I will also confirm this. The thing I used to not like about kr, was that the asthetics, and old world art style of uo had been removed, oh and the chat bar sucked also. Well now with the new chat interface, and legacy art and legacy container features, this has effectively become a non-issue. Please, I ask all former or current players who were apprehensive about the new client, to try it now, as it is finally up to snuff.
Here's whats been changed, fixed, or improved, in th KR client, as of Nov. 20 2007.
New Features:
Legacy Art Mode - enable this in Options: User Settings: Graphics, then restart the client to enable
Fully Moddable UI -
Substantial number of client optimizations - should run much smoother now
Improved the guild ui
Added legacy container art - enable this in Options: User Settings: Graphics (no restart needed for this one)
Fixed a number of windows that weren't updating properly, ncluding party window, pet window, draggable health bars, and more
The item properties "blessed" "blessed for playername" and "insured for playername" are now colored blue for increased visibility
"Macros" and "Actions" are two separate items on the main menu
Improved the layout of the veteran rewards window
Improved the animal lore window
Polished spellbook window
Polished char creation window
Improved npc vendor window
Empty slots on the paperdoll now have a tooltip telling you what goes in it
Removed the "add by ID" option in the friends list (since there's no way to find an ID, it was not usable)
Improved the art and functionality of the party window
Added a line to specify what the target is in the tooltip for a hotbar slot
Chat Improvements:
The default chat config now only has one tab with all chat in it.
Added a "reset chat to default" option in settings
Added /r or /reply command to automatically reply to the last person to send you a /tell
/tell now requires a comma after the player name (it will also handle multi-word names)
Shift-left clicking on a line of chat will copy it to the clipboard
Party, guild, alliance and faction messages will not show as overhead text
The chat context menus now has a color selection option for text color, overhead chat color, and chat window background color
Map Improvements:
added a settings:interface item to reset map icons to default
added 40 new icons for waypoints
waypoint icons on the map will show sextant coordinates when you mouse over them
UI Improvements and Fixes:
You can now target a player or creature by clicking the name over their head
Added a user settings option to use the mouse wheel for targeting - can choose target friendly or target enemy
Added stat hotbar icons - you can drag off icons from the stats window to your hotbar, where it will display the number of your stat. (mouseover the icon for the name of the stat)
Health, mana, and stamina stat icons will change when their value is under 10 - the weight icon will glow when you approach your weight limit
Added dual monitor support - the kr window can now be stretched across two monitors
Static objects (trees, etc) will now display their name when you click on them
If you have your bandages in your hotbar, a timer will count down when you use them, telling you how long it will be until the bandage is applied
Fixed a few bugs with tree foliage not fading correctly
When you drag a stack of items, the number of items will automatically be selected
skill icons in your hotbar will now show your skill points in their tooltip
Made toggle UI, screenshot, toggle circle of transparency, reload ui all configurable keybindings
Turn off hotbar page flipping if legacy chat is enabled (use shift 0-9 to change hotbars in legacy mode)
Players can now target items on ther hotbars, provided the item is in their backpack or equiped.
Added a default targeting for spells, different spells now have a different default target instead of defaulting always to current target.
Many macros can now be interrupted by the ESC key
General Fixes and Improvements:
Added decoration in many areas, including the doom gauntlet and serpent's hold
Shortened the hiryu's tail
Made giant beetle's beak shorter
Made ostards' tails shorter
Tweaked and added a number of creature graphics and animations
The skills available in Character Creation now match 2d
Items behind other items should be easier to select in freeform view
Tweaked appearance of trees to make them blend with the background less
I was looking at some pictures of the legacy version, they do look pretty impressive. Same old art style with updated graphics. This should have been put in years ago.
Total time played:9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds
I will also confirm this. The thing I used to not like about kr, was that the asthetics, and old world art style of uo had been removed, oh and the chat bar sucked also. Well now with the new chat interface, and legacy art and legacy container features, this has effectively become a non-issue. Please, I ask all former or current players who were apprehensive about the new client, to try it now, as it is finally up to snuff.
Here's whats been changed, fixed, or improved, in th KR client, as of Nov. 20 2007.
New Features:
Chat Improvements:
Map Improvements:
UI Improvements and Fixes:
General Fixes and Improvements:
Yes it does look great and is ALOT smoother running, its getting very close to bug free ( must be a record in UO history )
Yes it does look great and is ALOT smoother running, its getting very close to bug free ( must be a record in UO history )
Lol, true,true. I am very surprised also.
I was looking at some pictures of the legacy version, they do look pretty impressive. Same old art style with updated graphics. This should have been put in years ago.
Total time played: 9125 Days, 21 Hours, 29 Minutes, 27 Seconds
Time played this level: 39 Days, 1 Hour, 24 Minutes, 5 Seconds