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Page Loading Problems at mmorpg.

Mariner-80Mariner-80 Member Posts: 347

I just wanted to mention I have been have a LOT of problems loading the pages at this site. It was fine until about a week to 10 days or so ago. Now I keep having to load/reload/re-reload pages several times to get them to display properly.

Sometimes all I get is the mmorpg site header, sometimes other bits and pieces of the advertisements appear squished and pushed around in all the wrong places, but the core element (an article, column, or forum page) does not appear. Navigating the forums, particularly, is becoming (forgive me for saying so) a real exercise in frustration.

I am using Safari on a Mac, and everything here was, as I said, just fine until the last week or so. Clearing the cache didn't fix it. :-(

I think this is a fun, interesting, and well-run site -- but I may take a leave of absence from it for a while if this aggravating page-loading problem continues.

Any suggestions for how to fix it?


  • Mariner-80Mariner-80 Member Posts: 347

    This problem seems to have gone away. Thanks for ... whatever you did. :-)

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