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What can EQ2 offer me?

MoodsorMoodsor Member UncommonPosts: 712

Hey guys, so im looking for something new, ive been playing WOW for about 2 years, LOTRO for about 3 months and before that i played DaOC for around a year.

Basicly WOW has tired me out, the game doesnt have what it takes to keep me interested, LOTRO i thought would be the new game for me, but after reaching 50 it just seems way too thin, not really much to do.

So im wondering what a game like EQ2 could offer me, i value solo play, crafting, raiding, and sometimes some group play.

Is it possible for me to actually solo by questing all the way to max level in this game? What classes are recommended for this ?

How is endgame raiding, does it actually offer real challenges?

I hope someone will take the time to answer my questions, im looking into alot of stuff on EQ2, but just cant make up my mind.



  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318

    I've played almost since the day it opened and never reached the end game. Don't be in a hurry to do it. There's so much to do and the whole point of it is the journey, not the end.

    This sounds like the game you're looking for. It has everything you've asked about, its in depth and interesting.

  • MoodsorMoodsor Member UncommonPosts: 712

    Thanks for your answer, most games when you read about them people say that the game doesnt start till max level, but with EQ2 i continously see people saying that this game starts when you start your character, it does really seem like this has that little extra thing im looking for.

    Ill download the trial and take it from there :)

  • mackdawg19mackdawg19 Member UncommonPosts: 842

    EQ2 definitly sounds like your game. I wouldn't base to much of anything off that trial though. Alot of what is good about eq2 is not in that trial, and if it is, its in a very small dose. I started playing eq2 about a little less than a month ago, and i love it to death. It gives me that DaoC feeling of being challenging. It also offers plenty of depth to the game. And the class's really work well together. From everything I've read, it seems if your looking for a solo class, furys or necro's are the class to go. But they are also considered sweet in groups as well. You can buy the basic game plus all the expansions and even there newest one for 39.99. Thats prolly the best deal i've seen on a great game in awhile. Goodluck and just enjoying gaming. :P

  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798

    about that trial...


    you are forced to play a fae for your 1st character - after that you can play any race you want

    (stupid, I know)

  • HricaHrica Member UncommonPosts: 1,129

    Although EQ2 is the best Fantasy MMO imho, you won't find anything new. The MMO field is saturated with Fantasy games, all pretty much do the same thing


    Try Pirates of the Burning Sea, great new experience.

    Plus it's on the station pass

  • LysandrosLysandros Member Posts: 44

    The only MMOs I can still recommendare Final Fantasy XI and Everquest II.

    Honestly, I would still play and still recommend World of Warcraft if The Burning Crusade didn't ruin the game for me and countless others. Rise of the Lich King, or whatever the new WoW expansion is called, is going to do the same thing -- cause TBC expansion newbies to quit  and further the snowball downfall of WoW.

    FFXI and EQ2 are tried and true and have benefited from their expansions, not faltered.

    Vanguard: Saga of Heroes might be worth a look also. I enjoyed my brief stint there during launch -- but the bugs and "chunking" were just too.. abrasive.

    The other option is save your money and buy a new rig, or upgrade for the future releases of the hype-titles like Age of Conan, Warhammer and the like.


  • QbicQbic Member UncommonPosts: 35

    EQ2 will offer you a great game but on top of that you will be a part of the best community I have encountered so far in an mmorpg.  Everyone is nice and helpful and a game can be great but if the community is not that terrific (sorry to mention this but that is how i feel about wow) you get burnt out soon.  I tried EQ2 at launch and left after my free month.  I returned last month and am having a blast.  DAOC was my first mmorpg and will always have a special place but EQ2 sure comes close and I never thought that would happen again  

    Try the game and you won't be disappointed.  

  • bahamut1bahamut1 Member Posts: 614
    Originally posted by Velera

    Hey guys, so im looking for something new, ive been playing WOW for about 2 years, LOTRO for about 3 months and before that i played DaOC for around a year.
    DAOC is a great game!
    Basicly WOW has tired me out, the game doesnt have what it takes to keep me interested, LOTRO i thought would be the new game for me, but after reaching 50 it just seems way too thin, not really much to do.
    WoW is easy mode, great for beginners. LotRO is a fine game, but hardcore need not apply. It is a casually strict game. (And I can't stand the graphics in either)
    So im wondering what a game like EQ2 could offer me, i value solo play, crafting, raiding, and sometimes some group play.
    They are all there, in overwhelming amounts.
    Is it possible for me to actually solo by questing all the way to max level in this game? What classes are recommended for this ?
    Yes, just pick one you like.
    How is endgame raiding, does it actually offer real challenges?
    The raiding has always been top notch, but since RoK, there is no game that can come close to comparison to EQ2 PvE raiding anywhere. It simply is the best with no contest currently.
    I hope someone will take the time to answer my questions, im looking into alot of stuff on EQ2, but just cant make up my mind.


    "Granted thinking for yourself could be considered a timesink of shorter or longer duration depending on how smart..or how dumb you are."

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871
    Originally posted by Velera

    Hey guys, so im looking for something new, ive been playing WOW for about 2 years, LOTRO for about 3 months and before that i played DaOC for around a year.
    Basicly WOW has tired me out, the game doesnt have what it takes to keep me interested, LOTRO i thought would be the new game for me, but after reaching 50 it just seems way too thin, not really much to do.
    So im wondering what a game like EQ2 could offer me, i value solo play, crafting, raiding, and sometimes some group play.
    Is it possible for me to actually solo by questing all the way to max level in this game? What classes are recommended for this ?
    Yes it is possible, ive done it (well nearly im 4 levels away from 80).  Any class can do it, my Zerker has soloed for the most part to 76 thus far, and my Swashie to 61.  Necro's, Conjurors, Furies and Bruisers are the classes considered a bit better for soloing but like i said any class can.
    How is endgame raiding, does it actually offer real challenges?
    Cant help ya there sorry i don't raid.
    I hope someone will take the time to answer my questions, im looking into alot of stuff on EQ2, but just cant make up my mind.


  • lillinlillin Member Posts: 207
    Originally posted by Velera

    Hey guys, so im looking for something new, ive been playing WOW for about 2 years, LOTRO for about 3 months and before that i played DaOC for around a year.
    OMG, this  kind of question is asked what .............. 2 times a day here at the least.
    Basicly WOW has tired me out, the game doesnt have what it takes to keep me interested, LOTRO i thought would be the new game for me, but after reaching 50 it just seems way too thin, not really much to do.
    Same thing in eq2, i couldnt even make myself level to the new cap of 80 .............. its the same damn thing every expansion.
    So im wondering what a game like EQ2 could offer me, i value solo play, crafting, raiding, and sometimes some group play.
    Oh you will get alot of solo play .................... all the way up to 80 most likely, wont be by choice so its good you like to solo going in to this.
    Is it possible for me to actually solo by questing all the way to max level in this game? What classes are recommended for this ?
    Sure, you can lock xp and quest all the way to 80 ................. i currently have a test toon that i am doing it with to see if it is possible ................ its boring as hell since most your play time is spent running back and forth for turn ins.
    What classes .................. any class can solo ................ that being said some just do it faster ........... ide look to brawlers, sk, necro, mage, wizzy, warlock, enchanters for faster solo possibilities these classes also prove to take heroics out with ease even with crappy gear.
    How is endgame raiding, does it actually offer real challenges?
    Cant say much here, not much into raiding ............ its 23 morons following one person who can figure things out to kill a mob.  I prefer solo and small groups ................ only way to really get a challenge out of this game.  In all seriousness, most will say im bitter or eq2 hater, but ive played this game since launch and its basically eq1 for dummies.  Sony hasn't figured out that you can make a casual game challenging yet.  If anyone tells you eq2 is challenging you can bet they're one of the 23 morons mentioned above.
    I hope someone will take the time to answer my questions, im looking into alot of stuff on EQ2, but just cant make up my mind.
    Eq2 can be fun, many little things to do to keep you occupied.  It will last long enough to make worth the 40 dollars for all the content to date. Bout after a year though you will run out of stuff to do ............ or feel you are just repeating the same thing over and over again.


  • JohnhostJohnhost Member Posts: 146

    Hey guys, so im looking for something new, ive been playing WOW for about 2 years, LOTRO for about 3 months and before that i played DaOC for around a year.


    Basicly WOW has tired me out, the game doesnt have what it takes to keep me interested, LOTRO i thought would be the new game for me, but after reaching 50 it just seems way too thin, not really much to do.

    So im wondering what a game like EQ2 could offer me, i value solo play, crafting, raiding, and sometimes some group play.

    Everquest II has been tuned for exactly your play style.  It features tons of solo play overland, mostly grouping in dungeons and a very deep and meaningful crafting system.  Crafting is actually useful and valuable in EQ2.

    Is it possible for me to actually solo by questing all the way to max level in this game? What classes are recommended for this ?

    You can solo from level 1 - 80 through quests or even by grinding if you wish.  The classes considered best at soloing are:






    Every class CAN solo but those are the easiest solo classes.

    How is endgame raiding, does it actually offer real challenges?

    I personally haven't done end game raiding in EQ2, done it in EQ1 though.  I can say this...the raiders seem pretty damn happy in EQ2.

    I hope someone will take the time to answer my questions, im looking into alot of stuff on EQ2, but just cant make up my mind.

    I suggest you take a look at my sticky about the features in the game.  But here is a basic overview:

    Everquest II is placed in the world of Norrath.  It takes place 500 years later from Everquest 1.  The world has survived a massive war and a cataclysm.  The moon of Luclin (4th expansion from EQ1) has been blown up in the sky leaving a fire trail in the night sky. 

    The world is being rediscovered and the famous cities and places of Everquest are being explored anew. 

    The game is balanced for solo overland play, group dungeon play and raid encounters for guilds.  Raids can start as early as level 20 and continue until level cap.

    In Everquest II you can...


    • Solo and/or group from level 1 - 80
    • Raid from level 20 - 80
    • Quest from 1 - 80 or grind all the way
    • Ride mounts ranging from horses to rhinos to flying carpets
    • Customize your character through Alternative Advancements
    • Loads of customizations for your race, class, class tree, etc.
    • Heroic Opportunities offer solo, group or raid cooperation and rewards


    • Make useful items at level 1
    • Sell your items from your player house 24/7
    • Sell your items from the broker 24/7
    • Crafting that is interactive and fun
    • Danger in crafting, loose rare items if you fail or evil die!

    Just for fun

    • Player vs. Player arena earn titles
    • Play in the arena as your character or as an arena champion (these double as house pets as well)
    • Own your own home right away
    • Mounts
      • Horses
      • Magic Carpets
      • Rhino
      • Wargs
    • Guild housing (coming soon guild halls)#
    • Fun fluff spells and items
    • Tons of illiusion, fight as an orc, goblin, gnoll, treant, wolf, bear, lion, tiger, or any race or mini-moppet
    • Veteran Rewards gives unique and powerful items to players JUST for subscribing!
    • Roleplaying servers dedicated to a fun roleplay community
    • Unique Everquest holidays with fun quest, rewards and collector items
      • Frostfell (aka Christmas)
      • Erollisi Day (aka Valentines Day)
      • Halloween
      • Brew Day (Saint Patrick's Day)
    • Legends of Norrath Collectible Trading Card Game
    • Loot cards
    • Find booster packs free in Everquest  or Everquest II
    • Play LoN again players in EQ, EQ2 or stand alone client
    • Gigglegibber slot machine

    So that is some of the things you can do...I mean there isn't really anything WOW, LOTRO or anyone has that is better then EQ2.  It's more a matter of getting the most use out of the content that is there.


  • NadiaNadia Member UncommonPosts: 11,798

    Monks/Bruisers solo very well


    I was level 44 in less than 7 days /played

    - mostly thru solo questing  (no guild help - any dungeon grouping was pickup groups)


    3 RealTime months later - im a 79 Monk 


  • TopCatFCDTopCatFCD Member Posts: 21

    I think the answer to truely enjoying most mmos these days is to find a good friendly guild no matter what game it is in. It makes levelling less boring having some folk chatting away and the odd group etc without the fear of asses etc lol.


    Other than that play till youre bored and once youre bored stop. This applies to any game btw imho :)

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