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people of lotro

people of lotro what do you think of your game and what are your favourite parts to it

Played: WoW, Guild wars, Eve, SWG, and more


  • CzzarreCzzarre Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,742

    I like the atmosphere. It stays true to the books themselves. I like seeig the characters I read on the pages and taking quests from them just seems, more important.


  • KapazoKapazo Member UncommonPosts: 107

    The Community ( [EN-RP] Laurelin ) and the graphic.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.

    "Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin

  • AckbarNLAckbarNL Member Posts: 458

    Lotro's groundwork is based completely around the Lore of Middle Earth, and I am an avid fan of the Books and Movies. Being able to not only live my life in Middle Earth, but to create my OWN story behind my character, that was what really brought my eyes to Lotro. The storyline behind the game was also so rich and inviting that I just can't stop playing! Also, the goal of Lotro is meant to involve you in the lore, not force you to grind to the highest level and THEN get you started in the lore. The whole game is brought up on avoiding the black hole of other games, in this case Grinding for levels. 

    Leveling in Lotro comes naturally and easily, there is no real need to force yourself to grind to get your next level. It just all flows naturally, and thus is more casual, Lotro is defently not meanth to rush to the max, the enjoyment comes from the jorney to it, i am now level 45 captain, and have a moster char of 49% and a level 12 hunter alt. So far this is the best mmo if played in my life, but be warent, its defently not for hardcore style players or grinders, i play this game difrently i take quest for quests and realy get myself in the story instead of other mmo's were i used to take a whole bunch of quests and finish them as fast as possble, is not the way to go, but try the lotro trail and look for yourself, my taste is not yours...

    Playing: World of Warcraft.
    Played: Lord of the Rings Online, Starwars Galaxies.
    Tried: Starwars the Old Republic, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Vanguard, Age of Conan, Aion.

  • antoniuspiusantoniuspius Member Posts: 55
  • JohnnyMotrinJohnnyMotrin Member UncommonPosts: 439

    I haven't played Lotro since closed beta, but I finally purchased a copy of the game on Black Friday and I'm amped to get started (I chose to finish my studies before I start). I still can't believe Best Buy was selling the game for $9.99 (originally $29.99)!


  • solarinesolarine Member Posts: 1,203

    Originally posted by Kapazo

    The Community ( [EN-RP] Laurelin )    

    Just have to second that one :)

  • ValentinaValentina Member RarePosts: 2,112

    The quests, stories, lore, graphics, community, music.

  • iMMORPGiMMORPG Member Posts: 54

    Loved the community, crafting, and the quests. Pretty awesome game hehe.

    Played: WoW, EVE, EQ, DDO, LoTRO, RoM, FFXI, Guild Wars, WAR, RuneScape, 2029 Online.
    Currently Playing: RoM.
    Waiting for: A Hardcore MMO =/

  • TaniquetilTaniquetil Member Posts: 214

    Originally posted by solarine

    Originally posted by Kapazo

    The Community ( [EN-RP] Laurelin )    


    Just have to second that one :)

    Amen , the community is great.The folks on Laurelin are the best

  • I love the pvp in the ettenmoors. Now it's heavily slanted towards the free persons but us dedicated monster types love it. So many in fact that Turbine is having to spend development time on the mp side on what orginally was supposed to be a side game. But I've been at it for 5 months now and play everyday. It's not for everyone and it's not your typical pvp as there is no real balance but if you ever wanted to be a spider, wolf, orc or uruk this is your chance. You just have to play a free person up to level 10 (fairly easy to do since that side of the game is quest driven).


    Mummy. Soldier Weaver on Brandywine

  • ghostinfinitghostinfinit Member UncommonPosts: 552
    Originally posted by sandage

    Lotro's groundwork is based completely around the Lore of Middle Earth, and I am an avid fan of the Books and Movies. Being able to not only live my life in Middle Earth, but to create my OWN story behind my character, that was what really brought my eyes to Lotro. The storyline behind the game was also so rich and inviting that I just can't stop playing! Also, the goal of Lotro is meant to involve you in the lore, not force you to grind to the highest level and THEN get you started in the lore. The whole game is brought up on avoiding the black hole of other games, in this case Grinding for levels. 

    Leveling in Lotro comes naturally and easily, there is no real need to force yourself to grind to get your next level. It just all flows naturally, and thus is more casual, Lotro is defently not meanth to rush to the max, the enjoyment comes from the jorney to it, i am now level 45 captain, and have a moster char of 49% and a level 12 hunter alt. So far this is the best mmo if played in my life, but be warent, its defently not for hardcore style players or grinders, i play this game difrently i take quest for quests and realy get myself in the story instead of other mmo's were i used to take a whole bunch of quests and finish them as fast as possble, is not the way to go, but try the lotro trail and look for yourself, my taste is not yours...

    I liked that subscription website you posted.  Oddly (and I'm not trying to be argumentative)  I couldn't find lotro subs over 300k there. 

  • TymoraTymora Member UncommonPosts: 1,295

    Originally posted by Nikepwns

    people of lotro what do you think of your game and what are your favourite parts to it
    I like the storyline that go along with major quests, the graphics are nice, the characters and animations are ok.  My favorite is the art style that seems to keep with how I imagined Middle Earth while reading the books.  I really like all the emotes and moods, and I like crafting a lot.

    I wish that I could fit in better with the community and find fellowships more often, though.  Also, I am not very impressed with the combat system, it needs some spicing up.  Overall, one of my favorite mmos to date, but it's no Original Star Wars Galaxies or Everquest II.

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