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Just wanted to let MMORPG members know about the most active EntropiaUniverse community site, with over 14,000 members and 800,000 posts:
Tons of valuable info about items, professions, events, skills, economy and trading.
Also, there are very detailed guides and tutorials for new players.
This is a great starting point for anyone curious about EntropiaUniverse, especially how the real-cash economy feature works in EU.
Since the EU section on this forum is pretty dead, I thought it would be a good idea to provide a link to a site where interested MMORPG members could find a wealth of info about EU.
Enjoy! The most active community site for EntropiaUniverse.
I found about 1 month after joining Entropia Universe. I really wish I had found Entropia Forum before I joined Entropia Universe. In the month prior to finding the forum, I made numerous bad choices in purchases I had made which could have easily been avoided if I'd had the immensely rich information I would have gained from the equally rich forum user base.
I have now come to see Entropia Universe and Entropia Forum as an almost symbiotic relationship in that, although seperately owned, the cross over and interaction between the two make for an outstanding experience. Entropia Forum is also one of the most interesting Forums I've ever participated in of any subject matter.
MindBuster did a great job in setting up the forum in the first instance and we all owe MB a debt of gratitude for his efforts. However, 711 has taken it to the next level making Entropia Forum even better as time goes on. Adding new features to make our forum participation just as interesting as being in Entropia Universe itself.
I look forward to seeing you over at Entropia Forum soon
Any idiot can critizise but few idiots can critizise well or with style
personal feelings aside regarding the sometime overzelous modding, i am a big, big, fan of this forum site.
i too wish i had read the forum before really getting into the game. i spent about 2 months wandering around wasting money until i found the forum. i still lose out, but at least i know why now plus i can learn new ways to play smarter.
besides, when something good or bad happens in game i have to tell someone and my RL friends think the game is lame. but they play WOW, so they can't really judge, now can they lol.
Entropiaforum is a great place for new people to find guides and other information about the game. I do have to say that that forum may be a little biased and concealing of what is actually going on in the universe. As in any game there was a sick person exposed which happens to be a Pedo. You recieved a healthy ban on that forum if you talked too much about it.
Be prepared to say what is excepted there.... nothing but a popularity contest with a couple people that want to talk in the background.
This is a very controlled pro MA forum, you cant even name another game like SL or AW without getting banned
You are not allowed to to say the word NEOVIXEN ( Neomaven the forum owner bought another uber avatar named Vixen) without getting banned
Scammers like Stryker (wich is in the same society as Forumowner NEOVIXEN) and Mudkicker are defended by the rules.
Any attempt to discuss scammers or scamming is not allowed just to cover MA´s usless scamming policy and even the scamming subthreads are removed from the forum.
Totally reminds of Chinese goverment controlld media
If its any forum where you can learn something you shuld visit
ef is nothing but "unofficial" official ma site
Id recommend to stay away from it
quite disgusting policies they have about scammers etc
er at least has certain degree of freedom for speech
regardless of the no-names policy entropia forum is THE best choice at this moment for solid entropia information.
i log 1st into entropia forum to get the news about the game that matters (majority of posts are good, certain posts get jerked around )
then i log into my socieety forum to see what my friends have to say.
then i log into the entropiareality forum to get the story behind the story. (but mostly this forum is filled with whiners and flamers)
then i play. i can't just read one. it would be like only watching one news channel and thinking you got the whole story. kinda like believing everything fox news has to say
Yep, is a great forum!