raw for cooked
- No trading herbs for seeds/seeds for herbs
- No trading herbs+seconds+vials for pots
- No trading straight herbs for pots
- No trading cannonballs for steel bars
- No trading fletching supplies for finished products
- No giving double nats
- No trading hides for range armor sets
- No running bones to someone at your altar
- No law running
- No running planks for someone
- No training firemaking and woodcutting together. One person cuts the logs and gives to someone else to burn.
- No hiring people to tan your hides for you
- No giving free loads of fish to people when you're power
- NO World 16, air's for essance program.
- No tab making companies
- No ore running
- No X-Mas Gifts, No helping friends no charity to new players!
- No ore for knives
- No reliable way to make money
- No drop parties
- No rewards from clan wars
- No chivalry in pking
- No customer service
- No fun
- No point in playing anymore.
but hey those noob kid hackers that hack your accounts and drop all your stuff thinking it is funny can still play...
and the pixel hungry noobs that want to stockpile cash to buy poorly drawn little crowns for their pixel princess barbies, guess that is who the game was made for now.
If jagex wanted to save their game they would ip ban hackers, scammers, rw item traders and bots instead of ruin the fun of it for everyone else. every website out there ip bans annoying people .. why does jagex refuse?
Real world trading, although i dunno where he got the I from.
And, please, there will always be 'real world trading' -- you can't stop it. There will be work arounds like it or not.
The only thing Jagex did here was continually bitch slap their community in the face and leave them for dead as they try and fight this 'war' against RMTing.
I said it before and I'll say it again, Jagex is a damn unstable company that doesn't know how to deal with their game. Great, maybe you got rid of most of real world trading -- cool. Of course now you just completely shunned your community in the process.
I laugh at anyone who still trusts Jagex as a company after this, I really truly do.
J. B.
/Sigh, So many posts just like this, Yeah RS is dead, oh well, Was a bad game anyways..
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
Despite the common populace's readiness to dismiss Runescape as "a pile of trash" (and I'm being generous), the game actually contains many features that people have been asking for in other MMOs for a long time, and manages to keep them all balanced in such a way that being max level is not a requirement, and very few people have ever achieved it. The open economy allowed people to make money by doing, quite literally, anything they want. These changes are not just "bringing down a bad game" like many assume, they represent a much larger impact on the gaming community as a whole.
On a side note, I can pretty much guarantee that WoW will see an upswing in subscriptions as a result of these changes.
my bro-inlaw just quite runescape, because some ring that is suppose to rez you with all your stuff, or protect you 100% from dieing didnt work, he lost all his really good stuff, the report he got back from his rteport was very rude, so after years of a paying customer he told em to go stuff it and quite.
playing eq2 and two worlds
As much as it hurts me, I must agree...this seems dead wrong. Trading was the engine that kept the worl of Runescape going. Leveling up skills is worthless. The things that were traded all the time and were beneficial for both parties were in fact the raw materials offered for finished products. Some skills require items that are not that easy to find by yourself (take gems for instance). On the other hand, what's wrong with offering financial support to a noob or to someone in need? Ppl are hacked every day - if I decide to help such a player, Jagex sais I can't? My toon was once a noob and I got help both from friends and random players. My toon got also hacked and again I was helped to get back on my feet. In return I helped a lot of other players - I fail to see why this is now forbidden? I mean back in the day I did a lot of free smelting, gem cutting, herb identifying and so on for others. It helped raising the skills and also helped those guys incapable of producing too high level gear...
This is serious and sad in the same time. Instead of making the community tight, they destroy with one hit everything they managed to achieve during all these years...
There are many older players on RS that were dragged in by their kids to help them out. I am one of those parents. The update to be implemented in January will make it difficult to do so.
Clan Pking is now ridiculous as it is restricted to a small arena and fights even with huge clans only last 20 minutes or less. I co-leaded a clan and we had weekly contests in the sum of 1M gp's for 1st prize to the member that achieved the highest amount of xp's in a week for the selected skill, such as Strength. There were other member building contests as well that will not be able to be done as there is no way to exchange the winnings.
You can't help out the lvl 60 that just died and lost his rune anymore. If I turn my PM to on it takes a few minutes and some one will be thanking me for helping them out. I will miss that.
I have heard rumors that pk'ing will be returned on December 18th but have seen no proof and RS Forums Servers have been down most of today because of dis-satisfied members posting. Jagex will probably do what they have done before by taking away a lot and giving back a little.
The update for trading will not help stop the autoers. I have read that they will be selling pre-loaded characters with 10m gold w/e and 99 woodcutting for example but only level 3.
I cancelled 6 memberships and looking elsewhere.
ranked <=>300 fishing in RuneScape
Mainmast, I totally agree with you, and the same reasons my family left runescape as well. I can no longer make bolts for my brother while he is at work, I can no longer craft hides while they are sleeping, I worked hard for my skills just to be able to help my family and friends, and now all that work was for nothing. I am going to try perfect world out I have heard some people from runescape are going there. Bounty Hunter needs to be renamed "the pile on anyone with items with dds game" that is nothing like pk was. And from what mods are posting, the changes will remain... just they will make changes within their own framework, but things will never go back to the way they were. they didn't even get rid of the rw item traders, now they are selling entirely stocked accounts instead. Looks to me like rw item traders won and the runescape community lost.
from my family they lost 10 memberships.
Ya I read about the riots haha, its pretty lame how much they are changing it. Im not sure they realized what was gonna happen. I never really played it, but I understand why it was popular.
I had a feeling this was coming. In all honestly, Jagex is the most paranoid company I have ever seen... actually they are beyond paranoid. When you ban somone for giving away Full steel (yes, thats right, steel) to there little sister and claiming that it was RWT, you know something ain't right on there end of the woods
Not that i care about this crap company. They where screwed from the beginning, and this update was just the last nail in the coffin...
nice to see you here too (maybe you remember me from rs forums, although over there my name had a spacing in it).
Like you and many others, the latest DOWNdates were the straw that broke the camels back.
Looking for a new game to play, I hope to find one.
you can do a lot of that list, with the new assist feature. although tthe standing around doing nothing while some noob fletchs their own bows is even more dull than doing it for them, one thing i would allow is to have the person doing the assist to actually go about their business while assisting
max xp per 24 hours is 30k with assisting. that doesn't go very far to help someone or more then one person. i have hit my max tons.
And, please, there will always be 'real world trading' -- you can't stop it. There will be work arounds like it or not.
The only thing Jagex did here was continually bitch slap their community in the face and leave them for dead as they try and fight this 'war' against RMTing.
I said it before and I'll say it again, Jagex is a damn unstable company that doesn't know how to deal with their game. Great, maybe you got rid of most of real world trading -- cool. Of course now you just completely shunned your community in the process.
I laugh at anyone who still trusts Jagex as a company after this, I really truly do.
Dude, stop being so cynical. This was a case of human error, that's all. Jagex didn't spend enough time on this update, and I'm angry at them for that. But they've made good decisions in the past, and I'm counting on the fact that they will in the future.
If they don't fix the problems created by this update immediately, that's when I'll stop trusting them.
Lol, RWT has been completely annihilated. There's no denying it.
Have played: RuneScape, EQ2 (free trial), Last Chaos, Silk Road, Dungeon Runners.
Currently playing: RuneScape, Dungeon Runners.
The notion that graphics, or anything else for that matter, are anywhere near as important as gameplay/fun is so utterly ridiculous that anyone who shares such a view should be placed in an asylum.
rwit is still there as well as bots, They are selling whole accounts stocked with larger amounts of $. I think you sir, are the one in denial wanting to think that that this even served it's purpose. The only rwit this stopped at all was a kid giving one item to another account, it did not stop the gold farmers. If gold farmers choose to leave after this it is because runescape made their gold worthless as well as it's game.