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Runescape is a game that is often overlooked by the MMO gaming community but it has a pretty big population and just recently an update was released completely changing PvP and trading with other players. This update was so unpopular that on almost every server (there's about 110) riots took place. People gathered in every major town denouncing the game and its company and demanding that the updates be romoved.
I thought that this was kinda cool and exciting because it really felt like they were fighting for something, does this or has this ever happened before in another game? I know SWG made a lot of people unhappy but has anyother game actually broke into riots?
Runescape amounts to poop on a stick.
If the entire population hates the game and they gather in one zone, woo-hoo. But I really dont think anyone will care.
DAOC - Jerek 50 rr5 Igraine Inf *retired*
DAOC- Guide 50 rr5 Igraine Cler *retired*
Guild Wars 20 W/Mo Jerek *retired*
RF Online- Scyros 36 Accretia Ranger *retired*
R.Y.L Prodigy 89 Assasin *retired/banned*
My name is a RuneScape account name, my account. I am level 112, and have been playing for a while. After the grand exchange came out, I dropped from playing once every 2-3 days to nearly once every 2 weeks. Now that they have announced that they wish for their game to die, I have finally had enough. I don't care that I'm basically loved by other players, I am rich, have decent stats and would have to start over at another game. Doesn't matter to me any more. I have come to purely to find another game.
And in response to has anyone ever rioted? who cares, rioting won't make any difference. Jagex is a company and we are it's clients as players. if they choose to shaft us, that's what they'll do and theres nothing we can do about it.
Usually I wouldn't but........ LOL. They're playing a free MMO and pretty junky one at that and complain like the company owes them any loyalty. LOL.
I hate using that phrase but in this case, it's justified.
WAR is coming. Look busy.
I'll be more convinced when you people go to their offices and riot.
every post i make about runescape gets deleted...
so i'll just say that i very dislike this game.
To feel the full experience of the game you need to get a premium account, thus you are paying them cash.
I did know they would kill the game eventually, after they hit "3D" i thought that already.. But yeah, Rs was a good game with awesome setup.. Though it lacked the interface and graphics to keep me at it.
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
to begin with, only two servers had riots. I believe is was servers 16 and 18. This also wasn't the first riot to occur in Runescape.
As for your question, I've heard reports of riots going on in Korean games. I don't recall any riots happening in a western game before. My personal theory is that it takes a certain volume of players before such behavior is possible. Most Korean games boast subscribers in the millions. Runescape has 5 million players with 500,000 of them actually paying subscriptions.
The paying of subscriptions might have something to do with it as well. Players of free games don't have to worry about being banned sine they can just get a new email address and they're good to go. Subscription players would have to get another credit card and forfeit the money already invested if they get banned.
I'm also wondering how you can riot in a game. It's not like you can set buildings on fire or jack people in safe zones. the most you can do is flood one area until the server crashes. I'm not sure if that would fall under the real life crime of a DOS attack.... Be fun to see if the courts could convict "rioters" on those grounds though
Runescape actually has 10 million accounts with 1 million being subscribers. I remember reading that blurb at gamasutra.
I'm curious to see what changed about pvp and trading to convince even a handful of servers to riot. It's not a good idea to turn upside a playstyle people are used to. If that's what happened Jagex should just change things back. Hopefully this is a legitimate complaint unlike the way people whine about the game going 3D...
PvP was blatently removed, and replaced with a mini game.
trading will be changed so that by trading you can only lose 3,000 coins worth of items in a 15 minute peroid.
I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.
There were riots in WoW on a few was so long ago I forget what it was about.
BTW this isn't off-topic, just mentioning RS wasn't the first Western game to have riots.
To feel the full experience of the game you need to get a premium account, thus you are paying them cash.
I did know they would kill the game eventually, after they hit "3D" i thought that already.. But yeah, Rs was a good game with awesome setup.. Though it lacked the interface and graphics to keep me at it.
Why would you pay for Runescape when there are so many better alternatives?
SWG did erupt into riots on a number of servers. The first one was early on in the game with every wookiee player gathering in one city demanding that armor be added for them; Which SOE caved into. Then later on it became a bannable offense to gather in large numbers as it was considered griefing. Shortly after the announcement came the CU.
There were several "riots" which took place in Everquest. At least the definition back then was to crowd a lynchpin zone (freeport) with so many players that the server would crash. I know it worked on a handful of occasions, but mostly nowadays servers handle the strain significantly better.
I am uncertain if there were any in UO, however, given any collection of players invariably resulted in PK'ing in that game I'm not certain how it would work.
I remember one time in response to a nerf to warriors in WoW some warriors from various servers made a lvl 1 alt and marched to Ironforge.
Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
Currently Playing: RoM.
Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/
then how come it's not even competing in the market.
Im not usre acually. It does have alot more subs then most games out there. Look at statistics on alot of websites. Im guessing that the fact its a browser based game most Websites and reveiwers wont give the game a chance and blow it off. As for gamers(like you) They dont give the game a chance do to varius reasons like graphics or the point and click. But really if you gave the game a shot you would see why there are so many subs.Well that is before this patch
Easy....Im not usre acually. It does have alot more subs then most games out there. Look at statistics on alot of websites. Im guessing that the fact its a browser based game most Websites and reveiwers wont give the game a chance and blow it off. As for gamers(like you) They dont give the game a chance do to varius reasons like graphics or the point and click. But really if you gave the game a shot you would see why there are so many subs.Well that is before this patch
1 Million RS subs = 333,333 regular P2P subs
RS only charges $5 a month for a sub which is 1/3 what a normal P2P game charges. Still 300k+ subs ain't bad but it's certainly not in the running for the most profitable game out there. I used to play RS years ago and liked the game for what it was. It's actually not a bad's just not in the same league as games such as WoW, EQ2, LotRO or any other current P2P MMO. Judge RS for what it is and not for what it isn't and you'll find that for a Java game it's top notch.
lol stop imagning stuff, people have clearly written in english that from "such newspaper" they 've read that RS has 9 mil subs of which are 1m paying customers. anyhow what they've done will bring alot of players into this forum looking for new game so be nice. i found mine POTBS then AOC.
Easy....Im not usre acually. It does have alot more subs then most games out there. Look at statistics on alot of websites. Im guessing that the fact its a browser based game most Websites and reveiwers wont give the game a chance and blow it off. As for gamers(like you) They dont give the game a chance do to varius reasons like graphics or the point and click. But really if you gave the game a shot you would see why there are so many subs.Well that is before this patch
1 Million RS subs = 333,333 regular P2P subs
RS only charges $5 a month for a sub which is 1/3 what a normal P2P game charges. Still 300k+ subs ain't bad but it's certainly not in the running for the most profitable game out there. I used to play RS years ago and liked the game for what it was. It's actually not a bad's just not in the same league as games such as WoW, EQ2, LotRO or any other current P2P MMO. Judge RS for what it is and not for what it isn't and you'll find that for a Java game it's top notch.
+1m subs, and just thought i'd say that isnt the only way they make money, people playing free make them money too, because advertisers pay jagex to advertise on their site for free players.
He said 10million subs with 1million paying. Where does 333.333333k come in?
I like it when I hear a gaming community takes up arms against a common cause. This happened early on in the age of DAOC and In WoW when particular populations felt underappreciated. Its always a fun sght to behold ...until the servers crash.
I say, power to the peeps.
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Yes thats Right there were 1000s of riots and alot of ppl that understood the game really cared for it and it's people. It was an extremely consumer freindly game and its almost like the whole game teams together to fight the economy of Jagex Ltd. I was trying to riot for the first day of the Update and i thought this wasnt helping much so i decided to start giving jagex better ideas to deal with their problems. I cane up with the idea that MAYBE They Should Just Start Selling Rs Gold! They changed the game so much so u cant do anything anymore u cant get items from ppl because there was so much ppl trying to buy gold for money, this all got out of hand. Now in their database i read that its one of their ideas but then it breaks their OLD RULES they say so its not the best idea. i 4 one think its a good idea because they can make money off of it and make their players happy.

~ I2oor is a rs name one of my acc's
also add el i3itcho if u play the game, i accept free stuff from ppl who are quitting
RIP Runescape 12/10/07
~DOOMSDAY~ is a good alternative for runescape refugees
It takes a real man to learn the truth... it takes the truth to learn a real man.
The word you're looking for is "Protest".
Now UO was a game that you could have a good old fashion riot in. Organize and slaughter every innocent player who tries to do anything = riot.